

Retired from the Military
Mar 5, 2006
Reaction score
This is the mac I have been using I love it alot. I did make a few minor changes. I added Champion to group bufflist.. So now it will autocast Champion everytime it wears off. just like any other group buff. Which if your a Melee ROCKS>..

| Shambot 
| Version 3.23 by ioncache, extensively modified shambot.mac 
| Laste update: 06/02/19 
| -!- Basis of this script is Version: v0.5c by Hubba 
| -!- Shambot Version 1.0c   by Ranma 
| -!- Version 2.0c by thread_001 
| -!- This script Uses by Rusty, as modified by A_Druid_00 
| -!- This script uses by A_Druid_00 
| -!- This script uses by A_Druid_00 (based on code from toomanynames) 
| -!- This script uses MQ2MoveUtils plugin by outlander 
| Usage: 
| 1. Target player you like to assist (main tank is good) 
| 2. Start the script with: /mac <scriptname> [main assist] [chat channel] [controller] 
| 3. Parameters are optional defaults are built in, 
|    will default to controller as assist with no target or parameter 
| Features: Commands work in tells from ChatController or any Master or group 
|           Echos all non command word tells to controller 
| The following commands will target the sender and cast the spells 
| requested on the sender: [avatar] [sta] [agi] [dex] [str] [cha] [sow] [lev] [ac] 
| [haste] [regen] [see] [pe] [pr] [grow] [shrink] [hot] [heal] [panther] [pan] [focus] [Champ]
| The following commands will target the sender and cast the group versions 
| on the sender's group: [gsta] [gagi] [gstr] [ghaste] [gregen] [gfocus] 
| The following commands will assist the sender and cast the spells 
| requested on the target: [slow] [add] [root] [dot] [nuke] [dot2] 
| The following commands: [buff] [buffme] will buff a person 
| The following commands: [bufftarget] will buff another person 
| The following command: [autofollow] is for moving shaman 
| The [add] or [slow] command are good in combat when there are adds 
| Target the add and it will be malo (of DoMalo TRUE) and slowed 
| During combat shaman will only do requests for heals, detrimentals, haste and panther 
| [buffpet] targets the senders pet and buffs 
| [gatenow] [gate] will memorize the gate spell and gate to bind, must be a tell from controller 
| Use "help" for more help 

#turbo 40 

#chat group 
#chat tell 
#chat raid 

#Event  ToggleVariable  "[MQ2] Toggle #1#" 
#Event  ToggleVariable  "[MQ2] Toggle #1# #2#" 
#Event  OutDoor         "#*#outdoors#*#" 
#Event  OutDoor         "You can not summon a mount here." 
#Event  Zoning          "You have entered#*#" 
#Event  Hungry          "#*#are hungry#*#" 
#Event  Enrageon        "#*#|${Target.CleanName}| has become ENRAGED#*#" 
#Event  Enrageoff       "#*#|${Target.CleanName}| is no longer enraged#*#" 
#Event  Thirsty         "#*#are thirsty#*#" 
#Event  ImDead          "You have been slain by#*#" 
#Event  ImDead          "You died." 
#Event  Invited         "#*#To join the group, click on the 'FOLLOW' option, or 'DISBAND' to cancel#*#" 
#Event  Worn_off        "Your #1# spell has worn off of #2#." 


Sub Main 

| ########### Make changes in spells as you need. 
| ########### This is mainly for a 70th level shaman with Cannibalization ability 
| ########### Set Cannibalization to False if you don't have the ability 
  /if (${Me.Class.ShortName.NotEqual[SHM]}) { 
    /echo Sorry you are not a Shaman. 
    /echo I'm afraid this macro to PC relationship just isn't going to work out. 
    /echo I do hope we can still be friends though. 
| ########### Default  Channel, Controller 

  /declare CChannel       outer "xxxxxx" 
  /declare ChatController outer "xxxxxxx" 
  /declare GroupChatRelay outer FALSE 
  /declare RaidChatRelay  outer FALSE 

| ########### Your Spell List - update as needed 

  | ########### Used for miscellaneous spells 
  /declare MiscGem            outer "gem9" 
  /declare MiscGemNum         outer 9 

  | ########### Normal Spell Set 
  /declare SpellCanni         outer "Ancient: Ancestral Calling" 
  /declare SpellCanniGem      outer "gem1" 
  /declare SpellCanniGemNum   outer 1 

  /declare SpellSlow          outer "Balance of Discord" 
  /declare SpellLongSlow      outer "Turgur's Insects" 
  /declare SpellShortSlow     outer "Balance of Discord" 
  /declare SpellSlowGem       outer "gem2" 
  /declare SpellSlowGemNum    outer 2 

  /declare SpellMalo          outer "Malos" 
  /declare SpellMaloGem       outer "gem3" 
  /declare SpellMaloGemNum    outer 3 

  /declare SpellCripple       outer "Crippling Spasm" 
  /declare SpellCrippleGem    outer "gem4" 
  /declare SpellCrippleGemNum outer 4 

  /declare SpellDoT           outer "Blood of Yoppa" 
  /declare SpellDoTGem        outer "gem4" 
  /declare SpellDoTGemNum     outer 4 

  /declare SpellDoT2          outer "Curse of Sisslak" 
  /declare SpellDoT2Gem       outer "gem4" 
  /declare SpellDoT2GemNum    outer 4 

  /declare SpellNuke          outer "Champion" 
  /declare SpellNukeGem       outer "gem5" 
  /declare SpellNukeGemNum    outer 5 
  /declare SpellAvatar        outer "Champion" 
  /declare SpellAvatarGem     outer "gem5" 
  /declare SpellAvatarGemNum  outer 5 
  /declare SpellGAvatar       outer "Champion" 
  /declare SpellGAvatarGem    outer "gem5" 
  /declare SpellGAvatarGemNum outer 5 

  /declare SpellHeal          outer "Ancient: Wilslik's Mending" 
  /declare SpellHealGem       outer "gem6" 
  /declare SpellHealGemNum    outer 6 

  /declare SpellHoT           outer "Spiritual Serenity" 
  /declare SpellHoTGem        outer "gem7" 
  /declare SpellHoTGemNum     outer 7 

  /declare SpellPanther       outer "Spirit of the Leopard" 
  /declare SpellPantherGem    outer "gem8" 
  /declare SpellPantherGemNum outer 8 

  | ########### Miscellaneous Spells (will use MiscGem) 
  /declare SpellPet           outer "Farrel's Companion" 

  /declare SpellRoot          outer "Petrifying Earth" 

  /declare SpellHASTE         outer "Swift like the Wind" 
  /declare SpellFOCUS         outer "Wunshi's Focusing" 
  /declare SpellCHA           outer "Unfailing Reverence" 
  /declare SpellDEX           outer "Mortal Deftness" 
  /declare SpellSTR           outer "Spirit of Might" 
  /declare SpellAGI           outer "Spirit of Sense" 
  /declare SpellSTA           outer "Spirit of Fortitude" 
  /declare SpellREGEN         outer "Spirit of Perseverance" 
  /declare SpellPE            outer "CHampion" 
  /declare SpellPR            outer "Talisman of the Tribunal" 
  /declare SpellAC            outer "Ancestral Bulwark" 

  |- these are group versions of the above spells 
  /declare SpellGSTR          outer "Talisman of Might" 
  /declare SpellGREGEN        outer "Talisman of Perseverance" 
  /declare SpellGAGI          outer "Talisman of Sense" 
  /declare SpellGSTA          outer "Talisman of Fortitude" 
  /declare SpellGHASTE        outer "Talisman of Celerity" 
  /declare SpellGFOCUS        outer "Talisman of Wunshi" 
 /declare SpellCHAMP          outer "Champion"

  /declare SpellSOW           outer "Spirit of Bih`Li" 
  /declare SpellLEV           outer "Levitation" 
  /declare SpellINV           outer "Spirit Veil" 
  /declare SpellSHRINK        outer "Shrink" 
  /declare SpellGSHRINK       outer "Tiny Terror" 
  /declare SpellGROW          outer "Grow" 
  /declare SpellSEE           outer "Acumen of Dar Khura" 

  /declare SpellGATE          outer "Gate" 
  /declare SpellFOOD          outer "Summon Food" 
  /declare SpellDRINK         outer "Summon Drink" 

  /declare SpellInvis         outer "Invisibility" 
  /declare SpellInvisSelf     outer "Spirit Veil" 

| - comment out any Clicky Item that you do not have 
|  /declare ItemClickyHASTE   string outer "Scaled Avatar's Hauberk" 
|  /declare ItemClickyDOT     string outer "Spear of Fate" 
|  /declare ItemClickyFD      string outer "Vermillion Sky Ring" 
   /declare ShamanFDLevel        int outer 10 
   /declare ShamanFD            bool FALSE 

| ########### Mount Type 
  /declare Mount              outer "Small Black Drum" 

| ########### My Pet Buff Spell List 
|  HASTE handled in Cast_HASTE sub now 
|  and will be cast on pet 
  /declare SpellPetBuff[6] string outer 
  /varset SpellPetBuff[1] ${SpellHASTE} 
  /varset SpellPetBuff[2] ${SpellFOCUS} 
  /varset SpellPetBuff[3] ${SpellSTR} 
  /varset SpellPetBuff[4] ${SpellSTA} 
  /varset SpellPetBuff[5] ${SpellAGI} 
  /varset SpellPetBuff[6] ${SpellREGEN} 

| ########### Other Pet Buff Spell List 
|  HASTE handled in Cast_HASTE sub now 
|  and will be cast on pet 
  /declare SpellPetBuffo[5] string outer 
  /varset SpellPetBuffo[1] ${SpellFOCUS} 
  /varset SpellPetBuffo[2] ${SpellSTR} 
  /varset SpellPetBuffo[3] ${SpellSTA} 
  /varset SpellPetBuffo[4] ${SpellAGI} 
  /varset SpellPetBuffo[5] ${SpellREGEN} 

| ############ Group Buff List. 
  /declare SpellGroupBuff[7] string outer 
  /varset SpellGroupBuff[1] ${SpellGFOCUS} 
  /varset SpellGroupBuff[2] ${SpellGSTR} 
  /varset SpellGroupBuff[3] ${SpellGSTA} 
  /varset SpellGroupBuff[4] ${SpellGAGI} 
  /varset SpellGroupBuff[5] ${SpellGREGEN} 
  /varset SpellGroupBuff[6] ${SpellGHASTE}
 /varset SpellGroupBuff[7] ${SpellCHAMP} 

| ############ Single Buff List. 
|  HASTE handled in Cast_HASTE sub now 
|  and will be cast on pc 
  /declare SpellSingleBuff[5] string outer 
  /varset SpellSingleBuff[1] ${SpellFOCUS} 
  /varset SpellSingleBuff[2] ${SpellSTR} 
  /varset SpellSingleBuff[3] ${SpellSTA} 
  /varset SpellSingleBuff[4] ${SpellAGI} 
  /varset SpellSingleBuff[5] ${SpellREGEN}

| ############ Spells to refresh on worn off messages. 
  /declare RefreshThisBuff[6] string outer 
  /varset  RefreshThisBuff[1] ${SpellFOCUS} 
  /varset  RefreshThisBuff[2] ${SpellSTR} 
  /varset  RefreshThisBuff[3] ${SpellSTA} 
  /varset  RefreshThisBuff[4] ${SpellAGI} 
  /varset  RefreshThisBuff[5] ${SpellREGEN} 
   /varset RefreshThisBuff[6] ${SpellChamp}

| ############ Combat Variables 
  /declare AssistAt       int outer 98 
  /declare CombatAt       int outer 97 
  /declare GroupBuffRange int outer 50 
  /declare CastDoTat      int outer 80 
  /declare DotMana        int outer 40 

