do you use augs on your bots


Aug 20, 2008
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aside from specialization augs and tank augs, is it even worth the time to aug all your bots? i've always been a bit OCD about my bot aug completion, but a buddy has been chirping that i waste x hours farming aug_01 when i could be leveling more toons (i like leveling toons).

after some consideration, maybe he has a point. is aug'ing my wizardbot really increasing his power and/or survivability? does my clebot need all the best mana augs when i can't remember the last time he was under 75 percent unless he died? will rogbot_01 parse higher than rogbot_02 with a full set of augs or will it be so close it is a moot point?

i dunno. it's early and i'm doing some EQ navel gazing while i wait on respawns. don't judge me. ha!
I only worry about tank. Otherwise they get what ever happens to drop.
Yeah I'm the same with Dewey on it. I don't go out of my way to aug them unless it drops from a mob that my tank didn't need. I think some of them still have old augs like 20HP ones from years ago I just moved over.

20 some toons... it will take a long time to aug them all and easier to just to level another toon up and throw it at the mob.
the only augs i went out of the way for were the pet/ToT/group heal procs other than the tank's gear. who cares about 1-2K hp/mana when you are sitting on 100k+. That is less than 1 hit from a mob these days.

if i had pure melees, i would usually try to get them weapon augs so long as the camp was decent experience.
Only on tank and puller for the most part as those are the only toons I keep prestige gear on.
ahhh... Where is JJ's words of wisdom for this topic when we need them! lol
I only worry about tank. Otherwise they get what ever happens to drop.

Me too. Usually the others don't die unless the tank dies and if the tank dies the augs wont save the rest anyway. I don't go oom on them so they don't need any mana augs either.
i only worry bout augs on my tank and my zerk rest dont worry about at all, zerk has been known to finish a mob off if i die on my tank tho hes fully AC auged up like my tank lol
But it's not just the mana and hp now, it's the heroics. Replacing non-hInt augs for my wizard really boosted his mana pool. So you have to consider that.
I only aug my tank, any toons I am wanting to have raid ready, or my main (Though I have neglected this in a lot of recent times just due to the minimal nature of the upgrades unless they happen by chance).