Advanced Loot Window Question


Premium Member
Feb 26, 2007
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Code to Determine Advanced Loot Window Items

I've been trying to write a macro that can interpret what items are in the shared loot window. I feel like I'm really close but can't quite figure it out. I did the same thing with a merchant window and this is how I wrote it:

/echo ${Window[NewPointMerchantWnd].Child[NewPointMerchant_ItemList].List[1]}

As far as the advanced loot window goes (for the shared loot box) this is where I'm at:

/echo ${Window[ADLW_CLLWnd].Child[ADLW_CLLList].List[1]}

or maybe....

/echo ${Window[AdvancedLootWnd].Child[ADLW_CLLWnd].Child[ADLW_CLLList].List[1]}

Can you have Child twice? sorry I'm kind of a nuub when writing this stuff... Trial and error. Anyways, if anyone knows how to figure this out or even display how many items are in the shared loot window that would help with developing this macro as well. If I /echo those lines without the .List[1] at the end, it just says True. Thanks in advance for any assistance!
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Wow, I was way off. Thanks

Nothing wrong with trying to do it the way you were. Just already a plugin that gets the information for you so that you don't have to directly attempt to manipulate the window. I personally use a holyshit to collect items that have been given to me in advloot using a holy/downshit.

/if (${Window[AdvancedLootWnd].Child[ADLW_LootBtnTemplate]}) /notify AdvancedLootWnd ADLW_LootBtnTemplate leftmouseup

Which just checks to see if there is a check button for accepting an item or not. If there is it hits the button.

More than likely you were trying to access is a multi-dimension array and required you give it an index location for up and down, and then an index location for left to right.

.List[1,1] .List[1,2] .List[1,3] .List[1,4] Would access information related to the first item in the list, but then it would access the column related to that item. Without a column reference it would return NULL.

For instance. I wrote a macro that accesses the window for player housing inventory.

/varset CheckItemName ${Window[RealEstateItemsWnd].Child[REIW_ItemList].List[${i},2]}

I set the name of the item using the ${i} because I knew that the column the name was stored in was the second one.
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