ShrinkCamp.mac AFK Shrink Wand Camp Macro


New member
Jul 6, 2008
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Camps Koxiux the Imperceptible in the deep for his Wand of Imperceptibility. This macro will zone you to the deep if you aren't already there and then warp you to the camp and kill anything within the radius you set (50 works great for this camp). The subroutine BuffCheck is ready to be filled with the buffs you want to keep up, and I provided a sample that shows how to add them.

I was a level 76 tank when I ran this with a mercenary and had no problems staying alive. Took me about 19 kills with 4 sightings of Koxiux and 3 cloaks off of him. If you have any questions or suggestions hit me on on aim at ivanbanov69.

| Wand of Imperceptibility Camp
| Usage: /mac ShrinkCamp radius
|		parameter radius should be set to 50 for this mob.
/plugin mq2safe
/plugin mq2mmowarp
/plugin mq2moveutils
/plugin mq2clickmaint
/plugin mq2piggyzone
/plugin mq2scast

#event Farm_looting "#*#slain#*#"

Sub Main
	/hidecorpse looted
	/declare TotalKills int    outer 0
	/declare DeadCount  int    outer 0
	/declare MobSighted int    outer 0
	/declare ZoneToKill string outer TheDeep
	/declare rad        string outer ${Param0}
	/declare MobToKill  string outer Koxiux the Imperceptible
	/declare Wanted     string outer Wand of Imperceptibility
	/declare WarpLoc    string outer -274 2371 -60
	/call BuffCheck
	/if (${CMaint}) {
		/delay 1s
		/delay 5s
	| Checks to see if you are in the correct zone and warps you to the camp spot
	| if you are, otherwise zones you there and calls the macro again.
	/if (${Zone.ShortName.Equal[${ZoneToKill}]}) { 
		/echo |==========================================
		/echo | Warping you to ${MobToKill}'s
		/echo | 	spawn point at ${WarpLoc} in The Deep
		/echo |==========================================
		| location of the wand of imperceptibility
		/warp loc ${WarpLoc}
	} else {
		/echo |==========================================
		/echo | Currently in ${Zone.ShortName}, we need to be  
		/echo | be in the deep. Zoning and restarting macro
		/echo |==========================================
		/zone thedeep
		/delay 120s
		/mac ShrinkCamp 50

	/squelch /target npc radius ${rad}
	/if (!${Target.ID}) /delay 2s
	/if (${Target.ID})  {
		/if (${Target.CleanName.Equal[${MobToKill}]}) {
			/echo |-----------------------------------------
			/echo | ${MobToKill} spotted ${MobSighted} times now
			/echo |-----------------------------------------
		/warp target
		/call Combat
	/squelch /target clear
	/doevents Farm_looting
	/if (${Me.FreeInventory} < 1) {
		/echo |==========================================
		/echo | Currently have ${Me.FreeInventory} slots free  
		/echo | we need at least one free. Quitting the script
		/echo |==========================================
	/if (${Me.PctHPs}<80) /call MedBreak
	/goto :startpoint

Sub Combat
	/squelch /stick
	/attack on
	/if (${Target.ID}) /goto :combatloop 

Sub Event_Farm_looting
   /declare x int local
   /target corpse radius 50
   /warp target
   /delay 5
   /face fast
   /delay 5
   /delay 2s
   /varset DeadCount ${SpawnCount[corpse radius 100]} 
   /echo |------------------------------------------
   /echo | There are ${DeadCount} corpses to loot
   /echo |------------------------------------------
   /for x 1 to 5
      /if (${Corpse.Item[${x}].Name.Find[${Wanted}]}) {
        /itemnotify loot${x} rightmouseup
        /notify ConfirmationDialogBox Yes_Button leftmouseup
        /delay 5s
   /next x
   /delay 5
   /notify LootWnd DoneButton leftmouseup
	 /varcalc TotalKills ${TotalKills}+1
 	 /echo Total Mobs Looted: ${TotalKills}
   /delay 5
   /if (${DeadCount} > 1) {
    /echo |---------------------------------------------
   	/echo |There are still ${Deadcount} mobs left to 
   	/echo |loot, we are going to loot them before moving on
   	/echo ---------------------------------------------
   	/goto :cleanup
   /squelch /target clear
   /warp loc ${WarpLoc}
   /if (${Me.PctHPs}<80) {
   	/call MedBreak

Sub MedBreak
   /target clear
   /if (!${Me.Sitting}) /sit
   /if (!${Me.Sitting}) /call Combat
   /delay 10
   /if (!${Me.Sitting}) /sit
   /delay 5s
   /if ((${Me.PctHPs}<95) /goto :medloop

Sub BuffCheck
| ------------------------------------------------------------
| Example of how to set up buffs for the BuffCheck subroutine.
| ------------------------------------------------------------
|   /if ((!${Me.Buff[Grim Aura].ID} || ${Me.Buff[Grim Aura].Duration}<1) && ${Spell[Grim Aura].Stacks}) {
|       /scast "Grim Aura"
|       /delay 3s
|   }
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Thanks for the ellipsis, does that mean I should draw my own conclusion as to what you mean by "macro for this has been around for almost ever"? That's for a necromancer this is for a tank, do you understand?
Thanks for the ellipsis, does that mean I should draw my own conclusion as to what you mean by "macro for this has been around for almost ever"? That's for a necromancer this is for a tank, do you understand?

lol rofl... UNDERSTOOD!
Damn, Im and ignorant savage, I had to look that up!

Google can be used...

I can now join you Sum1.

What'd you have to look up? The three dots? Wow... I mean... You looked that up on google... Did it say it's probably one of the most overused marks...

Sorry, couldn't resist. :)
Adding a toon

Is there a way to incorporate adding a another toon to this macro? Ie a Shaman & Tank combo camp?
hahaha thats some funny shit.....mac works good for me with a ranger