Adding Default Zonein Locations to MQ2PiggyZone

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Fry Guy
Jan 31, 2005
Reaction score
We need a little help with making MQ2PiggyZone safer. When you use /zone it normally puts you at the succor location which makes /zone'ing a little easier to track for sony. What we need to do is get loc's of a zoneline in every single zone so it looks like we are zoning legit.

Copy and Paste each line of this into a socials button.

/mqlog [${Zone.ShortName}]
/mqlog default=${Me.Y} ${Me.X} ${Me.Z} ${Me.Heading.DegreesCCW}
/echo [${Zone.ShortName}]
/echo default=${Me.Y} ${Me.X} ${Me.Z} ${Me.Heading.DegreesCCW}

Now push this social button at a zoneline (Make sure your facing the correct way too) and this will make a log file with the information we need to add MQ2PiggyZone.ini. The information is stored in your macroquest2/Logs/MacroQuest.log

Or you can run this macro.

//Zone In Point Macro - To Grab Information For MQ2PiggyZone.ini

Sub Main
/mqlog [${Zone.ShortName}]
/mqlog default=${Me.Y} ${Me.X} ${Me.Z} ${Me.Heading.DegreesCCW}
/echo [${Zone.ShortName}]
/echo default=${Me.Y} ${Me.X} ${Me.Z} ${Me.Heading.DegreesCCW}


This is what it should look like in Macroquest2.log.
default=-302.54 1358.91 -119 406

Current MQ2PiggyZone.ini
1=344 "Magus Alaria" 601 -7 2 68 "Butcherblock" 22 "East Commonlands" 30 "Everfrost" 392 "North Ro" 393 "South Ro" 182 "Nedaria"
2=182 "Magus Wenla" 1023 1525 82 68 "Butcherblock" 22 "East Commonlands" 30 "Everfrost" 392 "North Ro" 393 "South Ro" 280 "Natimbi" 279 "Abysmal Sea"
3=279 "Magus Pellen" -150 48 140 280 "Natimbi" 182 "Nedaria"
4=280 "Magus Releua" -693 -1585 246 182 "Nedaria" 279 "Abysmal Sea"
5=68 "Magus Tira" -1084 -2450 0  22 "East Commonlands" 30 "Everfrost" 392 "North Ro" 393 "South Ro" 182 "Nedaria"
6=30 "Magus Delin" 1802 -5041 -60 22 "East Commonlands" 68 "Butcherblock" 392 "North Ro" 393 "South Ro" 182 "Nedaria"
7=22 "Magus Zeir" -1626 -178 4 30 "Everfrost" 68 "Butcherblock" 34 "North Ro" 35 "South Ro" 182 "Nedaria"
8=392 "Magus Arindri" 7904 -558 100 30 "Everfrost" 68 "Butcherblock" 22 "East Commonlands" 393 "South Ro" 182 "Nedaria"
9=393 "Magus Jerira" -79 -286 108.56 30 "Everfrost" 68 "Butcherblock" 22 "East Commonlands" 392 "North Ro" 182 "Nedaria"
10=393 "Translocator Tradil" 4183 -2498 5 96 "Travel to Timorous Deep"
11=96 "Translocator Jorbin" 5862 3623 2 37 "travel to Oasis" 93 "travel to overthere"
12=93 "Translocator Breya" 3435 2747 -158 96 "Travel to Timorous Deep"
13=392 "Translocator Ionie" 6057 -2598 5 110 "travel to Iceclad"
14=110 "Translocator Kurione" 5341 360 -16 34 "travel to North Ro"
15=68 "Translocator Gethia" 854 3167 12 96 "Travel to Timorous Deep"
16=68 "Translocator Fithop" 1351 3253 12 69 "Travel to Ocean of Tears"
17=96 "Translocator Deela" -4545 -3253 19 68 "Travel to Butcherblock" 84 "Travel to Firiona Vie"
18=84 "Translocator Drabilt" -4388 1386 -103 96 "Travel to Timorous Deep"
19=69 "Translocator Narrik" 273 -9200 4  68 "Travel to Butcherblock" 10 "Travel to Freeport"
20=10 "Translocator Setikan" -20 -1020 -52 69 "Travel to Ocean of Tears"
21=1 "Translocator Sedina" 14 221 4 98 "Travel to Crossing"
22=98 "Translocator Jempar" -1768 670 4 1 "Travel to Qeynos" 24 "Travel to Erudin"
23=24 "Translocator Eniela" 96.00 -354.00 24.00 98 "Travel to Crossing"
24=202 "Priest_of_Discord00" 37.00 567.00 4.00 302 "Wish to go"
25=202 "Devin Traical" 13.00 486.00 -90.66 187 "travel"
26=189 "Arias" -122.00 -25.00 17.33 202 "ready to leave"

