
I have been running this for several days now and not undercutting myself. I am not sure what would be different for other users.

@Sum1 I also want to add a random update interval as well. I'll look into doing that tomorrow.

I'm using a version that now responds to tells from my main character telling him to start/stop trader, trigger manual updates, report his current plat holdings, and with autoaccept trades I can restock him without going up to the cpu he runs on. Will post it after I test for a couple more days and make sure it works.

Edit: I also redownloaded just the code I posted here and ran it, it does not undercut me... is anyone else running this without problems?
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at this point i would be happy if i could just get it to recognize the minimums i set
Make sure you saved bazaar.ini in the macros folder along with bazaar.mac. Make sure it is saved as "all files" and not a ".txt" file. Make sure you are following the syntax in the comments of the macro. Price minimum/maximums have always worked for me.
Make sure you saved bazaar.ini in the macros folder along with bazaar.mac. Make sure it is saved as "all files" and not a ".txt" file. Make sure you are following the syntax in the comments of the macro. Price minimum/maximums have always worked for me.

Nope, made the ini in the macros folder set as above and it doesnt go from it it still runs from my toons bazaar ini and it goes by item id not name and no matter what i change it still doesnt follow minimum and maximums set.
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Last night I noticed an issue with the HoT expac, expands inventory by 2 slots so last 2 bag slots wont get priced.

sooo, this should be 95?

/if (${slot}>[COLOR="Red"]79[/COLOR]) /goto :donewithslots

If I want to cut back say 20% to clear out inventory, this would be *0.8/25 ?

/varcalc targetstr ${Int[${Math.Calc[ ${minprice}[COLOR="red"]*0.99/25[/COLOR] ]}]}*25

I am not having any issues with this macro otherwise.
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New Baz mac feature

A new feature I've been contemplating lately is the ability to exclude or match another trader as the lowest price... i.e., I run three accounts and they each have a mule.

In the past I've just made sure my wares were divided so that no item was duplicated on two traders. But having an exclude or match list would be awesome.

(I just suck at coding)
Has anyone been running this lately? seems the problems with the compile that are still being worked on are effecting it. I can load mq2bzsrch ok but when attempting to run this macro right after the line updating traders echos it crashes eq

I was just wondering if anyone got it working or knows whats causing the crashes

thanks guys
Has anyone been running this lately? seems the problems with the compile that are still being worked on are effecting it. I can load mq2bzsrch ok but when attempting to run this macro right after the line updating traders echos it crashes eq

I was just wondering if anyone got it working or knows whats causing the crashes

thanks guys
Fixed MQ2Bzsrch, update, and it should be ok.

Once again im reminded how awesome the people and admins here at MMO BUGS are!

Thank you it works perfectly!!!!
The macro updates the prices,but after the last item it keep going. The message i see is: Searching bazaar for item() It never gets out of this unless i restart the macro.
Just wondering what would have to be done for having the macro make an ini instead of doing it manually?
Is it absolute secure to use this macro in game?

Is it absolute secure to use this macro in game?
you are using mq2 to begin with and you think this macro is secure!! i have seen people use macro's like this to change the prices in the bazaa on a day by day bases and you can spot those that are running it and those that are not.

So you need to think for yourself if you want to set it up as a bot or if you want to set it up as a person that knows what they are doing by trying not to come across as a bazaa bot so i would say set up a time laps on when the prices should be changed not ever 30 sec after someone else changes there's and not all the same items at the same time lol
How would I go about adding an exclude list or match my other trader's price for this mac?

I see it in maskoi's version, but have no clue how to code it for this version.

EDIT: Thought I got it to match my other trader on price, using maskoi's exclude list code, but it seems to be iffy, sometimes it still undercuts, so not sure if that code is right.

Also, I'm wondering how would I go about undercutting by 1% if the minprice is >100 but <5000, 2% if >5000, 3% if >50000. The relevant portion of the code is here, just not sure how to configure it right:

   /if (${minprice}*0.99>${maxSellPrice}) {
      /varset targetstr ${maxSellPrice}
      /goto :setPrice
   /if (${minprice}<500000 && ${minprice}>0) {
      /if (${minprice}<100) {
         /varset targetstr ${Math.Calc[${minprice}-1]}
|      } else /if (${minprice}>5000) {
|         /varcalc targetstr ${Int[${Math.Calc[ ${minprice}*0.999/25 ]}]}*25
      } else {
         /varcalc targetstr ${Int[${Math.Calc[ ${minprice}*0.99/25 ]}]}*25
I've tried the following changes but had no luck:

   /if (${minprice}*0.99>${maxSellPrice}) {
      /varset targetstr ${maxSellPrice}
      /goto :setPrice
   /if (${minprice}<500000 && ${minprice}>0) {
      /if (${minprice}<100) {
         /varset targetstr ${Math.Calc[${minprice}-1]}
      } else /if (${minprice}<5000) {
         /varcalc targetstr ${Int[${Math.Calc[ ${minprice}*0.9999/25 ]}]}*25
      } else /if (${minprice}>5000) {
         /varcalc targetstr ${Int[${Math.Calc[ ${minprice}*0.998/25 ]}]}*25
} else /if (${minprice}>50000) {
         /varcalc targetstr ${Int[${Math.Calc[ ${minprice}*0.997/25 ]}]}*25
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Got the exclude list working using nytemists code, and I think I have pricing working the way I want it out now.

The problem I am having with the mac now is when the looptimer cooldown is over and it reprices while in trader, it undercuts itself or even excludelist traders. And it will overcut to the max price, if the excludelist trader and the trader I'm running the mac on are the only ones selling the item.

Think this is the relevant code, just not sure how to fix it:

/for result 1 to ${Bazaar.Count}
      /if (${Bazaar.Item[${result}].Name.Equal[${itemname}]}&&!${Me.Name.Equal[${Window[BazaarSearchWnd].Child[BZR_ItemList].List[${result},3]}]} && !${Excludelist.Find[${Spawn[${Bazaar.Item[${result}].Trader}].Name}]}) {
         /varcalc itemsfound ${itemsfound}+${Bazaar.Item[${result}].Quantity}
         /varcalc pricetotal ${pricetotal}+${Bazaar.Item[${result}].Price}*${Bazaar.Item[${result}].Quantity}
         /if (${Bazaar.Item[${result}].Price}<${minprice}) /varset minprice ${Bazaar.Item[${result}].Price}
         /if (${Bazaar.Item[${result}].Price}>${maxprice}) /varset maxprice ${Bazaar.Item[${result}].Price}
Bump. Any help with this please?
Just guessing in the dark here, as I would need to see your full macro you are using... but are you checking to see if the search is done before you do the iteration? If not, it won't check all items, and that might hang you up some (inaccuracy). Then again, it might not. You can try it if you want, to see. Something like:

/if (!${Bazaar.Done}) {
/delay 5s ${Bazaar.Done}
/goto :waiting

Does this mac work still? It does not for me, seems to set everything to the Max price I have set in the ini, but does not lower the value if there are others with lower prices.

I also get the following errors in the MQ2 window.

DoCommand - Couldn't parse '/breset' (MakeQuery): /breset
bazaar.mac@175 (Main): /call MakeQuery

I'm able to get it working with other compiles, just not mmo's compile. Am I missing something?
If you don't have an item priced, it will not adjust the price. Is there a work around this?