Equip an item, click on it, then equip another


The Average Joe MQer
Jun 30, 2008
Reaction score
Hey, I've been trying to figure out if the following would be possible in a hotkey:

Equip an item from one of your bags into a slot.
Click on it using a command line.
Swap back to the item that was first in the slot before the switch.

Using mq2exchange swaping is easy. Just can't figure out if you can write a command line that would "click" on say... the hands slot or something else of my choice?
/call MQ2Cast ["spell name"|"item name"|"AA name"|"AA#"] [[item|slotname]|alt|gem#] [give up time][s|m] [custom subroutine name] [-targetid|###] [-maxtries|#] [-recast|#] [-setin|setname] [-bandolier|setname]
I'm getting: cannot call when a macro isn't running
Create a file for the character in the mq2 dir, called: servername_toonname.cfg

Here is an example that would bind a few keys (s, j, and e).

/custombind add staff
/custombind set staff /multiline ; /exchange "Staff of Temperate Flux" mainhand;/itemnotify mainhand rightmouseup;/timed 21 /exchange "Drakkel Wolf Claws" mainhand
/custombind add escape
/custombind set escape /multiline ; /exchange "Crucible of Escape" offhand;/itemnotify offhand rightmouseup;/timed 21 /exchange "Book of Impracticality" offhand
/custombind add jboots
/custombind set jboots /multiline ; /exchange "Journeyman's Boots" feet;/itemnotify feet rightmouseup;/timed 21 /exchange "Slippers of Dark Mana" feet
/bind staff s
/bind jboots j
/bind escape e

Requires MQ2Exchange & MQ2CustomBinds plugins loaded.

Of course, if all you want is a way to click them, then yeah, use /itemnotify in whatever form you wish (bind, alias, etc.).

You could also use mq2cast to "click" your item, for example:

/casting "crystalline shoulder pads of gelid winds" |item
/casting "mana robe" |item

which you can just put onto one line of a hotkey even if a macro isn't running. The nice thing is that it auto-equips the item, casts it, then switches it back to inventory (it'll also switch the clicky to an open inventory slot if it's not "must equip").
You could also use mq2cast to "click" your item, for example:

/casting "crystalline shoulder pads of gelid winds" |item
/casting "mana robe" |item

which you can just put onto one line of a hotkey even if a macro isn't running. The nice thing is that it auto-equips the item, casts it, then switches it back to inventory (it'll also switch the clicky to an open inventory slot if it's not "must equip").

It just uses mq2exchange to do the same thing you would by typing it out.

I have problems with this still...

It just uses mq2exchange to do the same thing you would by typing it out.



I use a macro that uses a series of commands for MQ2Cast to click items and cast spells. It once worked flawlessly, but over the past few months I started having more and more problems with it. I posted a message about it once a while back, and you were looking into it at the time, though I never heard back on it... I figured you still had it on your to-do list.

Ultimately, I had to put spells in specific slots and use the /keypress command to make it work as a work-around. Any thoughts?