1=qeynos "South Qeynos",2,45
2=qeynos2 "North Qeynos",45,4,1,202
3=qrg "Surefall Glade",4,181
4=qeytoqrg "Qeynos Hills",17,3,2,12
;5=highpass "Highpass Hold",6,15,20
6=highkeep "HighKeep",407
;8=freportn "North Freeport"
;9=freportw "West Freeport"
;10=freporte "East Freeport"
11=runnyeye "Clan RunnyEye",33,16
12=qey2hh1 "West Karana",4,13
13=northkarana "North Karana",12,15,14
14=southkarana "South Karana",13,18,51
15=eastkarana "East Karana",13,407,16
16=beholder "Gorge of King Xorbb",15,11
17=blackburrow "BlackBurrow",4,30
18=paw "Infected Paw",14
19=rivervale "Rivervale",20,33
20=kithicor "Kithicor Forest",19,407,21
21=commons "West Commonlands",20,22,36
22=ecommons "East Commonlands",21,25,383,392
23=erudnint "Erudin Palace",24
24=erudnext "Erudin",23,38
25=nektulos "Nektulos Forest",27,40,22,202,365
26=cshome "Sunset Home"
27=lavastorm "Lavastorm Mountains",80,44,25,31,32,337,341
28=nektropos "Nektropos"
29=halas "Halas",30
30=everfrost "Everfrost Peaks",29,73,17,202
31=soldunga "Solusek's Eye",32,27,278
32=soldungb "Nagafen's Lair",31,27,278
33=misty "Misty Thicket",11,19,202
;34=nro "North Ro"
;35=sro "South Ro"
36=befallen "Befallen",21
;37=oasis "Oasis of Marr",393,392
38=tox "Toxxulia Forest",24,75,74,202
39=hole "The Ruins of Old Paineel",75
40=neriaka "Neriak Foreign Quarter",25,41
41=neriakb "Neriak Commons",40,42
42=neriakc "Neriak Third Gate",41
43=neriakd "Neriak Palace"
44=najena "Najena",27
45=qcat "Qeynos Catacombs",1,2
46=innothule "Innothule Swamp",393,65,52,47,202
47=feerrott "The Feerrott",49,46,48,50,202,72
48=cazicthule "Cazic-Thule",47
49=oggok "Oggok",47
50=rathemtn "Mountains of Rathe",47,51
51=lakerathe "Lake Rathetear",14,50,77
52=grobb "Grobb",46
53=aviak "Aviak Village"
54=gfaydark "Greater Faydark",58,61,57,68,202
55=akanon "Ak'Anon",56
56=steamfont "Steamfont Mountains",55,57,202
57=lfaydark "Lesser Faydark",54,56,59
58=crushbone "Clan Crushbone",54
59=mistmoore "Castle Mistmoore",57
60=kaladima "Kaladim",67,68
61=felwithea "Felwithe",62,54
62=felwitheb "Felwithe",61
63=unrest "Estate of Unrest",70
64=kedge "Kedge Keep",70
65=guktop "Upper Guk",46,66
66=gukbottom "Lower Guk",66
67=kaladimb "Kaladim",60
68=butcher "Butcherblock Mountains",60,54,70,69,202
69=oot "Ocean of Tears",382,68
70=cauldron "Dagnor's Cauldron",68,63,64
71=airplane "Plane of Sky"
72=fearplane "Plane of Fear",47
73=permafrost "Permafrost Keep",30
74=kerraridge "Kerra Isle",38
75=paineel "Paineel",38,39,101
76=hateplane "The Plane of Hate"
77=arena "The Arena",51,202
78=fieldofbone "The Field of Bone",97,94,88,83,106,79,202
79=warslikswood "Warsliks Wood",104,78,82,85,93
80=soltemple "Temple of Solusek Ro",27
81=droga "Temple of Droga",92,107
82=cabwest "West Cabilis",106,85,79
83=swampofnohope "Swamp of No Hope",78,95,84,106
84=firiona "Firiona Vie",83,86,85,202
85=lakeofillomen "Lake of Ill Omen",79,82,84,92,109
86=dreadlands "Dreadlands",92,84,102,87
87=burningwood "Burning Woods",91,103,92,86
88=kaesora "Kaesora",78
89=sebilis "Old Sebilis",95
90=citymist "City of Mist",94
91=skyfire "Skyfire Mountains",108,93,87
92=frontiermtns "Frontier Mountains",93,85,86,81,107,87
93=overthere "The Overthere",105,79,92,91,202
94=emeraldjungle "The Emerald Jungle",90,95,78
95=trakanon "Trakanon's Teeth",94,89,83
96=timorous "Timorous Deep",19,24,29,41,49,52,54,55,60,61,82,382
97=kurn "Kurn's Tower",78
98=erudsxing "Erud's Crossing"
100=stonebrunt "Stonebrunt Mountains",224,101
101=warrens "The Warrens",100,75
102=karnor "Karnor's Castle",86
103=chardok "Chardok",87,277
104=dalnir "Dalnir",79
105=charasis "Howling Stones",93
106=cabeast "East Cabilis",78,83,82
107=nurga "Mines of Nurga",81,92
108=veeshan "Veeshan's Peak",91
109=veksar "Veksar",85
110=iceclad "Iceclad Ocean",111,116
111=frozenshadow "Tower of Frozen Shadow",110
112=velketor "Velketor's Labyrinth",118
113=kael "Kael Drakkal",116,119
114=skyshrine "Skyshrine",117,119
115=thurgadina "Thurgadin",129,118
116=eastwastes "Eastern Wastes",110,121,118,113,128
117=cobaltscar "Cobalt Scar",125,114
118=greatdivide "Great Divide",116,115,112,202,126
119=wakening "The Wakening Land",113,127,114
120=westwastes "Western Wastes",124,125,123
121=crystal "Crystal Caverns",116
123=necropolis "Dragon Necropolis",120
124=templeveeshan "Temple of Veeshan",126,120
125=sirens "Siren's Grotto",117,120
126=mischiefplane "Plane of Mischief",117
127=growthplane "Plane of Growth"
128=sleeper "Sleeper's Tomb",116
129=thurgadinb "Icewell Keep",115,118
130=erudsxing2 "Marauder's Mire"
150=shadowhaven "Shadow Haven",151,156,153,152
151=bazaar "The Bazaar",150,152,202
152=nexus "The Nexus",161,150,151,202
153=echo "Echo Caverns",150,164,157
154=acrylia "Acrylia Caverns",167
155=sharvahl "Shar Vahl",166,165
156=paludal "Paludal Caverns",166,165,150
157=fungusgrove "Fungus Grove",170,153
158=vexthal "Vex Thal",176
159=sseru "Sanctus Seru",168,174
160=katta "Katta Castellum",172,170
161=netherbian "Netherbian Lair",152,174,168
162=ssratemple "Ssraeshza Temple",171,164
163=griegsend "Grieg's End",175,174
164=thedeep "The Deep",153,162
165=shadeweaver "Shadeweaver's Thicket",156,155,202
166=hollowshade "Hollowshade Moor",167,155
167=grimling "Grimling Forest",172,166,154
168=mseru "Marus Seru",169,161,159
169=letalis "Mons Letalis",171,168
170=twilight "The Twilight Sea",160,157,175
171=thegrey "The Grey",162,175,169
172=tenebrous "The Tenebrous Mountains",167,160
173=maiden "The Maiden's Eye",176,179,174
174=dawnshroud "Dawnshroud Peaks",161,173,163,159
175=scarlet "The Scarlet Desert",163,170,171
176=umbral "The Umbral Plains",158,173
179=akheva "Akheva Ruins",173
180=arena2 "The Arena"
181=jaggedpine "The Jaggedpine Forest",3,182
182=nedaria "Nedaria's Landing",181
183=tutorial "Tutorial Zone"
184=load "Loading"
185=load2 "Loading"
186=hateplaneb "The Plane of Hate"
187=shadowrest "Shadowrest",202
188=tutoriala "The Mines of Gloomingdeep"
189=tutorialb "The Mines of Gloomingdeep"
190=clz "Loading"
200=codecay "Ruins of Lxanvom",203
201=pojustice "Plane of Justice",203
202=poknowledge "Plane of Knowledge",54,68,30,38,152,118,165,2,203,84,56,78,46,25,47,93,224,152,151,344,33,383,395
203=potranquility "Plane of Tranquility",202,200,201,204,205,206,207,208,209,210,211,212,214,215,216,217,218,219
204=ponightmare "Plane of Nightmare",203,221
205=podisease "Plane of Disease",203,200
206=poinnovation "Plane of Innovation",203
207=potorment "Plane of Torment",203
208=povalor "Plane of Valor",203,211
209=bothunder "Torden, The Bastion of Thunder",203
210=postorms "Plane of Storms",203,209
211=hohonora "Halls of Honor",203,220,
212=solrotower "Solusek Ro's Tower",203,217
;213=powar "Plane of War",203
214=potactics "Drunder, Fortress of Zek",203
215=poair "Eryslai, the Kingdom of Wind",203
216=powater "Reef of Coirnav",203
217=pofire "Doomfire, The Burning Lands",203
218=poeartha "Vegarlson, The Earthen Badlands",203,222
219=potimea "Plane of Time",203
220=hohonorb "Temple of Marr",211