  /declare Rootat         int outer 30 
  /declare RootMana       int outer 40 

  /declare NukeAt         int outer 70 
  /declare NukeMana       int outer 30 

  /declare PantherMana    int outer 35 
  /declare PantherSkip    int outer 45 

  /declare SitAt          int outer 0 
  /declare BuffMana       int outer 30 
  /declare MinMana        int outer 15 

  /declare CanniMinPct    int outer 35 

  /declare AssistDelay    int outer 3 
  /declare CastRetryTime  string outer "5s" 

| ############ Healing Levels 
  /declare CasterHeal  int outer 60 
  /declare CasterHoT   int outer 70 
  /declare MeleeHeal   int outer 50 
  /declare MeleeHoT    int outer 60 
  /declare TankHeal    int outer 50 
  /declare TankHoT     int outer 60 
  /declare PetHeal     int outer 40 
  /declare PetHoT      int outer 50 

| ############ Do List 
  /declare DoMalo          bool outer FALSE 
  /declare DoSlow          bool outer TRUE 
  /declare DoCripple       bool outer TRUE 
  /declare FastSlow        bool outer TRUE
  /declare DoRoot          bool outer FALSE 

  /declare DoPet           bool outer FALSE
  /declare DoBuffPet       bool outer FALSE 

  /declare DoDoT           bool outer FALSE 
  /declare DoDoT2          bool outer FALSE
  /declare DoPantherPets   bool outer TRUE 
  /declare DoPantherGroup  bool outer TRUE 
  /declare DoGroupBuffs    bool outer FALSE 
  /declare DoRebuffs       bool outer FALSE 
  /declare DoSow           bool outer FALSE 
  /declare DoNuke          bool outer FALSE 

  /declare DoGroupCommands bool outer TRUE 

  /declare DoHeal          bool outer TRUE 
  /declare DoHoT           bool outer TRUE 
  /declare HealGroup       bool outer TRUE 
  /declare HealPets        bool outer FALSE 
  /declare HealTank        bool outer TRUE 

  /declare DoCanni         bool outer TRUE 
  /declare Cannibalization bool outer TRUE 
  /declare Verbose         bool outer FALSE 
  /declare VerboseTell     bool outer FALSE
  /declare DoShrink        bool outer FALSE 
  /declare DoAvatar        bool outer FALSE
  /declare DoMount         bool outer FALSE 

  /declare DoLoot          bool outer FALSE 

  /declare AutoFollow      bool outer FALSE 
  /declare afdist           int outer 25 
  /declare AutoFollowPC  string outer XXXXXX
  /declare DoCamp          bool outer TRUE 
  /declare PullPC        string outer NULL 

  | This is a delay for how long Avatar will hold. (10min) 
  /declare AvatarDelay     outer 6689 

  | This is a delay for how long Panther will hold. (1min about 669) 
  /declare PantherDelay    outer 669 

| ########### ! No Changes From Here Are Needed ! 

  | ### Do Toggles 
  /squelch /alias /avatar /echo toggle DoAvatar 
  /squelch /alias /buffpet /echo toggle DoBuffPet 
  /squelch /alias /buffs /echo toggle DoGroupBuffs 
  /squelch /alias /canni /echo toggle DoCanni 
  /squelch /alias /cripple /echo toggle DoCripple 
  /squelch /alias /dopet /echo toggle DoPet 
  /squelch /alias /dot /echo toggle DoDoT 
  /squelch /alias /dot2 /echo toggle DoDoT2 
  /squelch /alias /groupcommands /echo toggle DoGroupCommands 
  /squelch /alias /heal /echo toggle DoHeal 
  /squelch /alias /hot /echo toggle DoHoT 
  /squelch /alias /lootmobs /echo toggle DoLoot 
  /squelch /alias /malo /echo toggle DoMalo 
  /squelch /alias /nuke /echo toggle DoNuke 
  /squelch /alias /panthergroup /echo toggle DoPantherGroup 
  /squelch /alias /pantherpets /echo toggle DoPantherPets 
  /squelch /alias /rebuffs /echo toggle DoRebuffs 
  /squelch /alias /root /echo toggle DoRoot 
  /squelch /alias /shrink /echo toggle DoShrink 
  /squelch /alias /slow /echo toggle DoSlow 
  /squelch /alias /sow /echo toggle DoSow 

  | ### Misc Toggles 
  /squelch /alias /buffbot /echo toggle BuffBot 
  /squelch /alias /fastslow /echo toggle FastSlow 
  /squelch /alias /groupchat /echo toggle GroupChatRelay 
  /squelch /alias /healgroup /echo toggle HealGroup 
  /squelch /alias /healpets /echo toggle HealPets 
  /squelch /alias /healtank /echo toggle HealTank 
  /squelch /alias /raidchat /echo toggle RaidChatRelay 
  /squelch /alias /verbose /echo toggle Verbose 
  /squelch /alias /verbosetell /echo toggle VerboseTell 

  | ### Toggles with 2nd Command 
  /squelch /alias /assistat /echo toggle AssistAt 
  /squelch /alias /dotat /echo toggle CastDoTat 
  /squelch /alias /combatat /echo toggle CombatAt 
  /squelch /alias /healat /echo toggle HealAt 
  /squelch /alias /healcastersat /echo toggle HealCastersAt 
  /squelch /alias /healmeleeat /echo toggle HealMeleeAt 
  /squelch /alias /healpetsat /echo toggle HealPetsAt 
  /squelch /alias /healtankat /echo toggle HealTankAt 
  /squelch /alias /hotcastersat /echo toggle HotCastersAt 
  /squelch /alias /hotmeleeat /echo toggle HotMeleeAt 
  /squelch /alias /hotpetsat /echo toggle HotPetsAt 
  /squelch /alias /hottankat /echo toggle HotTankAt 
  /squelch /alias /nukeat /echo toggle NukeAt 
  /squelch /alias /rootat /echo toggle RootAt 
  /squelch /alias /setma /echo toggle M_Assist 
  /squelch /alias /setpuller /echo toggle PullPC 

  | ### Customized Commands 
  /squelch /alias /addmaster /echo toggle AddMaster 
  /squelch /alias /autofollow /echo toggle SetAutoFollow 
  /squelch /alias /clearmasters /echo toggle ClearMasters 
  /squelch /alias /docamp /echo toggle SetDoCamp 
  /squelch /alias /help /echo toggle Help 
  /squelch /alias /listmasters /echo toggle ListMasters 
  /squelch /alias /removemaster /echo toggle RemoveMaster 
  /squelch /alias /resethot /echo toggle ResetHot 
  /squelch /alias /show /echo toggle Show 
  /squelch /alias /switchslow /echo toggle SwitchSlow 
  /squelch /alias /status /echo toggle Show 

  /declare BuffBot             bool outer FALSE 

  /declare MasterArray[5]    string outer NULL 
  /declare TargetArray[4]    string outer NULL 
  /declare TargetSlow[5]     string outer NULL 
  /declare TargetDebuff[5]   string outer NULL 
  /declare TargetCrippled[5] string outer NULL 

  /declare MobMaloed     bool outer FALSE 
  /declare MobSlowed     bool outer FALSE 
  /declare MobCrippled   bool outer FALSE 
  /declare PetOn         bool outer FALSE 
  /declare MobRooted     bool outer FALSE 
  /declare MobDoTed      bool outer FALSE 
  /declare MobDoTed2     bool outer FALSE 
  /declare CombatOn      bool outer TRUE 
  /declare Engaged       bool outer FALSE 
  /declare LowMana       bool outer FALSE 

  /declare TankHoTOn      int outer 0 
  /declare GroupHoT[6]    int outer 0 
  /declare GroupHoTPet[6] int outer 0 

  /declare M_Assist     string outer 
  /declare OutDoors     outer TRUE 

  /declare Exper float outer 
  /declare AAExp float outer 

  /varset Exper ${Me.Exp} 
  /varset AAExp ${Me.AAExp} 

  /declare GroupBuffTimer timer outer 0 

  /declare ATKBuffed0 timer outer 0 
  /declare ATKBuffed1 timer outer 0 
  /declare ATKBuffed2 timer outer 0 
  /declare ATKBuffed3 timer outer 0 
  /declare ATKBuffed4 timer outer 0 
  /declare ATKBuffed5 timer outer 0 

  | ## may remove panther timers soon or make adjustments so only cast once per fight unless raid 

  /declare PanGrp0 timer outer 0 
  /declare PanGrp1 timer outer 0 
  /declare PanGrp2 timer outer 0 
  /declare PanGrp3 timer outer 0 
  /declare PanGrp4 timer outer 0 
  /declare PanGrp5 timer outer 0 
  /declare PanPet0 timer outer 0 
  /declare PanPet1 timer outer 0 
  /declare PanPet2 timer outer 0 
  /declare PanPet3 timer outer 0 
  /declare PanPet4 timer outer 0 
  /declare PanPet5 timer outer 0 

