Check it item is ready to cast


Lifetime Member
Sep 27, 2007
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I looked around and cant seem to find a macro snipet to check if an item is ready to cast, my macro can cast it np, but i need an /if check to make sure it is ready so I don't spam click, and I hate using a fixed timer, can anyone help?

You need the !
That was exactly what I needed, thanks allot!

You need the !

Hmm I'm confused LOL. (wouldn't be the first time :-D)

! denotes "NOT" in this case, it is checking and if the timer is not ready? I personally was thinking it would come out like

/if (${FindItem[ClickyItem].TimerReady} && (!${Me.Buff[ClickyEffect].ID} && !${Me.Invis})/casting "ClickyItem"
Hmm I'm confused LOL. (wouldn't be the first time :-D)

! denotes "NOT" in this case, it is checking and if the timer is not ready? I personally was thinking it would come out like

/if (${FindItem[ClickyItem].TimerReady} && (!${Me.Buff[ClickyEffect].ID} && !${Me.Invis})/casting "ClickyItem"
The TimerReady logic needs to be backwards, since 0 means it's ready to use, and some number is the time before recast is ready on it.

So to be ready, it would be !

Hmm I'm confused LOL. (wouldn't be the first time :-D)

! denotes "NOT" in this case, it is checking and if the timer is not ready? I personally was thinking it would come out like

/if (${FindItem[ClickyItem].TimerReady} && (!${Me.Buff[ClickyEffect].ID} && !${Me.Invis})/casting "ClickyItem"
The TimerReady logic needs to be backwards, since 0 means it's ready to use, and some number is the time before recast is ready on it.

So to be ready, it would be !


Well said, thanks for the info :-D
Hate to dig up a little bit of an old thread (3 months?), but I used this template

/if (${FindItem[ClickyItem].TimerReady} && (!${Me.Buff[ClickyEffect].ID} && !${Me.Invis})/casting "ClickyItem"

to cast my Gauntlets of Enlightenment during combat. I have mq2exchange & mq2bagwindow both loaded but it doesn't seem to work. Here's what I have going so far.

/if (${Me.Combat}) {
/if (${Me.AbilityReady[Kick]}) {
/doability "Flying Kick"
/if (${Me.AltAbilityReady[Stunning Kick]}) {
/aa act Stunning Kick
/delay 1s
/if (${FindItem[Gauntlets of Enlightenment].TimerReady} && (!${Me.Buff[Celestial Tranquility].ID} && !

${Me.Invis})) /casting "Gauntlets of Enlightenment"

I have tried with the Gaunts in a bag and in a main inventory slot. Any help?
You need ! for the TimerReady, to indicate it is ready. So for your /if line, you need it to be !${FindItem[ClickyItem].TimerReady}

For christ's sake...I can't believe I missed that. Been working on this for like an hour and a half on and off. Thanks a bunch.
There is more than one way to skin a cat . . . .

For example . . . if i was checking on item "Cauldron of Many Things"

!${FindItem[Cauldron of Many Things].Timer}

${FindItem[Cauldron of Many Things].TimerReady}==0

!${FindItem[Cauldron of Many Things].TimerReady}

All three examples would accomplish the same thing....
There is more than one way to skin a cat . . . .

For example . . . if i was checking on item "Cauldron of Many Things"

!${FindItem[Cauldron of Many Things].Timer}

${FindItem[Cauldron of Many Things].TimerReady}==0

!${FindItem[Cauldron of Many Things].TimerReady}

All three examples would accomplish the same thing....
Which is all the exact same thing, which doesn't address the usage issue for the exact code he posted. But... thanks for throwing additional noise into the answer, which is probably why he didn't see the same answer previously (just a couple posts before his).


/if (!${FindItem[Gauntlets of Enlightenment].TimerReady} && (!${Me.Buff[Celestial Tranquility].ID} && !${Me.Invis})) /casting "Gauntlets of Enlightenment"

I got it working with your suggestion. I just meant to say that I had tried all the wrong combo's prior to coming to the boards. I appreciate the help.