221=nightmareb "Lair of Terris Thule",204
222=poearthb "Stronghold of the Twelve",218
223=potimeb "Plane of Time",219
224=gunthak "Gulf of Gunthak",202,225,227,100
225=dulak "Dulak's Harbor",224,226
226=torgiran "Torgiran Mines",225,227
227=nadox "Crypt of Nadox",224,226,228
228=hatesfury "Hate's Fury, The Scorned Maiden",227
229=guka "The Cauldron of Lost Souls"
230=ruja "The Bloodied Quarries"
231=taka "The Sunken Library"
232=mira "The Silent Gallery"
233=mmca "The Forlorn Caverns"
234=gukb "The Drowning Crypt"
235=rujb "The Halls of War"
236=takb "The Shifting Tower"
237=mirb "The Maw of the Menagerie"
238=mmcb "The Dreary Grotto"
239=gukc "The Ancient Aqueducts"
240=rujc "The Wind Bridges"
241=takc "The Fading Temple"
242=mirc "The Spider Den"
243=mmcc "The Asylum of Invoked Stone"
244=gukd "The Mushroom Grove"
245=rujd "The Gladiator Pits"
246=takd "The Royal Observatory"
247=mird "The Hushed Banquet"
248=mmcd "The Chambers of Eternal Affliction"
249=guke "The Foreboding Prison"
250=ruje "The Drudge Hollows"
251=take "The River of Recollection"
252=mire "The Frosted Halls"
253=mmce "The Sepulcher of the Damned"
254=gukf "The Chapel of the Witnesses"
255=rujf "The Fortified Lair of the Taskmasters"
256=takf "The Sandfall Corridors"
257=mirf "The Forgotten Wastes"
258=mmcf "The Ritualistic Summoning Grounds"
259=gukg "The Root Garden"
260=rujg "The Hidden Vale"
261=takg "The Balancing Chamber"
262=mirg "The Heart of the Menagerie"
263=mmcg "The Cesspits of Putrescence"
264=gukh "The Accursed Sanctuary"
265=rujh "The Blazing Forge"
266=takh "The Sweeping Tides"
267=mirh "The Morbid Laboratory"
268=mmch "The Aisles of Blood"
269=ruji "The Arena of Chance"
270=taki "The Antiquated Palace"
271=miri "The Theater of Imprisoned Horrors"
272=mmci "The Halls of Sanguinary Rites"
273=rujj "The Barracks of War"
274=takj "The Prismatic Corridors"
275=mirj "The Grand Library"
276=mmcj "The Infernal Sanctuary"
277=chardokb "The Halls of Betrayal",103
278=soldungc "The Caverns of Exile",32
279=abysmal "Abysmal Sea"
280=natimbi "Natimbi, The Broken Shores",281,293
281=qinimi "Qinimi, Court of Nihilia",280,282,284,283
282=riwwi "Riwwi, Coliseum of Games",283,284,281
283=barindu "Barindu, Hanging Gardens",282,281,290,289,284,285,286,287,288
284=ferubi "Ferubi, Forgotten Temple of Taelosia",283,281,282
285=snpool "Sewers of Nihilia, Pool of Sludge",283
286=snlair "Sewers of Nihilia, Lair of Trapped Ones",283
287=snplant "Sewers of Nihilia, Purifying Plant",283
288=sncrematory "Sewers of Nihilia, the Crematory",283
289=tipt "Tipt, Treacherous Crags",283
290=vxed "Vxed, The Crumbling Caverns",283
291=yxtta "Yxtta, Pulpit of Exiles",294,292
292=uqua "Uqua, The Ocean God Chantry",291
293=kodtaz "Kod'Taz, Broken Trial Grounds",280,294,295,291
294=ikkinz "Ikkinz, Chambers of Destruction",293
295=qvic "Qvic, Prayer Grounds of Calling",293,297,295
296=inktuta "Inktu`Ta, The Unmasked Chapel",295
297=txevu "Txevu, Lair of the Elite",295,298
298=tacvi "Tacvi, Seat of the Slaver",295
299=qvicb "Qvic, the Hidden Vault"
300=wallofslaughter "Wall of Slaughter",303,316,317
301=bloodfields "The Bloodfields",302,336
302=draniksscar "Dranik's Scar",202,301,335,303
303=causeway "Nobles' Causeway",302,300
304=chambersa "Muramite Proving Grounds"
305=chambersb "Muramite Proving Grounds"
306=chambersc "Muramite Proving Grounds"
307=chambersd "Muramite Proving Grounds"
308=chamberse "Muramite Proving Grounds"
309=chambersf "Muramite Proving Grounds"
316=provinggrounds "Muramite Proving Grounds",300,334
317=anguish "Asylum of Anguish",300
318=dranikhollowsa "Dranik's Hollows"
319=dranikhollowsb "Dranik's Hollows"
320=dranikhollowsc "Dranik's Hollows"
321=dranikhollowsd "Dranik's Hollows"
322=dranikhollowse "Dranik's Hollows"
323=dranikhollowsf "Dranik's Hollows"
324=dranikhollowsg "Dranik's Hollows"
325=dranikhollowsh "Dranik's Hollows"
326=dranikhollowsi "Dranik's Hollows"
327=dranikhollowsj "Dranik's Hollows"
328=dranikcatacombsa "Catacombs of Dranik"
329=dranikcatacombsb "Catacombs of Dranik"
330=dranikcatacombsc "Catacombs of Dranik"
331=draniksewersa "Sewers of Dranik"
332=draniksewersb "Sewers of Dranik"
333=draniksewersc "Sewers of Dranik"
334=riftseekers "Riftseekers' Sanctum",316
335=harbingers "Harbingers' Spire",302
336=dranik "The Ruined City of Dranik",301
337=broodlands "The Broodlands",27,338,340,343	
338=stillmoona "Stillmoon Temple",337,339
339=stillmoonb "The Ascent",338
340=thundercrest "Thundercrest Isles",337
341=delvea "Lavaspinner's Lair",337,27,342
342=delveb "Tirranun's Delve",341
343=thenest "The Accursed Nest",337
344=guildlobby "The Guild Lobby",202,345
345=guildhall "Guild Hall",344
346=barter "The Barter Hall"
347=illsalin "Ruins of Illsalin",362
348=illsalina "Imperial Bazaar"
349=illsalinb "Temple of the Korlach"
350=illsalinc "The Nargilor Pits"
351=dreadspire "Dreadspire Keep",358
354=drachnidhive "The Hive",358
355=drachnidhivea "Living Larder"
356=drachnidhiveb "Coven of the Skinwalkers"
357=drachnidhivec "Queen Sendaii's Lair"
358=westkorlach "Stoneroot Falls",362,354,351
359=westkorlacha "Chambers of Xill"
360=westkorlachb "Caverns of the Lost"
361=westkorlachc "Lair of the Korlach"
362=eastkorlach "Undershore",365,347,358
363=eastkorlacha "Snarlstone Dens"
364=shadowspine "Shadowspine"
365=corathus "Corathus Creep",25,362
366=corathusa "Sporali Caverns"
367=corathusb "Corathus Lair"
368=nektulosa "Shadowed Grove"
369=arcstone "Arcstone",383,370,371
370=relic "Relic",369
371=skylance "Skylance"
372=devastation "The Devastation",382
373=devastationa "The Seething Wall",372
374=rage "Sverag, Stronghold of Rage",372
375=ragea "Razorthorn, Tower of Sullon Zek",374
376=takishruins "Ruins of Takish-Hiz",393,378
377=takishruinsa "The Root of Ro",376
378=elddar "The Elddar Forest",376,379
379=elddara "Tunare's Shrine",378
380=theater "Theater of Blood"
381=theatera "Deathknell, Tower of Dissonance"
382=freeporteast "Freeport East",383,392,384,372
383=freeportwest "Freeport West",202,384,22,382,369
384=freeportsewers "Freeport Sewers",392,382,383
385=freeportacademy "Academy of Arcane Sciences"
386=freeporttemple "Temple of Marr"
387=freeportmilitia "Freeport Militia House"
388=freeportarena "Arena"
390=freeportcityhall "City Hall"
391=freeporttheater "Theater"
392=northro "North Ro",393,382,384,22
393=southro "South Ro",392,46,376
394=crescent "Crescent Reach",395
395=moors "Blightfire Moors",202,394,396,397,407
396=stonehive "Stone Hive",395
397=mesa "Goru`kar Mesa",395,398,399,403
398=roost "Blackfeather Roost",397
399=steppes "The Steppes",397,400
400=icefall "Icefall Glacier",399,401
401=valdeholm "Valdeholm",400,402
402=frostcrypt "Frostcrypt, Throne of the Shade King",401
403=sunderock "Sunderock Springs",397,404,405
404=vergalid "Vergalid Mines",403
405=direwind "Direwind Cliffs",403,406
406=ashengate "Ashengate, Reliquary of the Scale",405
407=highpasshold "Highpass Hold",6,15,20,395