  /declare noInvis int outer 1 
  /call MemSpells 
  /call SetupAdvLootVars 

| ############### Use command line parameter, target a player as Main Assist, or fallback to default 
  /if (${Defined[Param0]}) { 
    /varset M_Assist ${Param0} 
    /echo Assist set to ${M_Assist} 
  } else { 
    /if (!${Target.ID} || ${Target.Type.NotEqual[PC]} || ${Target.Type.NotEqual[pet]}) { 
      /echo You do not have a PC or Pet targeted, using default controller: ${ChatController} 
      /echo To reset MA do: /setma <PC Name> 
      /varset M_Assist ${ChatController} 
    } else { 
      /if (${Target.CleanName.Equal[${Me.CleanName}]}) { 
        /echo You cannot assist yourself! using default controller: ${ChatController} 
        /echo To reset MA do: /setma <PC Name> 
        /varset M_Assist ${ChatController} 
      } else { 
        /varset M_Assist ${Target.CleanName} 
        /echo Assist set to ${M_Assist} 
  /assist off 
  /if (${Defined[Param1]}) /varset CChannel ${Param1} 
  /join ${CChannel} 
  /1 I am here! 
  /echo Joined channel ${CChannel} 
  /if (${Defined[Param2]}) /varset ChatController ${Param2} 
  /vtell ${ChatController} 005 
  /tell ${ChatController} I am here! 
  /echo My master is ${ChatController} 

| ############### 
| ############### Main Loop Starts 
| ############### 
  |- If you wish to set bot to buffing only, /echo toggle buffbot 

  |- Shaman FD check if item exists 
  /if (${Me.PctHPs}<=${ShamanFDLevel} && ${Defined[ItemClickyFD]}) /call ShamanFD 

  |- Auto Follow 
  /if (${AutoFollow}) /call AutoFollow 

  |- Canni 
  /if (!${Me.Invis}) /call LowOnMana 

  |- Pet 
  /if (!${Engaged} && ${DoPet} && !${Me.Invis}) /call PetRoutines 

  /if (${Me.Invis} || ${BuffBot}) /goto :Main_Loop 

  |- Check for Standing if less than sitat then sit 
  /if (${Me.State.Equal[Stand]} && ${Me.PctMana}<${SitAt} && !${Engaged}) /sit 

  |- Summon Mount if outdoors && DoMount=TRUE 
  /if (!${Me.Mount.ID} && ${OutDoors} && ${DoMount}) /call cast ${Mount} item ${CastRetryTime} 

  |- Checks for Heals/Events 
  /call CombatChecks 

  |- Check for mobs and do combat stuff 
  /call GetTarget 
  /if (${CombatOn} && ${TargetArray[4].NotEqual[NULL]}) /call Combat 

  |- Do we move? 
  /if (${Me.Moving}) /goto :Hold_Main 

  |- Check for Standing if less than sitat then sit 
  /if ( ${Me.State.Equal[Stand]} && ${Me.PctMana}<${SitAt}) /sit 

  |- Checks for Heals/Events 
  /call CombatChecks 

  |- Buff Sow 
  /if (!${Engaged} && ${DoSow}) /call SowGroup 

  |- Group Buffs if more than BuffMana mana 
  /if (${Me.PctMana}>=${BuffMana} && ${DoGroupBuffs} && !${Engaged} && ${GroupBuffTimer}==0) /call 


  |- Buff Avatar 
  /if (${DoAvatar} && ((${Me.SpellReady[${SpellAvatar}]} && ${Engaged}) || 

${Me.SpellReady[${SpellGAvatar}]})) /call CastAvatar 

  /if (!${Engaged} && ${DoLoot} && !${Me.Moving}) /call LootMobs 

  /goto :Main_Loop 

| ############### Mem Spells in Spell List 
Sub MemSpells 
  /echo Memming spells. Hang on. 
  /if (!${Me.Gem[${SpellCanni}]}) { 
    /memspell ${SpellCanniGemNum} ${SpellCanni} 
    /delay 30 
  /if (!${Me.Gem[${SpellSlow}]}) { 
    /memspell ${SpellSlowGemNum} ${SpellSlow} 
    /delay 30 
  /if (!${Me.Gem[${SpellMalo}]} && ${DoMalo}) { 
    /memspell ${SpellMaloGemNum} ${SpellMalo} 
    /delay 30 
  } else /if (!${Me.Gem[${SpellCripple}]}) { 
    /memspell ${SpellCrippleGemNum} ${SpellCripple} 
    /delay 30 
  /if (!${Me.Gem[${SpellDoT}]}) { 
   /memspell ${SpellDoTGemNum} ${SpellDoT} 
   /delay 30 

  /if (!${Me.Gem[${SpellGAvatar}]} && ${SpellGAvatar.NotEqual[NULL]} && ${DoAvatar}) { 
      /memspell ${SpellGAvatarGemNum} ${SpellGAvatar} 
      /delay 30 
  } else /if (!${Me.Gem[${SpellAvatar}]} && ${DoAvatar}) { 
      /memspell ${SpellAvatarGemNum} ${SpellAvatar} 
      /delay 30 
  } else /if (!${Me.Gem[${SpellNuke}]}) { 
    /memspell ${SpellNukeGemNum} ${SpellNuke} 
    /delay 30 

  /if (!${Me.Gem[${SpellHeal}]}) { 
    /memspell ${SpellHealGemNum} ${SpellHeal} 
    /delay 30 
  /if (!${Me.Gem[${SpellHoT}]}) { 
    /memspell ${SpellHoTGemNum} ${SpellHoT} 
    /delay 30 
  /if (!${Me.Gem[${SpellPanther}]}) { 
    /memspell ${SpellPantherGemNum} ${SpellPanther} 
    /delay 30 
  /if (!${Me.Gem[${SpellHASTE}]} && ${MiscGemNum}==9) { 
    /memspell ${MiscGemNum} ${SpellHASTE} 
    /delay 30 
  /if (${Window[SpellBookWnd].Open}) /windowstate SpellBookWnd close 
  /echo Spells are memmed. 

Sub ShamanFD 
  /call cast ${ItemClickyFD} item 
  /echo  Was getting beat down, now I'm FD 
  /varset ShamanFD TRUE 
  /if (${ShamanFD}) /goto :FDLoop 

| ################### Check target and do stuff like slow, dot, pet attack etc. 
Sub Combat 
  /declare i int local 

  /if (${Target.ID}==${TargetArray[4]}) { 

    |- Malo & Slow 
    /if (${CombatOn} && ((!${MobMaloed} && ${DoMalo}) || (!${MobCrippled} && ${DoCripple} && 

${MobSlowed}))) /call DeBuff 
    /if (${CombatOn} && !${PetOn} && ${Target.ID}==${TargetArray[4]} && 

${Target.Distance}<=${AssistAt}) { 
      /squelch /pet attack 
      /varset PetOn TRUE 
      /varset Engaged TRUE 
    /if (${CombatOn} && !${MobSlowed} && ${DoSlow}) /call Slow 

    |- Checks for Heals/Events 
    /call CombatChecks 

    |- do panther stuff 
    /if (${CombatOn} && ${Engaged} && ${Me.PctMana}>=${PantherMana} && 

${Target.PctHPs}>=${PantherSkip} && (${DoPantherPets} || ${DoPantherGroup})) /call CastPanther 

    |- Checks for Heals/Events 
    /call CombatChecks 

    /if (${CombatOn} && ((${DoDoT} && !${MobDoTed}) || (${DoDoT2} && !${MobDoTed2})) && 

${Me.PctMana}>=${DotMana} && ${Target.PctHPs}<=${CastDoTat}) /call CastDoT 

    |- Checks for Heals/Events 
    /call CombatChecks 

    /if (${CombatOn} && ${DoNuke} && ${Me.PctMana}>=${NukeMana} && 

${Target.PctHPs}<=${NukeAt}) /call cast ${SpellNuke} ${SpellNukeGem} ${CastRetryTime} 

    /if (${CombatOn} && ${DoRoot} && ${Me.PctMana}>=${RootMana} && ${Target.PctHPs}<=${RootAt} 

&& !${MobRooted}) { 
     /call cast ${SpellRoot} ${MiscGem} {$CastRetryTime} 
     /varset MobRooted TRUE 

|- EndCombat - Check for new events in chat etc etc... 
   |- Checks for Heals/Events 
   /call CombatChecks 

   /target ${TargetArray[3]} 

   /if (!${Target.Name.Equal[${TargetArray[3]}]} || !${Target.ID}) { 
     /if (${TargetArray[1].NotEqual[NULL]}) /echo ${TargetArray[1]} is dead 
     /varset MobRooted FALSE 
     /varset MobMaloed FALSE 
     /varset MobSlowed FALSE 
     /varset MobCrippled FALSE 
     /varset PetOn FALSE 
     /varset MobDoTed FALSE 
     /varset MobDoTed2 FALSE 
     /varset CombatOn FALSE 
     /varset Engaged FALSE 

     /for i 1 to ${TargetDebuff.Size} 
       /if (${Target.ID}==${TargetDebuff[${i}]}) { 
         /if (${Verbose}) /echo removing ${TargetArray[1]}[${TargetArray[4]}] from Debuff Array 
         /varset TargetDebuff[${i}] NULL 
       /if (${Target.ID}==${TargetCrippled[${i}]}) { 
         /if (${Verbose}) /echo removing ${TargetArray[1]}[${TargetArray[4]}] from CrippleArray 
         /varset TargetCrippled[${i}] NULL 
       /if (${Target.ID}==${TargetSlow[${i}]}) { 
         /if (${Verbose}) /echo removing ${TargetArray[1]}[${TargetArray[4]}] from Slow Array 
         /varset TargetSlow[${i}] NULL 
     /next i 

     /varset TargetArray[1] NULL 
     /varset TargetArray[2] NULL 
     /varset TargetArray[3] NULL 
     /varset TargetArray[4] NULL 

Sub CombatChecks 
  |- Tank Heals 
  /if (${HealTank}) /call CheckHPs Tank 

  |- Heal Group 
  /if (${HealGroup}) /call CheckHPs Group 

  |- Heal Pets 
  /if (${HealPets}) /call CheckHPs Pet 

  |- Check for new events in chat 

  /call GetTarget 

Sub CastDoT 
  /if (${Target.Type.NotEqual[NPC]}) /return 
  /if (${Me.PctMana}>=${DotMana} && ${Target.PctHPs}<=${CastDoTat} && 

${Target.Distance}<${Spell[${SpellDoT}].Range} && !${MobDoTed} && ${DoDoT}) { 
    /call cast ${SpellDoT} ${SpellDoTGem} ${CastRetryTime} 
    /varset MobDoTed TRUE 
    /if (${DoDoT2} && !${Me.Gem[${SpellDoT2}]}) { 
      /memspell ${SpellDoT2GemNum} ${SpellDoT2} 
      /delay 30 
  } else /if (${Me.PctMana}>=${DotMana} && ${Target.PctHPs}<=${CastDoTat} && 

${Target.Distance}<${Spell[${SpellDoT2}].Range} && !${MobDoTed2} && ${DoDoT2}) { 
    /call cast ${SpellDoT2} ${SpellDoT2Gem} ${CastRetryTime} 
    /varset MobDoTed2 TRUE 
    /if (${DoDoT} && !${Me.Gem[${SpellDoT}]}) { 
      /memspell ${SpellDoTGemNum} ${SpellDoT} 
      /delay 30 

| ############## CastPanther Line on group 
Sub CastPanther 
  /declare i int local 
  /if ((${DoSlow} && !${MobSlowed}) || (${DoCripple} && !${MobCrippled}) || 

