Adding Default Zonein Locations to MQ2PiggyZone

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l337pally said:
How does it work for these
230=ruja "The Bloodied Quarries"
231=taka "The Sunken Library"
232=mira "The Silent Gallery"
233=mmca "The Forlorn Caverns"
And is thier a difference that its an expo?

Those are mainly there to identify the zone numbers and names, but they have no linking zones to it.

When you're assigned an expo or mission, your character (or group) is assigned a paticular instance ID. This is assigned by the server so it can't be faked.. Once you have an instance, it may be possible to zone into it, but it would take considerable work to do.
Ok, that clears it up a little for me, one question though if you did find the zone ID would it be a matter of putting that into the ini or would you need hard coding done to the actual /zone files. The forgotten halls expo is lvl based and after about 10 6hr runs every instance so far with the same lvl range of mobs has been fhalls_249. Havent had a change to test it with higher or lower lvl yet to see if its a different zone name (shortname)
*My main problem is trying to write into my macro when im ported out to get another expo and re-enter, ive got everything but the re-enter part. Im using 2 accounts with wineq setup to hail mob, get expo then click on the enter point. Problem is, it only clicks on the screen thats on top while my healer in the background wont click unless i alt tab to make that one visible. Course this woulndt be a prob if i had a 2nd pc but only running on 1. If anyone has any other ideas how i can get the 2nd account to do click functions would appreciate it.
l337pally said:
one question though if you did find the zone ID would it be a matter of putting that into the ini or would you need hard coding done to the actual /zone files.

Neither really.. It actually would require coding PiggyZone to allow for an instance ID.. It works for the /fade command, but as far as zoning goes, we weren't able to get it to work in testing..
l337pally said:
Ok, that clears it up a little for me, one question though if you did find the zone ID would it be a matter of putting that into the ini or would you need hard coding done to the actual /zone files. The forgotten halls expo is lvl based and after about 10 6hr runs every instance so far with the same lvl range of mobs has been fhalls_249. Havent had a change to test it with higher or lower lvl yet to see if its a different zone name (shortname)
*My main problem is trying to write into my macro when im ported out to get another expo and re-enter, ive got everything but the re-enter part. Im using 2 accounts with wineq setup to hail mob, get expo then click on the enter point. Problem is, it only clicks on the screen thats on top while my healer in the background wont click unless i alt tab to make that one visible. Course this woulndt be a prob if i had a 2nd pc but only running on 1. If anyone has any other ideas how i can get the 2nd account to do click functions would appreciate it.

Try using /nomodkey in your click line so it will work even if its not the active window.
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