;Zone In Points

default=590.00 -76.00 2.13 185.13

default=-32.08 358.72 2.13 4.64

default=-611.00 114.00 3.13 61.09

default=5198.00 84.00 -3.47 140.63

default=-979.00 91.00 6.49 30.30

default=62.00 99.00 3.13 264.38

default=228.00 152.00 6.19 143.55

default=36.00 45.00 -3.87 232.03

default=-2350.58 3152.83 -0.81 268.85

default=-3143.00 931.00 -8.81 164.53

default=11.50 1141.38 -34.22 270.00

default=905.81 -1861.04 4.16 97.69

default=95.00 -340.00 3.13 175.78

default=-109.55 56.93 3.13 283.88

default=-79.00 78.00 4.93 278.80 

default=2020.35 3827.21 465.77 189.59 

default=141.88 -1651.00 -53.49 102.66

default=1478.83 614.90 -16.41 146.77

default=711.00 805.00 21.13 356.31

default=-1553.05 -184.81 -44.84 349.87

default=2275.88 744.13 38.20 187.03

default=118.00 -18.00 -62.97 357.95

default=-649.00 -73.00 3.13 34.38

default=2022.00 -7073.00 -60.72 117.82

default=-443.00 -525.00 73.09 181.10
default=-413.00 -265.00 -108.84 179.30
default=410.00 -2552.00 -1.81 84.38