${Target.Type.NotEqual[NPC]}) /return 
  /for i ${Group.Members} downto 0 
    /if (${Target.PctHPs}<=${PantherSkip}) /return 
    /if (${Group.Member[${i}].ID}) { 
      /if (${PanGrp${i}}==0 && 

${Select[${Group.Member[${i}].Class.ShortName},BER,BRD,BST,MNK,PAL,RNG,ROG,SHD,WAR]} && 

${DoPantherGroup}) { 
       /call AcquireTarget ${Group.Member[${i}]} PC FALSE 
       /if (${Me.CurrentMana}>${Spell[${SpellPanther}].Mana} && 

${Target.Distance}<${Spell[${SpellPanther}].Range}) { 
          /call cast ${SpellPanther} ${SpellPantherGem} ${CastRetryTime} 
          /if (${Macro.Return.Equal["CAST_OUTOFRANGE"]}) /varset PanGrp${i} 200 
          /if (${Macro.Return.Equal["CAST_SUCCESS"]}) /varset PanGrp${i} ${PantherDelay} 
      /if (${PanPet${i}}==0 && ${Group.Member[${i}].Pet.ID} && ${DoPantherPets} && 

${Select[${Group.Member[${i}].Class.ShortName},BST,MAG,NEC,SHM]}) { 
        /call AcquireTarget ${Group.Member[${i}].Pet} PET FALSE 
        /if (${Me.CurrentMana}>${Spell[${SpellPanther}].Mana} && 

${Target.Distance}<${Spell[${SpellPanther}].Range}) { 
          /call cast ${SpellPanther} ${SpellPantherGem} ${CastRetryTime} 
          /if (${Macro.Return.Equal["CAST_OUTOFRANGE"]}) /varset PanPet${i} 200 
          /if (${Macro.Return.Equal["CAST_SUCCESS"]}) /varset PanPet${i} ${PantherDelay} 
  /next i 

| ############## Cast_Shrink 
Sub Shrink_Group 
   /if (${Verbose}) /gsay Shrinking Group 
   /if (${SpellSHRINK.Equal[Shrink]}) { 
    /declare i int local 
    /for i 0 to ${Group.Members} 
      /if (${Group.Member[${i}].ID}) { 
       /call AcquireTarget ${Group.Member[${i}]} PC FALSE 
        /if (${Target.Distance}<=${AssistAt}) { 
          /call cast ${SpellSHRINK} ${MiscGem} ${CastRetryTime} 
    /next i 
   } else { 
    /call AcquireTarget ${M_Assist} PC FALSE 
    /if ((${Target.Type.Equal[PC]} || ${Target.Type.Equal[pet]}) && ${Target.Distance}<=${AssistAt}) { 
      /echo << ${SpellSHRINK} >> is being cast on you now. 
      /call cast ${SpellSHRINK} ${MiscGem} ${CastRetryTime} 

| ############### Debuff 
Sub DeBuff 
  /if (!${MobMaloed} && ${DoMalo}) { 
    |- check to see if in TargetDebuff array 
    /declare i int local 
    /for i 1 to ${TargetDebuff.Size} 
      /if (${Target.ID}==${TargetDebuff[${i}]}) { 
      /echo ${Target.CleanName} has already been debuffed with ${SpellMalo} 
      /varset MobMaloed TRUE 
    /next i 
      /if (${Target.PctHPs}<=${CombatAt} && ${Target.ID}==${TargetArray[4]}) { 
        /if (${Me.CurrentMana}<${Spell[${SpellMalo}].Mana}) { 
          /echo Not enough mana to cast << ${SpellMalo} >> on %t 
        } else { 
          /call cast ${SpellMalo} ${SpellMaloGem} ${CastRetryTime} 
          /if (${Macro.Return.Equal["CAST_INTERRUPTED"]}) /goto :DeBuff_Loop 
          /call Addto_Debuff 
          /varset MobMaloed TRUE 
    /if (${DoCripple} && !${Me.Gem[${SpellCripple}]}) { 
      /memspell ${SpellCrippleGemNum} ${SpellCripple} 
      /delay 30 
  } else /if (!${MobCrippled} && ${DoCripple}) { 
    |- check to see if in TargetCrippled array 
    /declare i int local 
    /for i 1 to ${TargetCrippled.Size} 
      /if (${Target.ID}==${TargetCrippled[${i}]}) { 
        /echo ${Target.CleanName} has already been Crippled with ${SpellCripple} 
        /varset MobCrippled TRUE 
      /next i 
      /if (${Target.PctHPs}<=${CombatAt} && ${Target.ID}==${TargetArray[4]}) { 
        /if (${Me.CurrentMana}<${Spell[${SpellCripple}].Mana}) { 
          /echo Not enough mana to --> Cripple %t 
        } else { 
            /call cast ${SpellCripple} ${SpellCrippleGemNum} ${CastRetryTime} 
            /if (${Macro.Return.Equal["CAST_INTERRUPTED"]}) /goto :Cripple_Loop 
            /if (${Macro.Return.Equal["CAST_RESISTED"]}) { 
              /call Addto_Cripple 
              /varset MobCrippled TRUE 
            /if (${Macro.Return.Equal["CAST_SUCCESS"]}) { 
              /if (${Verbose}) /gsay << %t >> has been CRIPPLED with ${SpellCripple}. 
              /call Addto_Cripple 
              /varset MobCrippled TRUE 
    /if (${DoMalo} && !${Me.Gem[${SpellMalo}]}) { 
      /memspell ${SpellMaloGemNum} ${SpellMalo} 
      /delay 30 

| ############### Slowing 
Sub Slow 
  |- check to see if in TargetSlow array 
  /declare i int local 
  /for i 1 to ${TargetSlow.Size} 
   /if (${Target.ID}==${TargetSlow[${i}]}) { 
    /echo ${Target.CleanName} has already been slowed with ${SpellSlow} 
    /varset MobSlowed TRUE 
  /next i    
  /if (${Target.PctHPs}<=${CombatAt} && ${Target.ID}==${TargetArray[4]}) { 
    /if (${Me.CurrentMana}<${Spell[${SpellSlow}].Mana}) { 
      /echo Not enough mana to --> Slow %t 
    } else { 
      /call cast ${SpellSlow} ${SpellSlowGem} ${CastRetryTime} 
      /if (${Macro.Return.Equal["CAST_INTERRUPTED"]}) /goto :Slow_Loop 
      /if (${Macro.Return.Equal["CAST_IMMUNE"]}) { 
        /if (${Verbose}) /gsay << %t >> is IMMUNE to slow. 
        /call Addto_Slow 
        /varset MobSlowed TRUE 
      /if (${Macro.Return.Equal["CAST_RESISTED"]}) { 
        /if (!${FastSlow}) { 
          /if (${Verbose}) /gsay << %t >> has RESISTED slow. Trying again. 
          /goto :Slow_Loop 
        /call Addto_Slow 
        /varset MobSlowed TRUE 
      /if (${Macro.Return.Equal["CAST_SUCCESS"]}) { 
        /if (${Verbose}) /gsay << %t >> has been SLOWED with ${SpellSlow}. 
        /call Addto_Slow 
        /varset MobSlowed TRUE 

| ###############  Add targets to slow array, pushing oldest off bottom of array 
Sub Addto_Slow 
  /declare i int local 
  /for i 1 to ${TargetSlow.Size} 
    /if (${Target.ID}==${TargetSlow[${i}]}) /return 
  /next i 
  /varset TargetSlow[5] ${TargetSlow[4]} 
  /varset TargetSlow[4] ${TargetSlow[3]} 
  /varset TargetSlow[3] ${TargetSlow[2]} 
  /varset TargetSlow[2] ${TargetSlow[1]} 
  /varset TargetSlow[1] ${Target.ID} 

| ############### Add targets to cripple array, pushing oldest off buttom of array 
Sub Addto_Cripple 
  /declare i int local 
  /for i 1 to ${TargetSCrippled.Size} 
    /if (${Target.ID}==${TargetCrippled[${i}]}) /return 
  /next i 
  /varset TargetCrippled[5] ${TargetCrippled[4]} 
  /varset TargetCrippled[4] ${TargetCrippled[3]} 
  /varset TargetCrippled[3] ${TargetCrippled[2]} 
  /varset TargetCrippled[2] ${TargetCrippled[1]} 
  /varset TargetCrippled[1] ${Target.ID} 

| ###############  Add targets to debuff array, pushing oldest off bottom of array 
Sub Addto_Debuff 
  /declare i int local 
  /for i 1 to ${TargetDebuff.Size} 
    /if (${Target.ID}==${TargetDebuff[${i}]}) /return 
  /next i 
  /varset TargetDebuff[5] ${TargetDebuff[4]} 
  /varset TargetDebuff[4] ${TargetDebuff[3]} 
  /varset TargetDebuff[3] ${TargetDebuff[2]} 
  /varset TargetDebuff[2] ${TargetDebuff[1]} 
  /varset TargetDebuff[1] ${Target.ID} 

| ###############  GetTarget - Grab the MAs target 
Sub GetTarget 
  /call AcquireTarget ${M_Assist} NPC TRUE 
  /if (${Target.Type.Equal[NPC]} && ${Target.Distance}<=${AssistAt} && ${Target.ID}!=${TargetArray[4]} 

&& ${Target.PctHPs}<=${CombatAt}) { 
    /varset TargetArray[1] ${Target.CleanName} 
    /varset TargetArray[2] ${Target.Level} 
    /varset TargetArray[3] ${Target.Name} 
    /varset TargetArray[4] ${Target.ID} 
    /varset CombatOn TRUE 

    /varset MobRooted FALSE 
    /varset MobMaloed FALSE 
    /varset MobSlowed FALSE 
    /varset MobCrippled FALSE 
    /varset PetOn FALSE 
    /varset MobDoTed FALSE 
    /varset MobDoTed2 FALSE 

    /varset AAExp ${Math.Calc[${Me.PctAAExp}-${AAExp}]} 
    /varset Exper ${Math.Calc[${Me.PctExp}-${Exper}]} 
    /echo EXP: ${Exper}:${Me.PctExp}% - AAXP: ${AAExp}:${Me.PctAAExp}% - 

${Math.Calc[${Macro.RunTime}/60]} minutes 
    /popup EXP: ${Exper}:${Me.PctExp}% - AAXP: ${AAExp}:${Me.PctAAExp}% - 

${Math.Calc[${Macro.RunTime}/60]} minutes 
    /varset Exper ${Me.PctExp} 
    /varset AAExp ${Me.PctAAExp} 

