Changes Windows


New member
Jul 17, 2008
Reaction score
Probably a weird question but is there any way to disable the Changes Windows and/or the MQ2 Window that appears at Character Select?
Probably a weird question but is there any way to disable the Changes Windows and/or the MQ2 Window that appears at Character Select?
Yes. For your first question, you can disable one or both news windows by editing your file. Near the top, in the [Settings] section, you should see the options ShowMQ2News and ShowMMONews. Set them to 0.

For second question, that is MQ2ChatWnd. You can only get rid of that by not autoloading the plugin. You could use MQ2Chat instead, but then all MQ2 output goes to your main EQ chat window, and most people don't like that. Another option would be to load the plugin (without save) in say, your autoexec.cfg, with like: /plugin mq2chatwnd noauto

Thanks htw you're a legend. That's been annoying me forever. I can live with the standard MQ window but the others stop me from being able to see where I'm parked etc before logging in.