Suggestion: new feature?


Oct 11, 2007
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Hey folks, been running around with my ench and I was wondering if there was a way to make some symbol or marking above a target that has been mezzed or such. It would only appear if the effect was active (based on successful cast and duration of casting etc.) Just wondering. I'm botting a group and sometimes we do multiple draws. It'd be nice to know who got whammyied and who got rooted or stunned or whatever. Just day dreaming. )))

Thanx for taking time to read this though. ))

You could do it with macros. You would need to share the mez info with others in group either via EQBC or other chat. Let's say you call your MezTimer:
/declare MezTimer${Target.ID} timer outer 2m
when you create it. Then you could use the labels in macroquest.ini to ${If[${MezTimer${NamingSpawn.ID}},MEZZED,]}

NPC=${If[${MezTimer${NamingSpawn.ID}},MEZZED,]}${If[${RootTimer${NamingSpawn.ID}},ROOTED,]} ${If[${StunTimer${NamingSpawn.ID}},STUNNED,]} ${If[${NamingSpawn.Mark},${NamingSpawn.Mark} - ,]}${If[${NamingSpawn.Assist},>> ,]}${NamingSpawn.DisplayName}${If[${NamingSpawn.Assist}, - ${NamingSpawn.PctHPs}%<<,]}${If[${NamingSpawn.Surname.Length},\n(${NamingSpawn.Surname}),]}

I dont think you can do it via plugin in since there is no .Mezzed ability to find out. and .Animation is severly lacking at best.

In order to /varset that MezTimerID, you would need an event. Inside a macro would be a lot easier, but it could be done with mq2events w/o a macro.

You should also be able to put the no kidding timer on there as well. So it actually counts down. I could be mistaken, but I think that is how it works.
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You can use the delegate mark NPC, include the /mark 1 with your macro so it actually marc's the mob that is mezed/rooted.
I successfully used the mark 1,2,3 in my mez routine . Was nice to know who my mezer put to sleep. Especially when I was trying to debug it.