Sub AcquireTarget(string NewTarget, string TargetType, bool AssistYN) 
    /if (${AssistYN}) { 
      /if (!${Spawn[${NewTarget}].ID}) /return 
      /assist ${NewTarget} 
    } else { 
      /if (!${Spawn[${TargetType} ${NewTarget}].ID}) /return 
      /squelch /target id ${Spawn[${TargetType} ${NewTarget}].ID} 
    /delay ${AssistDelay} 
  /if (!${AssistYN} && ${Target.ID}!=${Spawn[${TargetType} ${NewTarget}].ID}) /goto :LoopAcquireTarget 

Sub SingleBuffs(string ChatSender) 
  /declare i int local 
  /if (!${Select[${Target.Type},PC,PET]}) /return 
  /if (${Select[${Target.Class.ShortName},BER,BRD,BST,MNK,PAL,RNG,ROG,SHD,WAR]}) { 
    /if (${VerboseTell}) /tell ${ChatSender} Buffing you with << ${SpellHASTE} >> now. 
    /call Cast_HASTE 
    /for i 1 to ${SpellSingleBuff.Size} 
      /if (${SpellSingleBuff[${i}].NotEqual[NULL]} && ${Spell[${SpellSingleBuff[${i}]}].Mana} > 

${Me.CurrentMana}) { 
        /echo DAMN.. LowOnMana... Cannibalizing to rebuff 
          /Call LowOnMana 
        /if (${Spell[${SpellSingleBuff[${i}]}].Mana} > ${Me.CurrentMana}) /goto :Hold_Single_Rebuff 
      /echo >>> Hang on ! Buffing ${SpellSingleBuff[${i}]} 
      /if (${VerboseTell}) /tell ${ChatSender} Buffing you with << ${SpellSingleBuff[${i}]} >> now. 
      /call cast ${SpellSingleBuff[${i}]} ${MiscGem} ${CastRetryTime} 
    /next i 
  } else /if (${Select[${Target.Class.ShortName},CLR,DRU,SHM,ENC,MAG,NEC,WIZ]}) { 
    /for i 1 to ${SpellSingleBuff.Size} 
      /if (${i}==2) /next i 
      /if (${SpellSingleBuff[${i}].NotEqual[NULL]} && ${Spell[${SpellSingleBuff[${i}]}].Mana} > 

${Me.CurrentMana}) { 
        /echo DAMN.. LowOnMana... Cannibalizing to rebuff 
          /Call LowOnMana 
        /if (${Spell[${SpellSingleBuff[${i}]}].Mana} > ${Me.CurrentMana}) /goto :Hold_Single_Rebuff 
      /echo >>> Hang on ! Buffing ${SpellSingleBuff[${i}]} 
      /if (${VerboseTell}) /tell ${ChatSender} Buffing you with << ${SpellSingleBuff[${i}]} >> now. 
      /call cast ${SpellSingleBuff[${i}]} ${MiscGem} ${CastRetryTime} 
    /next i 

| ################### Buff the group with buffs from the SpellGroupBuff array 
Sub GroupBuffs 
  /declare i int local 
  /for i 1 to ${Group.Members} 
    /if (${Group.Member[${i}].Distance}>${GroupBuffRange}) { 
      /varset GroupBuffTimer 150 
  /next i 

  /for i 1 to ${SpellGroupBuff.Size} 
    /if (${Spell[${SpellGroupBuff[${i}].Equal[NULL]}]}) /next i 
    /if (!${Me.Buff[${SpellGroupBuff[${i}]}].ID}) { 
      /if (${Spell[${SpellGroupBuff[${i}]}].Mana} > ${Me.CurrentMana}) { 
        /echo DAMN.. LowOnMana... Cannibalizing to rebuff 
          /Call LowOnMana 
        /if (${Spell[${SpellGroupBuff[${i}]}].Mana} > ${Me.CurrentMana}) /goto :Hold_Group_Rebuff 
      /call AcquireTarget ${Me} PC FALSE 
      /delay ${AssistDelay} 
      /echo Buffing ${SpellGroupBuff[${i}]} on group now. 
      /call cast ${SpellGroupBuff[${i}]} ${MiscGem} ${CastRetryTime} 
      /call CombatChecks 
  /next i 

|################## Spell Interrupt Subs 
Sub CheckLevels 
  /if (${Me.Casting.Name.Equal[${SpellCanni}]} && 

(${Me.CurrentHPs}-688)/${Me.MaxHPs}*100<${CanniMinPct}-5) { 
    /call Interrupt 
  } else /if (${Me.Casting.Name.Equal[Cannibalization]}&& 

(${Me.CurrentHPs}-1924)/${Me.MaxHPs}*100<${CanniMinPct}-5) { 
    /call Interrupt 
  } else /if (${Me.Casting.Name.Equal[${SpellHeal}]} && 

((${Select[${Target.Class.ShortName},CLR,DRU,SHM,ENC,MAG,NEC,WIZ]} && 

${Target.PctHPs}>=(${CasterHeal}+5)) || 

(${Select[${Target.Class.ShortName},BER,BRD,BST,MNK,PAL,RNG,ROG,SHD,WAR]} && 

${Target.PctHPs}>=(${MeleeHeal}+5)))) { 
    /call Interrupt 
  } else /if (${Me.Casting.Name.Equal[${SpellHoT}]} && 

((${Select[${Target.Class.ShortName},CLR,DRU,SHM,ENC,MAG,NEC,WIZ]} && 

${Target.PctHPs}>=(${CasterHoT}+5)) || 

(${Select[${Target.Class.ShortName},BER,BRD,BST,MNK,PAL,RNG,ROG,SHD,WAR]} && 

${Target.PctHPs}>=(${MeleeHoT}+5)))) { 
    /call Interrupt 
  } else /if (${Me.Casting.Name.Equal[${SpellHoT}]} && 

((${Select[${Target.Class.ShortName},CLR,DRU,SHM,ENC,MAG,NEC,WIZ]} && 

${Target.PctHPs}<=(${CasterHeal}-3)) || 

(${Select[${Target.Class.ShortName},BER,BRD,BST,MNK,PAL,RNG,ROG,SHD,WAR]} && 

${Target.PctHPs}<=(${MeleeHeal}-3)))) { 
    /call Interrupt 

|################## Check for all Healing - pass Tank/Group/Pet parameter to select type 
Sub CheckHPs(string HealType) 
  /declare CheckHPsCounter int local 
  /declare HealTarget string local 
  /declare HealTargetType string local 
  /declare i int local 
  /declare j int local 
  /if (${HealType.Equal[Tank]}) { 
    /varset CheckHPsCounter 1 
    /varset HealTargetType PC 
  } else /if (${HealType.Equal[Group]}) { 
    /varset CheckHPsCounter ${Group.Members} 
    /varset HealTargetType PC 
  } else /if (${HealType.Equal[Pet]}) { 
    /varset CheckHPsCounter ${Group.Members} 
    /varset HealTargetType PET 
  } else /return 

  /for i 1 to ${CheckHPsCounter} 
    /if (${Target.CleanName.Equal[${PullPC}]} && !${Engaged}) /next i 
    /if (${HealType.Equal[Tank]}) { 
      /varset HealTarget ${M_Assist} 
    } else /if (${HealType.Equal[Group]}) { 
      /varset HealTarget ${Group.Member[${i}]} 
    } else { 
      /varset HealTarget ${Group.Member[${i}].Pet} 
    /if (((${HealType.Equal[Group]} && ${Group.Member[${i}].ID} && 

${Group.Member[${i}].Distance}<${Spell[${SpellHeal}].Range} && 

((${Select[${Group.Member[${i}].Class.ShortName},CLR,DRU,SHM,ENC,MAG,NEC,WIZ]} && 

${Group.Member[${i}].PctHPs}<=${CasterHeal}) || 

(${Select[${Group.Member[${i}].Class.ShortName},BER,BRD,BST,MNK,PAL,RNG,ROG,SHD,WAR]} && 

${Group.Member[${i}].PctHPs}<=${MeleeHeal}))) || (${HealType.Equal[Pet]} && 

${Group.Member[${i}].Pet.ID} && ${Group.Member[${i}].Pet.Distance}<${Spell[${SpellHeal}].Range} && 

${Group.Member[${i}].Pet.PctHPs}<=${PetHeal}) || (${HealType.Equal[Tank]} && 

${Spawn[${M_Assist}].ID} && ${Spawn[${M_Assist}].Distance}<${Spell[${SpellHeal}].Range} && 

${Spawn[${M_Assist}].PctHPs}<=${TankHeal})) && ${DoHeal}) { 
      /if (${Me.CurrentMana}<${Spell[${SpellHeal}].Mana}) { 
        /echo >>> Not enough mana to --> heal ${HealTarget} 
      } else { 
        /call AcquireTarget ${HealTarget} ${HealTargetType} FALSE 
        /if (${Verbose}) /gsay << ${SpellHeal} >> on %t 
        /call cast ${SpellHeal} ${SpellHealGem} ${CastRetryTime} CheckLevels 
    } else /if (((${HealType.Equal[Group]} && ${Group.Member[${i}].ID} && 

${Group.Member[${i}].Distance}<${Spell[${SpellHoT}].Range} && 

((${Select[${Group.Member[${i}].Class.ShortName},CLR,DRU,SHM,ENC,MAG,NEC,WIZ]} && 

${Group.Member[${i}].PctHPs}<=${CasterHoT}) || 

(${Select[${Group.Member[${i}].Class.ShortName},BER,BRD,BST,MNK,PAL,RNG,ROG,SHD,WAR]} && 

${Group.Member[${i}].PctHPs}<=${MeleeHoT})) && ${GroupHoT[${i}]}==0) || (${HealType.Equal[Pet]} && 

${Group.Member[${i}].Pet.ID} && ${Group.Member[${i}].Pet.Distance}<${Spell[${SpellHoT}].Range} && 

