Spiritlight Earring... what am I missing?


Aug 20, 2007
Reaction score
Spiritlight Earring :: Items :: EverQuest :: ZAM

This is an uber item for noobs and PLees since it's tradeable on FV and has the most HPs for any item useable at level 1. The quest to obtain it doesn't look hard and it strikes me even on regular servers, where it's no-drop, you could drag along a low level alt and have him loot it and do the quest work to transform it.

In any case on FV when offered in the Bazaar the price is always close to the $2m max, which seems nuts for something so relatively easy to quest.

Unless I'm missing something? Is there a big timesink here somewhere, or a mat which drops very rarely that's essential? Anyone done this quest recently and can advise? I've got some friends who want to level new toons from 1 and this would be a great item to gift each of them.
Time sink would be my guess.

I was considering gearing a sk in the best no rec/required gear that was obtainable. Gearing all 20 slots is a huge time sink and this one was one of the items that came up, as well as the Inkuta 2hb usable at level 1.

Maybe a year long project I might work on at some point in the future, not at the top of my list.
Time sink. It has been several years since I ran the quest, but I remember thinking it would be super easy and it wound up sucking. I think I even leveled the char up to 80+ to help make it easier at one point.

I have a best in slot no level requirement level 16 on Zek for pvp and it took several months to complete the char - this quest took up a good amount of that time period.
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OK thanks for the feedback. I was wondering... looked too good to be true.