85 Grind Zone


New member
Jul 12, 2009
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I have a group of 6 lvl 85 toons on Mayong... what couple of zones will provide a nice camp set up and the best AA exp per kill? All toons have about 300 AA's.

It doesnt seem that the higher the zone lvl the better the AA exp.... actually seems a bit worse since the mobs take so much longer to kill and do much more dmg..

Anyway, let me know of a few zones that I can grind out plz
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I know it sounds off but I always got best xp in Hills of Shade undead village...
Can pull 4 or 5 mobs at a time with a good tank and they die fast...
ashengate ftw. Fast kills+hot zone = win, especially with that low number of AA's. you should roll there. If not, just try different zones, use a parser to see how long kills take vs. xp gotten per mob. Do math. Win again.
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You'll get 6 to 7 aa's per toon per classic mission. How fast you finish? I do em in 45ish minutes, some people do em in 7 minutes while others take well over an hour. Granted, you'll only get to do it 3 times per 15? hours, but that can get you over 20aa's a day per toon besides the brews to save towards some useful augs and maybe even an upgrade in gear depending on how well any of your toons are equipped currently.

Other then that, I pick aug camp locations for my tank and grind out AA's there. If your tank can survive in SoD essence camps, might as well pick accordingly as well.
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I would personally Use Mech Guardian for grinding, it can be awkward, and if your 6boxing you'll have to keep moving, or pulling long distances, but it is very good, and repops.

Beza and Zeka are also pretty good for XP, i havent really found any "decent" xp in SoD.
Repeat Murdunks Last Stand. Just leave mission before the 35 mobs.
Repeat Murdunks Last Stand. Just leave mission before the 35 mobs.
To be completely honest Murdunk's is absolutely horrible for exp. Its good for PUGs maybe because it forces the group to kill at a steady pace, but if you are wanting balls to the walls exp go to Mech Guardian. You can average 15ish AAs in 30 minutes with a good group and close to 30 running lesson *thats having over 2k AAs so will be a lot more at lower AA counts*. That and augs there are fairly nice, don't drop much but are still nice
To be completely honest Murdunk's is absolutely horrible for exp. Its good for PUGs maybe because it forces the group to kill at a steady pace, but if you are wanting balls to the walls exp go to Mech Guardian. You can average 15ish AAs in 30 minutes with a good group and close to 30 running lesson *thats having over 2k AAs so will be a lot more at lower AA counts*. That and augs there are fairly nice, don't drop much but are still nice

Um... unless my math doesn't work out or my group sucks, in a group of 6 I get roughly 5% aa per kill in MG, lets say I pop lesson and get 10% aa per kill. In order to obtain 30 aa's in 30 minutes, thats 1 aa per minute, totaling about 10 kills per minute, or 1 kill every 6 seconds. Counting the time it takes you to move (obviously you will get no repops killing that fast), you *might* be able to spend 3-4 seconds killing each mob to average 6 seconds per kill. I want your DPS on my raids =)
thats a group of 3 zerks, a bard, an sk and a shammy

Edit- gotta use multiple floors
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