${Group.Member[${i}].Pet.PctHPs}<=${PetHoT} && ${GroupHoTPet[${i}]}==0) || 

(${HealType.Equal[Tank]} && ${Spawn[${M_Assist}].ID} && 

${Spawn[${M_Assist}].Distance}<${Spell[${SpellHoT}].Range} && 

${Spawn[${M_Assist}].PctHPs}<=${TankHoT} && ${TankHoTOn}==0)) && ${DoHoT}) { 
      /if (${Me.CurrentMana}<${Spell[${SpellHoT}].Mana}) { 
        /echo >>> Not enough mana to --> HoT ${HealTarget} 
      } else { 
        /call AcquireTarget ${HealTarget} ${HealTargetType} FALSE 
        /if (${Verbose}) /gsay << ${SpellHoT} >> on %t 
        /call cast ${SpellHoT} ${SpellHoTGem} ${CastRetryTime} CheckLevels 
        /if (${Macro.Return.Equal["CAST_SUCCESS"]} && ${Target.CleanName.Equal[${M_Assist}]}) { 
          /varset TankHoTOn 1 
          /for j 1 to ${Group.Members} 
            /if (${Group.Member[${j}].CleanName.Equal[${M_Assist}]}) /varset GroupHoT[${j}] 1 
            /if (${Group.Member[${j}].Pet.CleanName.Equal[${M_Assist}]}) /varset GroupHoTPet[${j}] 1 
          /next j 
        } else /if (${Macro.Return.Equal["CAST_SUCCESS"]} && ${HealType.Equal[Group]}) { 
          /varset GroupHoT[${i}] 1 
        } else /if (${Macro.Return.Equal["CAST_SUCCESS"]} && ${HealType.Equal[Pet]}) { 
          /varset GroupHoTPet[${i}] 1 
  /next i 
|################## Canni 5 
Sub Cannibalization 
  /if ((${Me.CurrentHPs}-1924)/${Me.MaxHPs}*100<${CanniMinPct}) { 
    /call CheckMyHPs 
  } else /if (${Cannibalization}) { 
    /if (${Verbose}) /gsay Cannibalization time -- don't be afraid I only eat myself. 
    /call cast "47" alt ${CastRetryTime} CheckLevels 

| ################## This will NOT check self HPs, Only check HoT or recast HoT 
Sub CheckMyHPs 
  /if (${Me.Buff[${SpellHoT}].ID}) /return 
  /if (${Me.CurrentMana}<${Spell[${SpellHoT}].Mana}) { 
    /echo >>> I don't have mana to cast ${SpellHoT} on myself 
  } else { 
    /call AcquireTarget ${Me} PC FALSE 
    /call cast ${SpellHoT} ${SpellHoTGem} ${CastRetryTime} 

| ################## This will Check to see if I am Low on Mana 
Sub LowOnMana 
  /if (${Me.CurrentHPs}<${Me.MaxHPs}/3*2) /call CheckMyHPs 
  /if (${DoCanni} && ${Me.CurrentMana}<(${Me.MaxMana}-5) && ${Me.SpellReady[${SpellCanni}]} && 

(${Me.CurrentHPs}-688)/${Me.MaxHPs}*100>${CanniMinPct}) /call cast ${SpellCanni} ${SpellCanniGem} 

${CastRetryTime} CheckLevels 
  /if (${DoCanni} && ${Cannibalization} && ${Me.AltAbilityReady[47]} && 

${Me.CurrentMana}<(${Me.MaxMana}-1200) && ${Me.MaxHPs}>2424) /call Cannibalization 

| ################## This will Check to see if I have SOW 
Sub SowGroup 
  /if (!${Me.Buff[Spirit of Eagle].ID} && !${Me.Buff[Flight of Eagles].ID} && !${Me.Buff[Spirit of Bih`Li].ID} 

&& ${OutDoors}) { 
    /call AcquireTarget ${Me} PC FALSE 
    /call cast ${SpellSOW} ${MiscGem} ${CastRetryTime} 

| ################## Cast_Haste casts haste spell or item if defined 
Sub Cast_HASTE 
  /if (${Defined[ItemClickyHASTE]}) { 
    /call cast ${ItemClickyHASTE} item ${CastRetryTime} 
  } else { 
    /call cast ${SpellHASTE} ${MiscGem} ${CastRetryTime} 

| ################## Summon pet and buff with spells from SpellPetBuff array 
Sub PetRoutines 
  /if (!${Me.Pet.ID} && ${Spell[${SpellPet}].Mana}<=${Me.CurrentMana}) { 
    /delay 3 
    /if (${Me.Pet.ID}) /return 
    /call cast ${SpellPet} ${MiscGem} ${CastRetryTime} 
    /delay 50 
    /echo My pet is now: ${Me.Pet.CleanName} - ${SpellPet} 
  } else /if (${DoBuffPet} && ${Me.Pet.ID}) { 
    /declare i int local 
    /for i 1 to ${SpellPetBuff.Size} 
      /if (${Me.Pet.ID} && !${Me.PetBuff[${SpellPetBuff[${i}]}]} && 

${Spell[${SpellPetBuff[${i}]}].Mana}<=${Me.CurrentMana}) { 
        /call AcquireTarget ${Me.Pet} PET FALSE 
        /call cast ${SpellPetBuff[${i}]} ${MiscGem} ${CastRetryTime} 
   /next i 

|################### Casting Avatar on all melee classes in group 
Sub CastAvatar 
  /declare i int local 
  /if (${SpellGAvatar.NotEqual[NULL]} && !${Me.Buff[${SpellGAvatar}].ID} && 

${Me.CurrentMana}>${Spell[${SpellGAvatar}].Mana}) { 
    /call AcquireTarget ${Me} PC FALSE 
    /call cast ${SpellGAvatar} ${SpellGAvatarGem} ${CastRetryTime} 
  } else { 
    /for i 1 to ${Group.Members} 
      /if (${Group.Member[${i}].ID} && ${ATKBuffed${i}}==0 && 

${Select[${Group.Member[${i}].Class.ShortName},BER,BRD,BST,MNK,PAL,RNG,ROG,SHD,WAR]}) { 
        /call AcquireTarget ${Group.Member[${i}]} PC FALSE 
        /if (${Me.CurrentMana}>${Spell[${SpellAvatar}].Mana} && 

${Target.Distance}<${Spell[${SpellAvatar}].Range}) { 
          /if (${Verbose}) /tell ${Group.Member[${i}]} ${SpellAvatar} is incoming to you 

${Group.Member[${i}]} , Stay in Range . 
          /call cast ${SpellAvatar} ${SpellAvatarGem} ${CastRetryTime} 
          /if (${Macro.Return.Equal["CAST_OUTOFRANGE"]}) /varset ATKBuffed${i} 200 
          /if (${Macro.Return.Equal["CAST_SUCCESS"]}) /varset ATKBuffed${i} ${AvatarDelay} 
    /next i 

| ################# Autofollow ChatController 
Sub AutoFollow 
   /if (!${Spawn[${AutoFollowPC}].ID} || ${Me.Moving} || ${Spawn[${AutoFollowPC}].Distance}<(${afdist}-1)) 

   /call AcquireTarget ${AutoFollowPC} PC FALSE 
   /if (${Me.Mount.ID} && ${Spawn[${AutoFollowPC}].Distance}>(${afdist}+1)) /dismount 
     /if (!${Target.Name.Equal[${AutoFollowPC}]}) /call AcquireTarget ${AutoFollowPC} PC FALSE 
     /face fast 
     /if (${Spawn[${AutoFollowPC}].Distance}>${afdist}) /keypress forward hold 
     /if (${Spawn[${AutoFollowPC}].Distance}<(${afdist}-1)) /keypress back 
   /if (${Spawn[${AutoFollowPC}].ID} && ${AutoFollow} && 

${Spawn[${AutoFollowPC}].Distance}>${afdist}) /goto :FollowLoop 
   /keypress forward 
   /keypress back 
   /delay 5 
   /if (${Spawn[${AutoFollowPC}].Distance}>${afdist}) /goto :FollowLoop 

| ################# Resets Variables for Zoning/dying etc. 
Sub ResetAllVariables 
  /declare i int local 

  | ### HoT variables 
  /varset  TankHoTOn 0 
  /for i 1 to ${GroupHoT.Size} 
    /varset GroupHoT[${i}] 0 
    /varset GroupHoTPet[${i}] 0 
  /next i 

  | ### Combat Arrays 
  /for i 1 to ${DebuffArray.Size} 
    /varset TargetSlow[${i}] NULL 
    /varset TargetDebuff[${i}] NULL 
    /varset TargetCrippled[${i}] NULL 
  /next i 

  | ### Misc Variables 
  /varset TargetArray[1] NULL 
  /varset TargetArray[2] NULL 
  /varset TargetArray[3] NULL 
  /varset TargetArray[4] NULL 
  /varset CombatOn TRUE 
  /varset Engaged FALSE 
  /varset MobRooted FALSE 
  /varset MobMaloed FALSE 
  /varset MobSlowed FALSE 
  /varset MobCrippled FALSE 
  /varset PetOn FALSE 
  /varset MobDoTed FALSE 
  /varset MobDoTed2 FALSE 
  /varset AutoFollow FALSE 

| ################## Hungry 
Sub Event_Hungry 
  /if (${Engaged}) /return 
  /echo I am Hungry 
  /if (${Verbose}) /gsay Summoning Food, hold pulls for 30 secs. 
  /declare i int local 
  /for i 1 to 8 
    /delay 1 
    /call cast ${SpellFOOD} ${MiscGem} ${CastRetryTime} 
  /next i 
  /if (${Verbose}) /gsay Ready for pulls again. 

| ################## Thirsty 
Sub Event_Thirsty 
  /if (${Engaged}) /return 
  /echo I am Thirsty 
  /if (${Verbose}) /gsay Summoning Drink, hold pulls for 30 secs. 
  /declare i int local 
  /for i 1 to 8 
    /delay 1 
    /call cast ${SpellDRINK} ${MiscGem} ${CastRetryTime} 
  /next i 
  /if (${Verbose}) /gsay Ready for pulls again. 

| ##################  ENRAGE ON 
Sub Event_Enrageon 
   /if (${PetOn}) { 
     /echo Mob is ENRAGED! 
     /pet back off 

| ##################  ENRAGE OFF 
Sub Event_Enrageoff 
   /if (${PetOn}) { 
     /echo Mob is no longer Enraged! 
     /pet attack 

| ################## Outdoors 
Sub Event_OutDoor 
  /echo This is an indoor zone. Sorry. 
  /varset OutDoors FALSE 

| ##################  Zoning 
Sub Event_Zoning 
  /delay 20 
  /if (${DoShrink}) { 
    /echo I zoned, time to shrink 
    /call Shrink_Group 
  /call ResetAllVariables 

| ##################  Group Invite 
Sub Event_Invited 

| ################## I Died 
Sub Event_ImDead 
  /echo I have died. And the Angels wept. 
  /call ResetAllVariables 
  /call MemSpells 
  /if (${Verbose}) /gsay Ready for res. 
  /call Wait4Rez 
  /delay 20 
| We do some short meditate before we start again. 
  /if (${Me.State.Equal[Stand]}) /sit 
    /delay 1s 
  /if (${Me.CurrentMana}<${MathCalc[${Spell[${SpellHoT}].Mana}+100]}) /goto :Meditate 

| ################# 
| ################# Tells n Hells 
| ################# 
Sub Event_Chat(string ChatType,string ChatSender,string ChatText) 

