Search results

  1. OldOne

    Need a snip to ck a group of mobs HP's

    Any one have a snip that will check the HP's of a group of mobs in a defined radius and target the lowest? Is in .. pulling a group of mobs and while fighting checking the surrounding mobs HP's, changing target to the lowest HP mob.
  2. OldOne

    Is class in group

    Need to determine (holyshit format) if .. in a group, is there a warrior in the group.
  3. OldOne

    MQ2Melee - feigndeathIF

    feigndeathIF - can this be added? Seems like a natural. There certainly are times when you do NOT want feign to happen, like when your main tank in a group. Doing so normally results in angry words at best.
  4. OldOne

    Find Item ID

    Is there a way to find an item's ID without having it on the cursor? ${FindItem[whatever].InvSlot} -- only seems to work with a item name.
  5. OldOne

    Window Name

    I give up .. can anyone tell me how to find a window name? I'm looking for the name for the "Quest Journal / Current tasks" (I want to test if it's open, then close it). But would really like to know the way to find any EQ window name.
  6. OldOne

    Combat Abilites Window

    Combat Abilites Window .. default or custom, you can select a discipline to be assigned and the name displayed on each button. My question is, where is this information stored? Or how can you make the buttons .. blank again?
  7. OldOne

    EQPlayer Character Update

    Is it known if using EQPlayer character update while running MQ2 is dangerous? Or more directly, can the update identify if you are running MQ2? And yes I know about Docrack [NoEqPlayers].
  8. OldOne

    07/15/09 Game Update

    July 15, 2009 Here's a sneak peek at Wednesday's Game Update Notes: *** Highlights *** - New Hot Zones are now available!: Hot Zones offer an increase in normal adventure experience for the zone and have the additional bonus of some new content. Franklin Teek in the Plane of Knowledge will...
  9. OldOne

    New Plug at MQ2

    Looks very cool .. PLUGIN: MQ2SwitchChar -- commands for character switching
  10. OldOne

    Define a range

    :rolleyes: Is there anyway to define a range (or multi ranges) other then: ${Target.PctHPs}>=55 && ${Target.PctHPs}<=90
  11. OldOne

    Mercenary Info

    Is there a way to get the owner's name of a mercenary? For a pet you can use: ${Target.Master}. But, clueless for a merc.
  12. OldOne

    Is my familiar up?

    How can I determine (in a macro) if I have a familiar up? ${Me.Pet.ID} returns true for both pets and familiars.
  13. OldOne

    What's it Holding?

    Trying to find a way to determine if a target is holding something. ${Target.Holding} < -- returns 0 everytime (not working) Any ideas?
  14. OldOne

    MQ2MMOPopup - defaults

    Is there a possibility of making this use a ini file to store defaults? Would be much easier to set defaults to choice, then only have to type out the command string if you want a temp change. And .. heh .. might it be possible to add an option to change font size?
  15. OldOne

    Test pack slot

    Is there a way to test if a pack slot is empty? Example please !!
  16. OldOne

    Plugin Loading Order?

    With the recent changes involving the loader and plugins .. I still prefer to use a autoexec to load plugins and misc settings. My question is, is there a requirement/reason to load plugins in any order (could it create conflicts)?
  17. OldOne

    List of INDOOR Zones

    Has anyone ever compiled a list of indoor zones? Or outdoor for that matter .. would make a nice include file for macro and CFG files. Ya think by zone ID, or Name? What would be easier to reference widescale? [INDOOR] [OUTDOOR]
  18. OldOne

    MQ2ChatWnd .. SuperSize

    Is there a way, within a macro, to change the size of the MQ2ChatWnd? It's sitting at the top of my screen displaying 5 lines. I'd love to be able to "pull it down" .. make it longer to display more lines, then go back to my normal size. Tis a pain to manually drag it around when debugging. Can...
  19. OldOne

    Adds in the distance

    Is there a way to determine if there are mobs around something you have targeted at a distance? Anyone have a solution?
  20. OldOne

    Plugin Info .. please

    Some files in the 10/13/08 compile that I can't find any info on ... can someone fill in the blanks? MQ2VladXp Description: Commands: Example: MQ2PowerSource Description: Commands: Example: MQ2CLoot Description: Commands: Example: