Edit Zone File


New member
Oct 4, 2007
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I was wondering if it's possible to edit a zone file to remove mountains and trees etc?
I would make farming much easier for me if it's possible to remove all the rocks and trees in my way...

Just a thought
EQ Emu scene had something like this quite awhile ago. I know I messed with it but I can't actually remember what it was called. The big problem with it though was people saw you walk straight through trees and rocks, and knew you were hacking.

Would be great for getting near flawless pathing, just bad for player detection.
I'll check that out. I'm not worried about detection because I would be using this on EZ server.
One of the joys of EZ is collecting greater lightstones....

eqmule mentioned he was messing around with turning off collision before. i dont think he ever publicly released that capability, but it is doable if you knew what to look for in the code.
On a similar note, when farming ldon's in Takish Hiz, it's a MUST to disable all doors.
Helps so much with speed of doing those missions.