  /if (!${Select[${ChatType},GROUP,TELL,RAID]} || ${ChatSender.Equal[${Me.Pet.CleanName}]} || 

(${Me.Invis} && !${Select[${ChatText},autofollow,breakinvis]}) || ${Select[${ChatText},I,NULL]} || 

(!${Spawn[${ChatSender}].ID} && 


rArray[4]},${MasterArray[5]}]})) /return 
  /if (!${BuffBot}) { 


erArray[4]},${MasterArray[5]}]}) { 
      /if (${ChatType.Equal[TELL]}) { 
        /1 <TELL> [${ChatSender}]: ${ChatText} 
      /if (${ChatType.Equal[GROUP]} && ${GroupChatRelay}) { 
        /1 <GROUP CHAT> [${ChatSender}]: ${ChatText} 
        /if (!${DoGroupCommands}) /return 
      /if (${ChatType.Equal[RAID]} && ${RaidChatRelay})  { 
        /1 <RAID CHAT> [${ChatSender}]: ${ChatText} 

  /if (${ShamanFD} && (${ChatText.Equal[breakfd]} && 


rArray[4]},${MasterArray[5]}]})) { 
    /varset ShamanFD FALSE 
  } else /if (${ShamanFD}) { 

  /if (${Select[${ChatText},breakinvis]} && 


rArray[4]},${MasterArray[5]}]}) { 
    /call AcquireTarget ${Me} PC FALSE 
    /if (${Target.Type.Equal[PC]}) { 
      /cast ${SpellHoTGemNum} 
      /call Interrupt 

| ################# Heal Requests 
  /if (${Select[${ChatText},heal,healme]}) { 
    /call AcquireTarget ${ChatSender} PC FALSE 
    /if (${Target.Type.Equal[PC]} && ${Target.Distance}<=${AssistAt}) { 
      /if (${VerboseTell}) /tell ${ChatSender} ${SpellHeal} is incoming !! 
      /call cast ${SpellHeal} ${SpellHealGem} ${CastRetryTime) 
  /if (${Select[${ChatText},hot,hotme]}) { 
    /call AcquireTarget ${ChatSender} PC FALSE 
    /if (${Target.Type.Equal[PC]} && ${Target.Distance}<=${AssistAt}) { 
      /if (${VerboseTell}) /tell ${ChatSender} ${SpellHoT} is incoming !! 
      /call cast ${SpellHoT} ${SpellHoTGem} ${CastRetryTime} 

| ################# Mob Requests 
    /if (${Select[${ChatText},slow,add]}) { 
      /call AcquireTarget ${ChatSender} NPC TRUE 
      /if (${Target.Type.Equal[NPC]} && ${Target.Distance}<=${AssistAt}) { 
        /if (${DoMalo}) /call cast ${SpellMalo} ${SpellMaloGem} ${CastRetryTime} 
        /if (${DoMalo} && ${VerboseTell}) /tell ${ChatSender} %t has had ${SpellMalo} cast on it. 
          /call cast ${SpellSlow} ${SpellSlowGem} ${CastRetryTime} 
          /if (${Macro.Return.Equal["CAST_INTERRUPTED"]}) /goto :Slow_Loop2 
          /if (${Macro.Return.Equal["CAST_IMMUNE"]}) { 
            /if (${VerboseTell}) /tell ${ChatSender} << %t >> is IMMUNE to slow. 
            /call Addto_Slow 
          /if (${Macro.Return.Equal["CAST_RESISTED"]}) { 
            /if (!${FastSlow}) { 
              /if (${VerboseTell}) /tell ${ChatSender} << %t >> has RESISTED slow.. 
          /if (${Macro.Return.Equal["CAST_SUCCESS"]}) { 
            /if (${VerboseTell}) /tell ${ChatSender} << %t >> has had ${SpellSlow} cast on it. 
            /call Addto_Slow 

    /if (${Select[${ChatText},root]}) { 
      /call AcquireTarget ${ChatSender} NPC TRUE 
      /if (${Target.Type.Equal[NPC]} && ${Target.Distance}<=${AssistAt}) { 
        /call cast ${SpellRoot} ${MiscGem} ${CastRetryTime} 
        /if (${VerboseTell}) /tell ${ChatSender} %t is Rooted with ${SpellRoot} 

    /if (${Select[${ChatText},nuke,boom]}) { 
      /call AcquireTarget ${ChatSender} NPC TRUE 
      /if (${Target.Type.Equal[NPC]} && ${Target.Distance}<=${AssistAt}) /call cast ${SpellNuke} 

${SpellNukeGem} ${CastRetryTime} 

    /if (${Select[${ChatText},dot]}) { 
      /call AcquireTarget ${ChatSender} NPC TRUE 
      /if (${Target.Type.Equal[NPC]} && ${Target.Distance}<=${AssistAt}) /call cast ${SpellDoT} 

${SpellDoTGem} ${CastRetryTime} 
    /if (${Select[${ChatText},dot2]}) { 
      /call AcquireTarget ${ChatSender} NPC TRUE 
      /if (${Target.Type.Equal[NPC]} && ${Target.Distance}<=${AssistAt}) /call cast ${SpellDoT2} 

${SpellDoT2Gem} ${CastRetryTime} 
    /if (${Select[${ChatText},clicky]}) { 
      /call AcquireTarget ${ChatSender} NPC TRUE 
      /if (${Target.Type.Equal[NPC]} && ${Target.Distance}<=${AssistAt}) /call cast ${ItemClickyDot} item 

    /if (${Select[${ChatText},epic]}) { 
      /call AcquireTarget ${ChatSender} NPC TRUE 
      /if (${Target.Type.Equal[NPC]} && ${Target.Distance}<=${AssistAt}) /call cast "Spear of Fate" item 

    /if (${Select[${ChatText},epic2]}) { 
      /call AcquireTarget ${ChatSender} PC FALSE 
      /if (${Target.Type.Equal[PC]} && ${Target.Distance}<=${AssistAt}) { 
        | - need to check if there 
        /call cast "Crafted Talisman of Fates" "item" ${CastRetryTime} 
    /if (${Select[${ChatText},aid]} && ${Me.AltAbilityReady[447]}) { 
      /call AcquireTarget ${ChatSender} PC FALSE 
      /if (${Target.Type.Equal[PC]} && ${Target.Distance}<=${AssistAt}) /call cast "447" alt 

| ################# buffs ok to ask for in combat 
    /if (${Select[${ChatText},panther,pan]}) { 
      /call AcquireTarget ${ChatSender} PC FALSE 
      /if (${Target.Type.Equal[PC]} && ${Target.Distance}<=${AssistAt}) /call cast ${SpellPanther} 

    /if (${Select[${ChatText},haste]}) { 
      /call AcquireTarget ${ChatSender} PC FALSE 
      /if (${Target.Type.Equal[PC]} && ${Target.Distance}<=${AssistAt}) { 
         /if (${VerboseTell}) /tell ${ChatSender} << ${SpellHASTE} >> is being cast on you. 
         /call Cast_HASTE 
    /if (${Select[${ChatText},rc,radiant]} && ${Me.AltAbilityReady[153]}) { 
      /call AcquireTarget ${ChatSender} PC FALSE 
      /if (${Target.Type.Equal[PC]} && ${Target.Distance}<=${AssistAt}) /call cast "153" alt 

| #################  autofollow request & MakeCamp 
  /if (${Select[${ChatText},autofollow]} && 


rArray[4]},${MasterArray[5]}]}) { 
    /varset AutoFollowPC ${ChatSender} 
    /if (${AutoFollow}==0) { 
      /varset AutoFollow TRUE 
      /if (${DoCamp}) /makecamp off 
    } else { 
      /varset AutoFollow FALSE 
      /if (${DoCamp}) /makecamp on 
    /echo Auto Follow: ${AutoFollow} 

  /if (${Select[${ChatText},camphere,camp]} && ${ChatSender.Equal[${ChatController}]} && ${DoCamp}) { 
    /makecamp on 
    /echo New Camp Set 

  /if (${Engaged}) /return 

| ################# Buff Requests 
    /if (${Select[${ChatText},invis]}) { 
      /call AcquireTarget ${ChatSender} PC FALSE 
      /if (${Target.Type.Equal[PC]} && ${Target.Distance}<=${AssistAt}) { 
         /if (${VerboseTell}) /tell ${ChatSender} ${SpellInvis} is incoming to you ${ChatSender}. 
         /call cast ${SpellInvis} ${MiscGem} ${CastRetryTime} 
    /if (${Select[${ChatText},selfinvis]}) { 
      /call AcquireTarget ${Me} PC FALSE 
      /if (${Target.Type.Equal[PC]} && ${Target.Distance}<=${AssistAt}) { 
         /call cast ${SpellInvisSelf} ${MiscGem} ${CastRetryTime} 
    /if (${Select[${ChatText},res,rez,resme,rezme]} && ${Me.AltAbilityReady[404]}) { 
      /call AcquireTarget ${ChatSender} CORPSE TRUE 
      /if (${Target.Type.Equal[CORPSE]} && ${Target.Distance}<=${AssistAt}) { 
         /if (${VerboseTell}) /tell ${Target.CleanName} incoming SHAMAN rez, DO NOT LOOT ALL OF 

