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  1. C

    Cheating warning!

    It's times like these I wish Daybreak was a publicly traded company. I'd love to track their stock as their membership drops should they go through with their threats.
  2. C

    Getting the best from my tank

    You can use MQ2Melee to handle that. holyflag0=1 holyflag1=1 holyflag2=1 holyshit0=/if (${Me.CombatAbilityReady[Reprove]} && ${Me.PctHPs}<65 && ${Me.PctEndurance}>30 && ${Me.CombatState.Equal[COMBAT]} && ${Target.Type.Equal[NPC]}) /disc Reprove holyshit1=/if (${Me.CombatAbilityReady[Grelleth's...
  3. C

    thoughts and experiences with an unconventional tank

    Monks have no real means of gaining agro except through DPS, that said a wizard merc in burn mode will wind up tanking more than the monk. Well geared and AA'ed monks can tank well, namers might be a problem but for trash monks can easily get the job done. My current setup is mnk/shm/brd I've...
  4. C

    How to drop your IQ by 1,000 points in 5 seconds

    90% of a joke is it's delivery. So I'd give you 5%
  5. C

    new expansion

    Reading it, it appears they are probably going to nerf the epic 2.0 but add in items that do about the same thing.
  6. C


    You can figure out where a mac is by typing /echo ${Me.WITGHVFEHIE} (or something not a valid part of ${Me} will see an error that tells you the exact location the mac is in. Once you know that you can check what the hell is wrong by checking for bad loops / unexpected variables / flags for...
  7. C

    Some questions for r/l believers

    Your friend believes in the rapture. Essentially there are many many different theories on how revelations is supposed to play out but no one knows. The viewpoint that believers will be wisked away before the world truely goes to hell is a new one and not supported by the bible at all...
  8. C

    Dueling pets no longer working?

    MQ2melee is built in to not do pvp, it's a safety measure built in by the original author to prevent automated pvp bots. /melee plugin=0 will turn it off without unloading the plugin, otherwise /plugin MQ2melee unload
  9. C

    Aggro meter

    This is one of those things that isn't documented too well. Before I asked in IRC I used ${Window[GroupWindowSomethingOrOther].Child[blahblah].Text} to get that information. I'm at work but you might try ${Group.Member[1].PctAggro} or some combination of the examples above to see what the...
  10. C

    Aggro meter

    I think with XTarget you have to do. ${Me.XTarget[1].Spawn.PctAggro}
  11. C

    Terry Goodkind / Robert Jordan

    I just finished book 6 of my re-read of Wheel of Time. I remember slugging it through the next 3 books before I felt the series picked back up. Though in Robert Jordan's defense it was pretty tough to top the battle of Dumai's Wells, I don't think he really beat it until ~book 9-10 . Last...
  12. C

    Anyway to aggro a whole zone without leaving your spot?

    a_decaying_skeleton22 says, 'Obama may have ruined your lands but he won't ruin mine!' a_deathfist_pawn05 says, '#*@# teabaggers, can't we keep politics out of this? Everyone, get em!"
  13. C

    June 19 2013 Patch Notes

    Nope, this big red banner at the top doesn't mean anything at all.
  14. C

    anyone know whats up eq?

    Sorry, I accidentally the whole server.
  15. C

    *Rant on*

    I have quite a few thoughts on all this...hey...wait a minute. Nevermind, this conversation was over before it started.
  16. C

    The beginning of the end?

    You will see an uptick in VPN usage. It's trivial to get a VPN with a lot of bandwidth, I'll use my VPS from linode if I have to.
  17. C

    GASP!!!! Bin Laden looked at porn!

    I was a counter intelligence agent in the Army, one of the few 97B's who actually did his job instead of being a specialized intel analyst. I've drank with more city officials than I have fingers and toes. Arabs tend to keep whiskey hidden somewhere at all times. As for porn, yeah don't fool...
  18. C

    IT Certificiates

    Really? You missed the entire point. Your post is disregarded. Do not pass go, do not collect $200. The instructions are make a user and assign "Power User" local group. The instructions were not "Use compmgmt.mmc to create a user and assign them to the local group "Power Users". Off the...
  19. C

    IT Certificiates

    I agree completely. CCNA is entry level and I'd ignore it just as soon as I'd ignore a Network+ cert (which I hold both of those).
  20. C

    IT Certificiates

    How many certs are hands on? Appears only higher end certs and most microsoft ones, rest are rightfully called "Paper Certs" and are ignored. This isn't because people "usually have no clue" I enjoyed the Microsoft cert where I was asked to make a user. I dropped to the command line created...