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Are poodles gay dogs?

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For the background on this poll, read below:

[08:22] <valheru> I'm actually calling around buncha dog rescue orgs lately, tryin to find a standard poodle

[08:22] <valheru> no luck yet

[08:22] <Kodilynn> poodle? fag

[08:22] <Kodilynn> yeah i didnt name him, but that dog kicks ass

[08:22] <valheru> eat a dick

[08:22] <valheru> poodles are the only dogs I'm not allergic to heh

[08:23] <Kodilynn> lol

[08:23] <Kodilynn> oh

[08:23] <Kodilynn> well that sucks

[08:23] <DT> wow

[08:23] <DT> the only dog you aren't allergic to is a gay dog

[08:23] <Kodilynn> lol

[08:23] <DT> that should tell you something

[08:24] <DT> :)

[08:24] <Kodilynn> hahaha

[08:24] <DT> much <3 val

[08:25] <valheru> I hate you

[08:25] <valheru> lol

[08:25] <Kodilynn> hahaha

[08:25] <DT> don't hate me

[08:25] <DT> hate your gay suggesting allergies
You aren't allergic to dogs, you're allergic to their dandruff. Poodles simply have less. If you washed any other type of dog like once every two weeks, you'd be fine.

But you know that somewhere not so deep inside of you, you'd prefer the poodle.
I agree Poodles are gay...I don't like the way they look and more often than not, the one's I've met are all snooty.

Yorkshire Terriers, Maltese, Lhasa Apso, Havanese, Greyhound, and Shih Tzu to name a few, are also dogs that are "hypoallergenic". Have you tried being around those breeds?

This was a fact that was explored in the bar of "cheers" in boston - ask cliff!!!!

or there are quite a few who know a a gay dog lol.
I have two male beagles who are "prison gay", and even they think poodles are gay...

I see from the voting pole that there are 3 people still in the closet..
When i wrote this there were 3
poodles arent ghey.,...

just there owners. sorry for ur luck, if u have any questions on ur new found sexuality i'm sure jj would show u around the club!!!

sorry jj u were the first name that came to mind :cool:
I think you guys throw around the word "gay" far to much. If someone likes dudes they are gay, if not then you really should find a better word for whatever your describing. With that said I hereby declare poodles as fruity.
my sister has a half poodle half Shih Tzu. This dog has to be the gayest creature Ive have ever seen.


Thats when it was around 6 months
I think you guys throw around the word "gay" far to much. If someone likes dudes they are gay, if not then you really should find a better word for whatever your describing. With that said I hereby declare poodles as fruity.

Homosexual? Same sex enthusiasts? Pole smoker? Perhaps we need another vote for the best synonym for "gay" ??
No what I'm saying is that poodles aren't really gay. One thing I do find interesting though is that some studies have found that when people joke about gayness and talk about homosexuality all the time even when in a negative way it increases rates of homosexuality. So basically those guys that use gay every third sentence are more likely to become homo then normal people, which is funny if you think about it. To me the annoying part is that its just a super overused cliche thats really old and needs to die. Kinda like pwned, or owned etc. Was cool/funny/original once but nowadays its so overused its really lost any meaning it once had.
Cock holster?

Is it gay that my peepee does things when announcers talk about throwing balls to a wide-spread receiver in the endzone?