down/holyshit issues with mq2melee?


New member
Sep 21, 2009
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Lately I have been having issues with downshits and holyshits just stop working. I have relogged and patched and it did not fix the issue. I will make no changes to the ini files and wake up the next day and my character seems to pick on downshit at random and thats all it will do. It seems every time I zone it selects a new downshit it will cast for the time being.

this was happening on my laptop, running 7 and now has leaked over to a character on my desktop, running vista. any help would be appreciated.
false alarm?

it seems restarting both machines fixed the issue. they had been on for some time.
I'm still having the occasional problem with rebuff downshits triggering during combat. Like my healers sometimes will be casting a self-rebuff in midfight and, yes, they're "in" combat, since they've already started healing the tank. Plus they have no holyshits for rebuffing.

Inconvenient but not usually a game-breaker. Just inconvenient.
Please don't confuse being "in combat" with respect to cooldown timer, etc., in EQ, vs what mq2melee considers "in combat" with respect to holyshits/downshits. They are not the same. If you are not engaging mq2melee (z or killthis) to cycle into a combat mode for the plugin, or don't have attack on, mq2melee will do downshits, not holyshits.

for what ever reason my melee has stoped running the warrior defense skill. It will pop field armor but not defense. anyone else haveing anything like that happen?
My support toons never have attack "on" in a fight. Yet most of the time they don't trigger downshits during combat, i.e. when my tank's group is fighting the mob and my support toons are on the hate list due to healing, nuking, or whatever.

I know for a fact most of the time downshits won't trigger in this situation, since I've seen missing clicky buffs on some of my support toons throughout combat.

But on some occasions, not often but definitely happens, they will be casting downshits in the same situation. I've had my healer casting a self-buff and I had to interrupt it manually to cast a critical heal. This can be a pain because the downshit will immediately try to trigger again.

I run healers myself, no macros, because I consider healing in tough fights something that I should handle.

Not to dispute what anybody says here, but it happens. /shrug

I guess what I should ask is what "checks" should I add to the downshitif or right into the downshits to guarantee this doesn't happen? Maybe I need to check if the maintank has a NPC target, or if that plus target is <100% or within a certain range? Is there something simpler to verify that the support toon is currently in ra group that is collectively engaged in combat so clicky self-rebuffs gotta wait?
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I know for a fact most of the time downshits won't trigger in this situation, since I've seen missing clicky buffs on some of my support toons throughout combat.

If you are not casting, and not moving, and attack is off, and mq2melee "combat" mode is off (no Z or killthis), and downshitif evals to true, then downshits fire.

If they don't fire, then you, or a macro, or plugin, or whatever, is doing something to make one of those conditions be false.

well a slightly different issue, but i am getting alot of mq2cast [casting] aborting (castm) spam. it seems its doing this when a spell isnt load on my gembar but is trying to be cast by a downshit. i am up to date not certain why its not memming spells at times however.
well a slightly different issue, but i am getting alot of mq2cast [casting] aborting (castm) spam. it seems its doing this when a spell isnt load on my gembar but is trying to be cast by a downshit. i am up to date not certain why its not memming spells at times however.

Having the same issues. Have not played in forever, but it's not automatically changing the spells using the correct syntax ie, /Casting "spellnamehere" Gem3

EDIT: Restarted PC, everything works fine....
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has been reoccuring for me. seems to resolve itself after reloading from patcher. if i camp out to a trader for the night and back it usually seems to happen.
well a slightly different issue, but i am getting alot of mq2cast [casting] aborting (castm) spam. it seems its doing this when a spell isnt load on my gembar but is trying to be cast by a downshit. i am up to date not certain why its not memming spells at times however.

this seems to happen alot.. is the only work around to restart the computer each time i play?
I tried unloading plugin .. and reloading .. no love

i tried switching toons... no love...

so i /camp desktop and restarted Eq.. and it started firing off my Downshits...

anyone got better solutions?
reloading the account has been the quickest fix that hasn't failed me yet.