Bard Song Lineup


New member
Oct 20, 2007
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Im looking for suggestions for a lvl 97 bard resting song line up. Right now my combat playlist:

Dire of Metala
Aria of V'Ker
Aura of the Orator
War Mach
Hykaa's spitful lyrics
Song of suffering
on my 95 bard that I boxed (had plenty of toons, so songs that boost group members were far more useful than not. my set up was as follows.

1. Echo of the Orator (was constantly pulling so best to leave it at camp)

2. Silence of the Windsong

3. Terasal's spry Sonata

4. Voice of Kolain (fantastic for grabbing one and fading back to camp then invis and kill)

5. Aria of the Orator (added the triple attack bonus with the echo and I was using Twist so why not)

6. Hykast's Spiteful Lyric

7. Arcane Address

8. War March of Illdeara ( i later got the rapier of somber notes , so this was not as needed, but once agian , I was twisting , so why not)

9. Pulse of Lunaryn

10. Chorus of lunaryn (great for giving mana to ttoons out of group)

11. Wave of Conductor

12. Slumber of kolian

I was twisting 3,5,6,7,8,9,10

and then my mezz was .. Twist hold 12

I would also swap out song #2 with Kolians Lively Crescendo as needed

I know ROF had nothing new just upgrades to what already existed, so I hope this will be of some help
u were twisting 7 songs (dropping some i presume and just going w it?)

As having box'd a bard for years and use to main a bard back at 95, Its only worthy to melody 5 songs w/ focis without them dropping, or if ur tricky 6 without foci.

He is right about the echo always have the melee echo at camp cuz u should be always pullin on the bard

next are the actual songs it depends on ur group this is what id use for a melee group ( Note ARIA IS ALWAYS FIRST)

song of suffering
aria; again ( so u can always keep it up)
.......( this is the 6th song, u can play it as whatever u want) Usually i use it as SPRY for more ac for tank in group and the melee if they ever get hit.

now for your melody to work, i always have my songs in slots 1-6 above is the order i have them in so my melody would be /melody 1 2 3 1 4 5 and all 6 songs would either fade in the middle of it recasting itself or u get the lucky server tick and it don't fade.

if u got any more questions about bards for caster groups or anything else just hit me up mate
With new focus bards seem to keep 6 songs on easily even with 1 being a damage song (I twist the one for dot damage) which rarely has a bad tick and fades, if I'm not twisting that one i can do 6-7, as it has a shorter duration then the others.

Also for named fights, you can use " A Tune Stuck in Your Head" which will last for 8 minutes and makes songs last an extra trick, which is how you are able to twist 7 songs without them fading.