default=-64.00 35.00 3.44 181.15

default=-2607.00 -429.00 -41.97 28.13

default=626.00 292.00 -906.50 320.04

default=85.75 -361.00 -10.87 98.44

default=198.35 -852.87 -38.84 186.16

default=206.00 -852.63 -38.84 15.41

default=-15.00 856.00 3.13 263.47

default=-167.02 136.71 -52.84 358.47

default=2547.54 1157.02 -25.84 192.87

default=-1139.39 -3128.85 -9.22 40.43

default=59.00 -66.00 3.13 4.92

default=-375.73 -96.84 3.13 1.56

default=419.48 -3101.71 3.13 356.67

default=2353.00 2676.00 95.00 358.59

default=-130.00 50.00 3.13 0.70

default=2608.00 -53.00 18.97 172.27

default=54.00 -77.00 4.92 88.40

default=-2062.00 528.00 -107.25 4.47

default=-1115.00 3359.00 3.13 180.00

default=-641.68 162.22 3.13 0.70

default=-347.00 126.00 -178.81 358.85

default=-64.00 42.00 3.13 356.48

default=40.65 206.62 3.13 268.30

default=244.00 -834.00 -10.87 358.59

default=64.00 330.00 3.13 180.00

default=110.00 30.00 303.00 182.11

default=-52.00 34.00 3.13 324.13

default=1197.00 -217.00 -80.84 178.97

default=416.00 340.00 -21.74 302.95

default=3131.00 -179.00 3.13 186.12

default=459.00 -9000.00 11.65 229.05

default=-1182.00 -1009.00 -331.15 354.94


default=-773.00 1029.00 106.79 0.70

default=-60.00 100.00 3.13 274.95

default=425.00 -942.00 23.13 90.00

default=883.00 98.00 3.13 132.50

default=-638.88 15.13 -15.80 82.17

default=-1965.61 -1062.73 -0.99 358.77

default=-3659.34 1197.01 55.60 135.06

default=250.00 56.00 2.13 15.86

default=1412.00 376.00 3.13 185.63

default=668.00 1327.00 3.13 271.14

default=1690.72 -4542.00 102.98 180.00

default=4990.00 -2192.13 -2.66 164.53

default=1293.00 -4410.00 213.35 101.25

default=3380.00 -795.13 201.22 187.73

default=5271.09 1777.47 -158.28 178.59
default=370.00 40.00 99.10 180.00

default=248.00 -1.00 39.13 180.70

default=26.12 -885.75 4.72 85.50

default=-1199.00 -4322.25 41.66 90.00

default=-406.00 -4620.00 112.38 123.75

default=-241.00 -4377.83 246.37 90.00

default=-1965.00 5330.00 1.21 270.70

default=3975.00 1559.75 -338.97 180.00

default=-4613.00 -3282.00 18.84 52.66

default=-280.00 63.00 3.13 62.14

default=-1773.00 690.00 3.16 277.86

default=-3735.00 2920.00 -36.56 172.76

default=748.00 -914.00 -35.02 272.81

default=-82.00 389.00 5.50 267.19

default=-100.00 930.00 105.47 270.00

default=-5.95 94.95 3.13 279.38

default=0.00 0.00 -4.87 137.81

default=1362.00 -417.00 3.13 90.70

default=-2227.00 -1799.00 3.13 9.84

default=40.00 1680.00 27.13 0.00

default=-637.00 0.00 -26.87 0.00

default=-4523.25 10700.00 560.26 269.30

default=100.00 200.00 3.12 0.00

default=589.00 -72.00 -152.81 178.59

default=-8.00 -655.00 123.07 90.00

default=-210.00 -730.00 3.13 14.06

default=-1230.00 -22.00 -1.87 25.66

default=-1769.00 6675.00 191.32 270.70

default=1583.00 1626.00 66.07 186.33

default=49.00 -114.00 99.82 180.00

default=1543.00 4766.00 -60.84 261.56

default=-5156.00 -3850.00 -248.62 92.81

default=487.00 303.00 -74.84 270.00

default=-86.00 1976.00 3.13 299.88

default=-2025.00 -499.00 -46.84 139.52

default=205.00 -91.00 3.13 177.19

default=-1410.00 -395.00 114.09 0.00

default=-2493.00 3019.00 -22.61 180.00

default=-13.00 -37.00 3.13 90.00

default=106.00 45.00 2.13 0.00

default=-1773.00 690.00 3.16 63.28

default=170.00 1570.00 -58.87 270.70

default=-48.00 185.00 2.91 344.53

default=-420.00 -90.00 -59.62 180.00

default=835.00 -900.00 -29.56 0.00

default=30.00 -663.00 3.13 180.00

default=1665.00 -475.00 -212.87 180.00

default=-3906.00 -288.00 195.13 92.11

default=-2328.00 -1145.00 -308.87 90.00

default=216.00 -1664.00 -40.37 1.41

default=1469.00 -305.00 59.13 180.70

default=700.00 -669.00 2.13 177.19

default=2045.00 -345.00 -63.62 87.89

default=-34.00 -25.00 3.13 90.00

default=-99.00 932.00 -80.87 0.70

default=-385.00 -735.00 -60.87 90.00

default=-2068.00 -3585.00 -95.03 87.89

default=1170.00 3260.00 111.34 267.19

default=-1790.00 -1213.00 36.97 0.00

default=2139.00 -1170.00 160.85 166.64

default=-1390.00 -687.00 11.46 70.31

default=-1187.00 2001.00 -27.59 0.00

default=39.00 -70.00 -44.75 270.00

default=-59.00 1801.00 -36.62 267.19

default=1015.00 2045.00 -211.52 180.00

default=-710.00 -2035.00 51.66 180.00

default=779.00 1965.00 -40.29 270.00

default=-575.00 2115.00 23.06 270.70

default=-1430.00 -70.00 22.13 0.00

default=-518.00 3887.00 -7.81 180.00

default=1053.00 1463.00 83.49 92.11

default=-65.00 -170.00 -94.87 90.00

default=-61.00 58.00 3.13 165.96

default=-306.00 1398.00 -124.82 230.63

default=774.00 -1463.00 -876.79 92.11

default=282.00 1668.00 211.38 3.52

default=-1245.00 -1750.00 -58.87 0.00

default=516.00 263.00 -51.85 129.39

default=1706.00 -341.00 -494.73 0.00

default=-1668.00 190.00 64.29 0.00

default=207.00 178.00 -1626.87 0.00

default=-2059.00 -1795.00 -472.34 0.00

default=0.00 -2755.00 3.13 90.00

default=-2915.00 -1.00 -764.87 0.00


default=10.00 -210.00 -38.87 0.00

default=884.00 532.00 -92.76 0.00

default=-1234.00 -93.00 11.58 73.83

default=1210.00 -1387.00 -181.46 176.48

default=200.00 -1150.00 71.13 0.00

default=140.00 223.00 8.50 246.09

default=-1.00 960.00 396.13 90.00

default=23.00 1597.00 -324.74 87.89

default=333.00 -764.00 -57.87 92.81

default=857.00 -51.00 494.51 90.00 

default=1460.00 -940.00 14.41 90.00

default=560.00 520.00 3.13 247.50

default=-321.00 -629.00 2.63 270.00

default=-660.00 420.00 -30.28 355.78

default=110.00 -1030.00 -0.87 90.00

default=290.00 -190.00 6.68 180.00

default=780.00 -712.00 -48.10 180.00

default=-150.00 39.00 139.99 91.41

default=-853.00 -1557.00 239.08 0.00

default=-302.00 -1477.00 -15.37 35.16

default=-833.00 584.00 3.13 296.02

default=-518.00 216.00 -118.12 355.78

default=593.00 1496.00 111.13 270.00

default=-5.00 137.00 -19.87 264.33

default=-70.00 234.00 -14.87 357.19

default=127.00 150.00 -6.87 88.59

default=175.00 31.00 -17.87 178.59

default=-2374.00 -448.00 13.16 277.73

default=-3552.00 -427.00 14.99 325.55

default=1541.00 1122.00 -348.87 95.63


default=1552.00 -1512.00 -300.87 90.00

default=23.00 -157.00 -2.87 180.00

default=-651.00 -124.00 -424.87 355.08


default=0.00 -327.00 -420.87 90.00


default=-2271.00 -1479.00 -70.66 21.09

default=2138.00 -1750.00 -929.72 90.00

default=-1325.00 -1428.00 228.17 4.92

default=-2101.00 58.00 316.14 287.58

default=-5690.00 -131.00 -306.85 116.72

default=97.00 0.00 -237.59 0.00
default=-129.00 139.00 5.73 331.17
default=-1967.00 -1153.00 -370.28 59.06
default=-1156.84 -1874.37 -4.31 116.02

default=-95.00 -8.00 -31.52 0.00
default=1009.00 170.00 42.76 0.70

default=-1682.00 2.00 112.36 0.00
default=-1587.00 -235.00 70.73 336.09
default=-385.00 -89.00 17.12 315.70
default=170.00 -217.00 -86.23 157.50 

default=-50.00 21.00 4.89 343.13

default=-1.00 -1.00 2.71 0.00


default=-92.00 21.00 -45.68 178.59


default=-1032.00 1304.00 -571.20 97.03

default=-5.00 0.00 -14.50 172.97

default=530.00 -2236.00 937.19 194.06


default=-1125.00 -1041.00 249.18 94.92

default=-386.00 -133.00 -64.33 101.95 


default=-279.00 1630.00 4.93 270.00

default=618.00 861.00 -271.11 270.00


default=190.00 1382.00 52.41 0.00

default=1065.00 0.00 6.41 179.30

default=269.00 -983.00 60.28 115.31


default=200.00 -174.00 88.19 15.47


default=-1621.00 -168.00 10.90 0.70

default=958.32 350.07 -28.62 273.95

default=1178.00 -144.00 -83.52 94.92


default=9657.00 -1280.00 23.38 176.88

default=-596.00 -342.00 144.85 279.84

default=-974.00 -2790.00 -54.16 173.67

default=-593.00 -1364.00 3.29 46.41

default=-1648.00 -1183.00 40.34 291.09

default=-2110.00 -73.00 11.37 352.27

default=78.00 -17.00 -43.29 322.03

default=-2360.00 -896.00 2.41 14.77

default=-2030.00 756.00 -67.78 357.19

default=-3158.00 6.00 2.41 310.78

default=-26.00 2.00 2.51 0.00

default=-3773.00 -775.00 2.41 79.45

default=0.00 14.00 2.41 270.00

default=-2213.00 -512.00 103.13 33.05

default=-358.00 -1.00 9.68 349.45

default=1050.00 -203.00 -191.44 132.19

Post away.



