Search results

  1. K

    docrack to beg while attacking

    Can anyone find the docrack to beg while attacking. If so, I'll request our main man put it in the list of things we can do.
  2. K

    PoP Raid Strats

    Anyone know a decent source for PoP raid strategies?
  3. K

    EMU AFK Level Macros

    Hi everyone, I haven't been interested in EQ for a long time but this project 1999 has me stoked. HTW and others have enabled a lot of the plugins necessary to properly execute a macro/script to auto AFK kill npcs. Of course it will all be situational and dependant upon class/zone but it's...
  4. K

    Streaminglining your VA loan..

    Just wondering if any other vets out there have got the same piece of mail I just did. The mail states you can lock in the new rate of 5% and skip two months payments, etc. etc... If anyone has more information or has actually done the streamline loan process, information would be appreciated.
  5. K

    Beast Lord AE Weapon Proc

    Is there a weapon that is usable by BL's that procs an AE dmg? Does such a weapon exist for them?
  6. K

    Feign Death / Mend Macro

    I did some searching and found a macro to get up Feign Death/Mend. When I run the macro it uses Feign Death just fine, but will not use mend. Can someone take a look at this and tell me why it doesn't use mend? Thanks so much in advance. | FDMend.mac | by [40oz] | Max those annoying monk...
  7. K

    Fantastic new EQ EMU PVP server It's really great and based on SoD
  8. K

    MQ2 compile for EQEMU - PLUGINS?

    Does anyone have the plugin that will allow me to /stick someone? (that works with Fry's compile) I have a macro list: IF anyone needs let me know. They're not all fully tested but I have most the .inc's and macro's.
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    Ladies and Gents, is it possible to get someone to backwards compile MQ2 for my eqgame.exe ? Everything I've tried has not worked. I do not have my original CDs :( My goal is to box 1 cleric 1 warrior and 4 wizards. Why stop there, I ask myself. Why not just box two teams? Because that would...
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    New MQ2 compile

    Wonder what was changed this time... more detection features?
  11. K

    LDoN Hud

    Does anyone know if it is possible to have a timer on your HUD to show you wether you can get an LDoN or not?
  12. K

    Raising Defense

    I know this question has been asked 100 times, but I did some testing last night and am puzzled. I tried raising my defense last night. I started with a green mob, and worked my way up to yellow, seeing which raises defense the best. From what it looks like, you cannot raise defense on...
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    Memory Editing

    OK, I've just started to learn how to change things in the memory within EQEMU. I've been successful in a few of the things posted here. I'm trying to figure out how to find the delay of a combat ability, specifically KICK, MEND, Ranged Attack. Can anyone provide some insight to filtering down...
  14. K

    Hotkeys while casting

    I remember seeing a plugin or something to let you use hotkeys while your casting, anyone know where I can find that? Thanks~