Who's trying out the 51/50 server?

Somebody PM me if you want to group - I want to get into a serious raiding guild too, if anyone knows of one forming.
I am up for anything..
I will be running SK as main.. Shaman as bot when i need "solo xp"
I will be wanting to raid also.. But as i have family and such i will be limited to around 3-4 days a week.. so nothing to heavy.. I am on european hours tho..
I have raided everything up to solteries on antonius bayle and recently came back to the game..
This is a nice opputunity to catch up with people again and have a shot of going thru most of the content <3

PM me for char name etc :)
I will be there. When is the server supposed to go live? I thought it was today but still showing as locked.
11am pdt,in a bit more than 1hour from now
PoI and Ssra are going to be batshit full, most likely.

I'm gonna two box, but I haven't decided what to play yet. There's gonna be an assload of SKs, Paladins, and Shaman. I might do something weird like mage and enchanter, mage and bard, et al.

Someone should organize a little guild for those interested, I'd join. I don't really know dick about this game anymore, as I've only played about a month in the past few years.
k hit me up, im either going to be an enchanter or a bard not sure which
Meh...it'd probably be a good idea to play at least one porter, too. Think I might go with wizard as one of my two, since they're good and stackable anyway.
In the chat channels, this guild keeps advertising their website as looking for healers and DPS classes only. I don't know a thing about them, who they are, or where they come from, but FYI:

iam on got a ranger would love to join up PM me for name of toon for invit if anyone wants to group up or guild up
How stupid do you have to be to use Slipgear macro in front of other people. <charname here> that was really not very smart.
Hey. Ive created a guild now. im going to be in CR for the next 2 hours - PM me if your interested in a safe Guild :)
already bored. /shortattentionspan @ me

WTB duels! no one can claim gear gap anymore!
Nah, all content will be open like a normal server. The only difference is you start at level 51 with 50 free aa.

I'll be there, just pm if you want to start it a goin.

Sounds like a good idea but I dont think its going to hold anyones attention for very long. I imagine folks will get bored with it in a couple of weeks and go back to their normal servers. Good effort overall I think.

I wont be able to check it out until august cause I'm stuck in afghanistan for another month and a half or so. Will just be like starting new on a different server for me by that point so doubt I'll give it a shot. Interested to see what everyone thats giving it a go thinks in a few weeks though.
So how many guilds we got goin here?
My son and I are goin to create characters and want to get into one.
Not a hardcore raiding one, but that has some raids without serious attendance req's.
I've got a guild at the moment - has 25 people from forums in it. Shoot me a PM if your interested mate, im going to work in 15 mins tho -