  • MQ2PiggyZone.ini
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And, to add on top of this, is there a way to dictate which way your toon faces upon zone-in, other than just turning a certain direction and hoping for the best?

Also, which zonelines are we supposed to zone in at? For example, if we're zoning into South Ro, who is to say which zoneline (Innothule Swamp or North Ro) is the one that should be defaulted for /zone there? I suppose it doesn't make too much a difference, though. (Unless there's a way for it to automatically zone in to whichever zoneline is naturally closest or most accessible to your character's current position...?) I guess it's not a big deal, just a minor concern.
Do you want the locs from each zone-in? What I mean is, do you want one loc for PoK from FoB, and another for PoK from OT, etc.? Or do you just want one generic one for each zone?

I only ask 'cause it might appear safer if we used each individual zone-in. That way if you're going from PoK->Gfay->Crushbone (that's right, old school zones =P), anyone that knew you were coming from PoK would see that you went to the right spot in Gfay, rather than popping up at the entrance from BB. Ya' know?

But then again, maybe I'm just crazy. You guys just let me know ^_^
A zoneline.

Any zoneline.

I believe the purpose is simply to stop popping into the succor points.
What Taron said.

There are 4 locs, Y X Z then heading.

Hope I got them in the right order.

Well, if you didn't, they're still not gonna pop up at the succor point. :)
Here is some Kunark stuff. No cabilis since I am the KOS.
default=-1965.61 -1062.73 -0.99 358.77
default=-1965.00 5330.00 1.21 270.70
default=3975.00 1559.75 -338.97 180.00
default=1690.72 -4542.00 102.98 180.00
default=4990.00 -2192.13 -2.66 164.53
default=1293.00 -4410.00 213.35 101.25
default=-3659.34 1197.01 55.60 135.06
default=-241.00 -4377.83 246.37 90.00
default=-1199.00 -4322.25 41.66 90.00
default=5271.09 1777.47 -158.28 178.59
default=-100.00 930.00 105.47 270.00
default=3380.00 -795.13 201.22 187.73
default=-82.00 389.00 5.50 267.19
Thanks PeteyPablo.

I haven't forgotten about this, we've just been very busy with a few other things recently.

I totally agree

On CT over past couple of days there has been a gm presence in Nektolus Forrest. Has made me kind of leary of chain zoning through at the succor points.

im on CT as well ... its a corpse for some reason showing as a gm lol (GM MASDEH) freaked me out for a bit too but its a corpse by the lavastorm zone

is it possible to add a random number generator to this? so it's never the same loc?

default=-3659.34+/-n 1197.01+/-n 55.60+/-n 135.06+n

just a thought, i know the hunter.mac has a feature that it will wait x amount of seconds before continuing...
xcheck said:
is it possible to add a random number generator to this? so it's never the same loc?

default=-3659.34+/-n 1197.01+/-n 55.60+/-n 135.06+n

just a thought, i know the hunter.mac has a feature that it will wait x amount of seconds before continuing...
I thought the point was to zone in at a zone in point?.... Now I'm confused ><...
In the process..

As we speak, I'm starting to grab all these zone line locs. I had an idea which would certainly be a long task, but it seems pretty good to me.

What about grabbing the width of the zone line line and warping to a random loc on that? That way nobody has the same locs -- ever?

You could make a plugin for this and store the zone line info for every zone. Only problem I could see would be the Z plane and worrying about slightly ending up under the ground.. but we can probably elevate the z-plane slightly to compensate for particular zones
Another idea..

What if you add a feature for chain zoning where the character will warp to the zone lines and wait for the player to zone over. When the plugin detects you've reached the next zone, it will warp you to the next zone line in your destination. If a player zones to another zone which is not listed as the next consecutive zone in their chain, the chain aborts.
Here it is

