stupid question


New member
Mar 7, 2007
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Is it possible to somehow get a /who on mobs, without having to /target them?

For example, if i'm at dsk zonein, and i wanna see if vule is up without /targeting him, is there a command that i can do so that MQ echoes with whether there's an npc with vule in its name or not?

/who npc

can also do a /who npc # to get a list of named mobs (usually)
but if i do /who npc, won't it tell me every single npc in the zone?

I'm trying to do a /who npc that filters only stuff with a name i want...
When I played last, I used "/where (npcname)" and would let me know if it was up and it'd direction / distance from you. Output info was in the MQ window and never targetted (in case anyone's HOTT on you).
/who npc will indeed return all the npcs in a zone... however, using your example of vule, /who npc vule, would return ONLY .... VULE!! if indeed there is an npc by that name in the zone. So if you know what you're looking for as you seem to you can just check it by name.