Classic Everquest Zones

From East Commons
[08/10/2006 09:46:39] [FreeportWest]
[08/10/2006 09:46:39] default=958.32 350.07 -28.62 273.95
From East Freeport
[08/10/2006 09:50:00] [FreeportWest]
[08/10/2006 09:50:00] default=296.08 -1717.28 -109.77 42.86
From West Freeport
[08/10/2006 09:51:00] [FreeportEast]
[08/10/2006 09:51:01] default=44.71 330.91 30.10 222.21
From East Freeport
[08/10/2006 09:52:38] [NorthRo]
[08/10/2006 09:52:39] default=9657.00 -1280.00 23.38 176.88
From Northern Ro
[08/10/2006 09:59:55] [FreeportEast]
[08/10/2006 09:59:55] default=-1621.00 -168.00 10.90 0.70
From East Commons
[08/10/2006 10:01:18] [NorthRo]
[08/10/2006 10:01:18] default=6761.18 -75.45 -41.87 235.01
From Oasis
[08/10/2006 10:01:45] [NorthRo]
[08/10/2006 10:01:46] default=5215.73 -528.84 108.40 342.15
From North Ro
[08/10/2006 10:02:25] [Ecommons]
[08/10/2006 10:02:25] default=-2433.00 -32.00 4.32 47.81
From West Commonlands
[08/10/2006 10:03:26] [Ecommons]
[08/10/2006 10:03:26] default=21.96 4929.49 -66.34 264.23
From Nektulos
[08/10/2006 10:04:07] [Ecommons]
[08/10/2006 10:04:08] default=1478.83 614.90 -16.41 146.77
From Ecommons
[08/10/2006 10:05:08] [Commons]
[08/10/2006 10:05:09] default=141.88 -1651.00 -53.49 102.66
Zone in @ befallen
[08/10/2006 10:05:56] [Befallen]
[08/10/2006 10:05:57] default=-64.00 35.00 3.44 181.15
From Befallen
[08/10/2006 10:06:18] [Commons]
[08/10/2006 10:06:19] default=-1162.00 596.00 -37.27 354.38
From Kithicor Forest
[08/10/2006 10:07:19] [Commons]
[08/10/2006 10:07:19] default=900.54 4227.34 -48.53 289.58
From West Commonlands
[08/10/2006 10:08:04] [Kithicor]
[08/10/2006 10:08:04] default=1467.82 -1088.91 -48.97 179.79
From Rivervale
[08/10/2006 10:09:02] [Kithicor]
[08/10/2006 10:09:02] default=2020.35 3827.21 465.77 189.59
From Kithicor
[08/10/2006 10:09:42] [Rivervale]
[08/10/2006 10:09:42] default=-369.00 -282.00 5.28 349.45
From Kithicor
[08/10/2006 10:13:23] [Highpass]
[08/10/2006 10:13:23] default=-979.00 91.00 6.49 30.30
From Highpass
[08/10/2006 10:14:09] [Kithicor]
[08/10/2006 10:14:09] default=557.00 4892.00 694.72 167.34
From Highpass
[08/10/2006 10:15:39] [Highkeep]
[08/10/2006 10:15:39] default=63.13 99.00 3.21 265.78
From HighKeep
[08/10/2006 10:16:15] [Highpass]
[08/10/2006 10:16:15] default=62.88 -113.00 3.45 92.11
From East Karana
[08/10/2006 10:17:21] [Highpass]
[08/10/2006 10:17:22] default=842.69 104.14 2.74 167.90
From Highpass
[08/10/2006 10:17:55] [EastKarana]
[08/10/2006 10:17:55] default=-3097.00 -8338.00 693.41 8.44
From East Karana
[08/10/2006 10:19:47] [Beholder]
[08/10/2006 10:19:48] default=-1210.00 -475.00 37.25 45.70
From Runnyeye
[08/10/2006 10:21:02] [Beholder]
[08/10/2006 10:21:03] default=905.81 -1861.04 4.16 97.69
From Beholder
[08/10/2006 10:24:56] [Runnyeye]
[08/10/2006 10:24:56] default=-113.80 -18.66 3.61 271.88
From Runnyeye
[08/10/2006 10:25:41] [Misty]
[08/10/2006 10:25:41] default=-830.00 1431.00 -7.36 337.65
From Misty Thicket
[08/10/2006 10:26:43] [Rivervale]
[08/10/2006 10:26:44] default=-79.00 78.00 4.93 278.80
From Rivervale
[08/10/2006 10:27:35] [Misty]
[08/10/2006 10:27:35] default=410.00 -2552.00 -1.81 84.38
From Misty Thicket
[08/10/2006 10:28:37] [Runnyeye]
[08/10/2006 10:28:37] default=228.00 152.00 6.19 143.55
From East Karana
[08/10/2006 12:05:12] [NorthKarana]
[08/10/2006 12:05:12] default=11.50 -3097.00 -34.22 90.00
From North Karana
[08/10/2006 12:05:58] [EastKarana]
[08/10/2006 12:05:58] default=11.50 1141.38 -34.22 270.00
From South Karana
[08/10/2006 12:07:17] [NorthKarana]
[08/10/2006 12:07:17] default=-4494.84 1210.86 -31.28 359.34
From West Karana
[08/10/2006 12:07:50] [NorthKarana]
[08/10/2006 12:07:50] default=-2350.58 3152.83 -0.81 268.85
From North Karana
[08/10/2006 12:08:48] [SouthKarana]
[08/10/2006 12:08:48] default=2876.31 907.50 -31.28 180.00
From South Karana
[08/10/2006 12:09:51] [LakeRathe]
[08/10/2006 12:09:52] default=4374.00 1151.00 3.13 176.48
From Lake Rathe
[08/10/2006 12:10:57] [Rathemtn]
[08/10/2006 12:10:57] default=3411.00 3036.00 -0.75 259.45
From Rathe Mountains
[08/10/2006 12:11:31] [LakeRathe]
[08/10/2006 12:11:32] default=2518.00 -2282.00 4.88 49.99
From Lake Rathe
[08/10/2006 12:12:19] [SouthKarana]
[08/10/2006 12:12:20] default=-8563.00 1156.00 3.13 6.33
[08/10/2006 12:13:22] [Arena]
[08/10/2006 12:13:22] default=-638.88 15.13 -15.80 82.17
From Arena
[08/10/2006 12:13:41] [LakeRathe]
[08/10/2006 12:13:41] default=2353.00 2676.00 95.00 358.59
From Feerrott
[08/10/2006 12:15:28] [Rathemtn]
[08/10/2006 12:15:29] default=419.48 -3101.71 3.13 356.67
From Rathe mountains
[08/10/2006 12:16:06] [Feerrott]
[08/10/2006 12:16:07] default=377.00 3424.00 3.13 211.58
From Temple of Cazic Thule
[08/10/2006 12:16:50] [Feerrott]
[08/10/2006 12:16:50] default=-1466.33 -107.08 51.06 7.62
[08/10/2006 12:17:40] [cazicthule]
[08/10/2006 12:17:40] default=59.00 -66.00 3.13 4.92
From Oggok
[08/10/2006 12:18:42] [Feerrott]
[08/10/2006 12:18:43] default=1674.93 807.02 60.41 178.25
From Innothule
[08/10/2006 12:19:38] [Feerrott]
[08/10/2006 12:19:38] default=-1139.39 -3128.85 -9.22 40.43
From Gukta
[08/10/2006 12:20:53] [Innothule]
[08/10/2006 12:20:53] default=-2766.86 -615.30 -31.44 181.38
From UpperGuk
[08/10/2006 12:21:40] [Innothule]
[08/10/2006 12:21:40] default=141.73 -827.61 -8.37 78.39
[08/10/2006 12:22:16] [GukTop]
[08/10/2006 12:22:16] default=-52.00 34.00 3.13 324.13
From South Ro
[08/10/2006 12:24:34] [Innothule]
[08/10/2006 12:24:35] default=2547.54 1157.02 -25.84 192.87
From Innothule
[08/10/2006 12:25:10] [SouthRo]
[08/10/2006 12:25:10] default=-596.00 -342.00 144.85 279.84
From North Ro
[08/10/2006 12:27:33] [SouthRo]
[08/10/2006 12:27:33] default=5108.00 -422.00 108.28 159.61
From Infect Paw
[08/10/2006 12:31:55] [SouthKarana]
[08/10/2006 12:31:55] default=-3143.00 931.00 -8.81 164.53
From North Karana
[08/10/2006 12:33:33] [Qey2HH1]
[08/10/2006 12:33:33] default=-2822.50 -15995.00 -0.81 71.72
From West Karana
[08/10/2006 12:34:59] [Qeytoqrg]
[08/10/2006 12:34:59] default=1238.00 -2449.00 -1.22 59.64
From Qeynos Hills
[08/10/2006 12:35:20] [Qey2HH1]
[08/10/2006 12:35:20] default=36.00 45.00 -3.87 232.03
From Qeynos Hills
[08/10/2006 12:36:55] [QRG]
[08/10/2006 12:36:55] default=-611.00 114.00 3.13 61.09
From Surefall Glade
[08/10/2006 12:37:44] [Qeytoqrg]
[08/10/2006 12:37:45] default=5198.00 84.00 -3.47 140.63
From North Qeynos
[08/10/2006 12:38:17] [Qeytoqrg]
[08/10/2006 12:38:17] default=-339.07 658.83 -4.72 1.63
From Qeynos Hills
[08/10/2006 12:38:42] [Qeynos2]
[08/10/2006 12:38:42] default=1395.00 658.50 3.13 181.41
From South Qeynos
[08/10/2006 12:39:50] [Qeynos2]
[08/10/2006 12:39:50] default=-32.08 358.72 2.13 4.64
From North Qeynos
[08/10/2006 12:40:37] [Qeynos]
[08/10/2006 12:40:38] default=590.00 -76.00 2.13 185.13
From Qeynos Catacombs
[08/10/2006 12:43:50] [Qeynos]
[08/10/2006 12:43:50] default=-146.20 -607.99 -24.87 88.48
From North Qeynos
[08/10/2006 12:44:26] [Qcat]
[08/10/2006 12:44:26] default=217.00 -301.00 -38.84 269.16
From South qeynos
[08/10/2006 12:45:32] [Qcat]
[08/10/2006 12:45:32] default=-167.02 136.71 -52.84 358.47
From East Commons
[08/10/2006 12:56:48] [Nektulos]
[08/10/2006 12:56:48] default=-2192.00 -419.00 2.57 348.05
From Neriak Foreign Quarter
[08/10/2006 12:57:28] [Nektulos]
[08/10/2006 12:57:28] default=1822.92 -973.56 26.53 93.77
From Nektulos
[08/10/2006 12:57:58] [NeriakA]
[08/10/2006 12:57:59] default=53.00 154.00 31.13 180.00
From Neriak Foreign Quarter
[08/10/2006 12:58:43] [NeriakB]
[08/10/2006 12:58:43] default=84.50 -367.00 -10.87 268.59
From Neriak Third Gate
[08/10/2006 12:59:35] [NeriakB]
[08/10/2006 12:59:35] default=198.35 -852.87 -38.84 186.16
From Neriak Commons
[08/10/2006 13:00:06] [NeriakC]
[08/10/2006 13:00:06] default=206.00 -852.63 -38.84 15.41
From Neriak Commons
[08/10/2006 13:01:29] [NeriakA]
[08/10/2006 13:01:29] default=85.75 -361.00 -10.87 98.44
From Nektulos
[08/10/2006 13:02:58] [Lavastorm]
[08/10/2006 13:02:59] default=118.00 -18.00 -62.97 357.95
From Lavastorm
[08/10/2006 13:03:28] [Nektulos]
[08/10/2006 13:03:28] default=2275.88 744.13 38.20 187.03
From Lavastorm
[08/10/2006 13:05:20] [SoldungA]
[08/10/2006 13:05:20] default=-443.00 -525.00 73.09 181.10
From Lavastorm
[08/10/2006 13:06:54] [SoldungB]
[08/10/2006 13:06:54] default=-413.00 -265.00 -108.84 179.30
From Nagafen's Lair
[08/10/2006 13:10:14] [Lavastorm]
[08/10/2006 13:10:14] default=2322.00 117.00 16.18 52.73
From Solusek's Eye
[08/10/2006 13:11:45] [Lavastorm]
[08/10/2006 13:11:45] default=1375.00 1082.00 -76.33 19.22
[08/10/2006 13:12:49] [Najena]
[08/10/2006 13:12:49] default=-15.00 856.00 3.13 263.47
From Najena
[08/10/2006 13:13:21] [Lavastorm]
[08/10/2006 13:13:22] default=519.00 -1755.00 -98.36 175.08
From Permafrost Keep
[08/10/2006 13:16:07] [Everfrost]
[08/10/2006 13:16:07] default=2022.00 -7073.00 -60.72 117.82
From Everfrost Peaks
[08/10/2006 13:16:36] [Permafrost]
[08/10/2006 13:16:37] default=-60.00 100.00 3.13 274.95
From Everfrost Peaks
[08/10/2006 13:20:54] [Blackburrow]
[08/10/2006 13:20:54] default=95.00 -340.00 3.13 175.78
From Everfrost Peaks
[08/10/2006 13:22:23] [Halas]
[08/10/2006 13:22:24] default=-649.00 -73.00 3.13 34.38
From Toxxulia
[08/10/2006 13:26:50] [ErudnExt]
[08/10/2006 13:26:50] default=-1553.05 -184.81 -44.84 349.87
From Erudin
[08/10/2006 13:27:35] [Tox]
[08/10/2006 13:27:36] default=2550.00 296.00 -45.28 189.96
From Kerra Ridge
[08/10/2006 13:28:27] [Tox]
[08/10/2006 13:28:27] default=-513.55 2656.15 -35.12 270.61
From Toxxulia
[08/10/2006 13:28:56] [KerraRidge]
[08/10/2006 13:28:56] default=425.00 -942.00 23.13 90.00
From Toxxulia
[08/10/2006 13:30:14] [Paineel]
[08/10/2006 13:30:14] default=883.00 98.00 3.13 132.50
From Paineel
[08/10/2006 13:31:13] [Tox]
[08/10/2006 13:31:13] default=-2607.00 -429.00 -41.97 28.13
From Warrens
[08/10/2006 13:35:26] [Stonebrunt]
[08/10/2006 13:35:26] default=-3735.00 2920.00 -36.56 172.76
From Stonebrunt
[08/10/2006 13:36:35] [Warrens]
[08/10/2006 13:36:35] default=-88.00 1146.00 -107.84 265.84
From Butcherblock
[08/10/2006 13:40:23] [Gfaydark]
[08/10/2006 13:40:23] default=-1650.00 2673.00 3.13 286.06
From Lesser Faydark
[08/10/2006 13:41:31] [Gfaydark]
[08/10/2006 13:41:31] default=-2626.02 -1112.72 3.13 19.86
From Felwithe
[08/10/2006 13:42:49] [Gfaydark]
[08/10/2006 13:42:50] default=-1973.37 -2595.95 23.53 175.56
From Greater Faydark
[08/10/2006 13:45:07] [Lfaydark]
[08/10/2006 13:45:07] default=2175.00 -1202.00 3.13 162.06
[08/10/2006 13:46:16] [Mistmoore]
[08/10/2006 13:46:17] default=-347.00 126.00 -178.81 358.85
From Mistmoore
[08/10/2006 13:46:40] [Lfaydark]
[08/10/2006 13:46:40] default=-1115.00 3359.00 3.13 180.00
From Crushbone
[08/10/2006 13:48:30] [Gfaydark]
[08/10/2006 13:48:30] default=2608.00 -53.00 18.97 172.27
[08/10/2006 13:50:08] [KaladimA]
[08/10/2006 13:50:08] default=-64.00 42.00 3.13 356.48
From KaladimA
[08/10/2006 13:50:39] [Butcher]
[08/10/2006 13:50:39] default=3131.00 -179.00 3.13 186.12

From Means that the Zone to that place is behind where that loc is.. obviously. I'm hoping we can develop what I was talking about.. warping from zone lines to zone lines, as this would be really secure. Tomorrow I will grab the Kunark expansion zones. Day after that, Velious.. etc etc.
bobbyj said:
On CT over past couple of days there has been a gm presence in Nektolus Forrest. Has made me kind of leary of chain zoning through at the succor points.


Actually was that a GM or his corpse? I noticed that too on CT. It registered as a GM present, but it was in the form of his corpse I think. Good way to hide. I was about to /gate when I noticed him there, so casted gate intead.
Similar occurrance

Saw this type of behavior as well in Lavastorm on my server the other day.
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