         /call cast "404" alt 
    /if (${Select[${ChatText},avatar,champion,champ]}) { 
      /call AcquireTarget ${ChatSender} PC FALSE 
      /if (${Target.Type.Equal[PC]} && ${Target.Distance}<=${AssistAt}) { 
         /if (${SpellGAvatar.NotEqual[NULL]}) { 
           /if (${VerboseTell}) /tell ${ChatSender} <<< ${SpellGAvatar} >> is being cast on the group now. 
           /call cast ${SpellGAvatar} ${SpellGAvatarGem} ${CastRetryTime} 
         } else { 
           /if (${VerboseTell}) /tell ${ChatSender} <<< ${SpellAvatar} >> is being cast on you. 
           /call cast ${SpellAvatar} ${SpellAvatarGem} ${CastRetryTime} 
    /if (${Select[${ChatText},pr,tribunal,trib]}) { 
      /call AcquireTarget ${ChatSender} PC FALSE 
      /if (${Target.Type.Equal[PC]} && ${Target.Distance}<=${AssistAt}) { 
         /if (${VerboseTell}) /tell ${ChatSender} ${SpellPR} is incoming to you ${ChatSender}. 
         /call cast ${SpellPR} ${MiscGem} ${CastRetryTime} 
    /if (${Select[${ChatText},focus,wunshi]}) { 
      /call AcquireTarget ${ChatSender} PC FALSE 
      /if (${Target.Type.Equal[PC]} && ${Target.Distance}<=${AssistAt}) { 
         /if (${VerboseTell}) /tell ${ChatSender} ${SpellFOCUS} is incoming to you ${ChatSender}. 
         /call cast ${SpellFOCUS} ${MiscGem} ${CastRetryTime} 
    /if (${Select[${ChatText},cha]}) { 
      /call AcquireTarget ${ChatSender} PC FALSE 
      /if (${Target.Type.Equal[PC]} && ${Target.Distance}<=${AssistAt}) { 
         /if (${VerboseTell}) /tell ${ChatSender} ${SpellCHA} is incoming to you ${ChatSender}. 
         /call cast ${SpellCHA} ${MiscGem} ${CastRetryTime} 
    /if (${Select[${ChatText},lev,levitate]}) { 
      /call AcquireTarget ${ChatSender} PC FALSE 
      /if (${Target.Type.Equal[PC]} && ${Target.Distance}<=${AssistAt}) { 
         /if (${VerboseTell}) /tell ${ChatSender} ${SpellLEV} is incoming to you ${ChatSender}. 
         /call cast ${SpellLEV} ${MiscGem} ${CastRetryTime} 
    /if (${Select[${ChatText},sow]}) { 
      /call AcquireTarget ${ChatSender} PC FALSE 
      /if (${Target.Type.Equal[PC]} && ${Target.Distance}<=${AssistAt}) { 
         /if (${VerboseTell}) /tell ${ChatSender} ${SpellSOW} is incoming to you ${ChatSender}. 
         /call cast ${SpellSOW} ${MiscGem} ${CastRetryTime} 
    /if (${Select[${ChatText},grow]}) { 
      /call AcquireTarget ${ChatSender} PC FALSE 
      /if (${Target.Type.Equal[PC]} && ${Target.Distance}<=${AssistAt}) { 
         /if (${VerboseTell}) /tell ${ChatSender} ${SpellGROW} is incoming to you ${ChatSender}. 
         /call cast ${SpellGROW} ${MiscGem} ${CastRetryTime} 
    /if (${Select[${ChatText},shrink,shrinkme]}) { 
      /call AcquireTarget ${ChatSender} PC FALSE 
      /if (${Target.Type.Equal[PC]} && ${Target.Distance}<=${AssistAt}) { 
         /if (${VerboseTell}) /tell ${ChatSender} ${SpellSHRINK} is incoming to you ${ChatSender}. 
         /call cast ${SpellSHRINK} ${MiscGem} ${CastRetryTime} 
    /if (${Select[${ChatText},shrinkgroup,shrinkus]}) { 
      /call Shrink_Group 
    /if (${Select[${ChatText},acumen]}) { 
      /call AcquireTarget ${ChatSender} PC FALSE 
      /if (${Target.Type.Equal[PC]} && ${Target.Distance}<=${AssistAt}) { 
         /if (${VerboseTell}) /tell ${ChatSender} ${SpellSEE} is incoming to you ${ChatSender}. 
         /call cast ${SpellSEE} ${MiscGem} ${CastRetryTime} 
    /if (${Select[${ChatText},str,might,strength]}) { 
      /call AcquireTarget ${ChatSender} PC FALSE 
      /if (${Target.Type.Equal[PC]} && ${Target.Distance}<=${AssistAt}) { 
         /if (${VerboseTell}) /tell ${ChatSender} ${SpellSTR} is incoming to you ${ChatSender}. 
         /call cast ${SpellSTR} ${MiscGem} ${CastRetryTime} 
    /if (${Select[${ChatText},dex]}) { 
      /call AcquireTarget ${ChatSender} PC FALSE 
      /if (${Target.Type.Equal[PC]} && ${Target.Distance}<=${AssistAt}) { 
         /if (${VerboseTell}) /tell ${ChatSender} ${SpellDEX} is incoming to you ${ChatSender}. 
         /call cast ${SpellDEX} ${MiscGem} ${CastRetryTime} 
    /if (${Select[${ChatText},sta,fort,fortitude]}) { 
      /call AcquireTarget ${ChatSender} PC FALSE 
      /if (${Target.Type.Equal[PC]} && ${Target.Distance}<=${AssistAt}) { 
         /if (${VerboseTell}) /tell ${ChatSender} ${SpellSTA} is incoming to you ${ChatSender}. 
         /call cast ${SpellSTA} ${MiscGem} ${CastRetryTime} 
    /if (${Select[${ChatText},sense,agi]}) { 
      /call AcquireTarget ${ChatSender} PC FALSE 
      /if (${Target.Type.Equal[PC]} && ${Target.Distance}<=${AssistAt}) { 
         /if (${VerboseTell}) /tell ${ChatSender} ${SpellAGI} is incoming to you ${ChatSender}. 
         /call cast ${SpellAGI} ${MiscGem} ${CastRetryTime} 
    /if (${Select[${ChatText},regen]}) { 
      /call AcquireTarget ${ChatSender} PC FALSE 
      /if (${Target.Type.Equal[PC]} && ${Target.Distance}<=${AssistAt}) { 
         /if (${VerboseTell}) /tell ${ChatSender} ${SpellREGEN} is incoming to you ${ChatSender}. 
         /call cast ${SpellREGEN} ${MiscGem} ${CastRetryTime} 
    /if (${Select[${ChatText},pe]}) { 
      /call AcquireTarget ${ChatSender} PC FALSE 
      /if (${Target.Type.Equal[PC]} && ${Target.Distance}<=${AssistAt}) { 
         /if (${VerboseTell}) /tell ${ChatSender} ${SpellPE} is incoming to you ${ChatSender}. 
         /call cast ${SpellPE} ${MiscGem} ${CastRetryTime} 
    /if (${Select[${ChatText},ac]}) { 
      /call AcquireTarget ${ChatSender} PC FALSE 
      /if (${Target.Type.Equal[PC]} && ${Target.Distance}<=${AssistAt}) { 
         /if (${VerboseTell}) /tell ${ChatSender} ${SpellAC} is incoming to you ${ChatSender}. 
         /call cast ${SpellAC} ${MiscGem} ${CastRetryTime} 

| ################# Group Buff Requests 
    /if (${Select[${ChatText},ghaste,grouphaste,marshmallows,marshmallow]}) { 
      /call AcquireTarget ${ChatSender} PC FALSE 
      /if (${Target.Type.Equal[PC]} && ${Target.Distance}<=${AssistAt}) { 
         /if (${VerboseTell}) /tell ${ChatSender} ${SpellGHASTE} is incoming to you ${ChatSender}. 
         /call cast ${SpellGHASTE} ${MiscGem} ${CastRetryTime} 
    /if (${Select[${ChatText},gfocus,groupfocus,gwunshi,groupwunshi]}) { 
      /call AcquireTarget ${ChatSender} PC FALSE 
      /if (${Target.Type.Equal[PC]} && ${Target.Distance}<=${AssistAt}) { 
         /if (${VerboseTell}) /tell ${ChatSender} ${SpellGFOCUS} is incoming to you ${ChatSender}. 
         /call cast ${SpellGFOCUS} ${MiscGem} ${CastRetryTime} 
    /if (${Select[${ChatText},gsta,groupsta,gfort,groupfort]}) { 
      /call AcquireTarget ${ChatSender} PC FALSE 
      /if (${Target.Type.Equal[PC]} && ${Target.Distance}<=${AssistAt}) { 
         /if (${VerboseTell}) /tell ${ChatSender} ${SpellGSTA} is incoming to you ${ChatSender}. 
         /call cast ${SpellGSTA} ${MiscGem} ${CastRetryTime} 
    /if (${Select[${ChatText},gagi,groupagi,gsense,groupsense]}) { 
      /call AcquireTarget ${ChatSender} PC FALSE 
      /if (${Target.Type.Equal[PC]} && ${Target.Distance}<=${AssistAt}) { 
         /if (${VerboseTell}) /tell ${ChatSender} ${SpellGAGI} is incoming to you ${ChatSender}. 
         /call cast ${SpellGAGI} ${MiscGem} ${CastRetryTime} 
    /if (${Select[${ChatText},gregen,groupregen]}) { 
      /call AcquireTarget ${ChatSender} PC FALSE 
      /if (${Target.Type.Equal[PC]} && ${Target.Distance}<=${AssistAt}) { 
         /if (${VerboseTell}) /tell ${ChatSender} ${SpellGREGEN} is incoming to you ${ChatSender}. 
         /call cast ${SpellGREGEN} ${MiscGem} ${CastRetryTime} 
    /if (${Select[${ChatText},gstr,groupstr,gmight,groupmight]}) { 
      /call AcquireTarget ${ChatSender} PC FALSE 
      /if (${Target.Type.Equal[PC]} && ${Target.Distance}<=${AssistAt}) { 
         /if (${VerboseTell}) /tell ${ChatSender} ${SpellGSTR} is incoming to you ${ChatSender}. 
         /call cast ${SpellGSTR} ${MiscGem} ${CastRetryTime} 
 /if (${Select[${ChatText},champ,champion]}) { 
      /call AcquireTarget ${ChatSender} PC FALSE 
      /if (${Target.Type.Equal[PC]} && ${Target.Distance}<=${AssistAt}) { 
         /if (${VerboseTell}) /tell ${ChatSender} ${SpellCHAMP} is incoming to you ${ChatSender}. 
         /call cast ${SpellCHAMP ${MiscGem} ${CastRetryTime} 

| ################# All Buffs Request for Target (ChatController or Masters only) 
 /if (${Select[${ChatText},bufftarget,bufftar]} && 


rArray[4]},${MasterArray[5]}]}) { 
  /echo Request for Buffing Sender's Target 
  /call AcquireTarget ${ChatSender} PC TRUE 
  /call SingleBuffs ${ChatSender} 

| ################# All Buffs Request 
/if (${Select[${ChatText},buff,buffme,buffs]}) { 
  /echo Request for Single Buff 
  /call AcquireTarget ${ChatSender} PC FALSE 
  /call SingleBuffs ${ChatSender} 

| ################# Group Buff other group 
 /if (${Select[${ChatText},buffthem]}) { 
  /declare i int local 
  /echo Request for Single Buff other 
  /call AcquireTarget ${ChatSender} PC TRUE 
  /if (${Target.Type.NotEqual[PC]}) /return 
  /for i 1 to ${SpellGroupBuff.Size} 
    /if (${SpellGroupBuff[${i}].Equal[NULL]}) /next i 
    /if (${Spell[${SpellGroupBuff[${i}]}].Mana} > ${Me.CurrentMana}) { 
      /echo DAMN.. LowOnMana... Cannibalizing to rebuff 
        /Call LowOnMana 
      /if (${Spell[${SpellGroupBuff[${i}]}].Mana} > ${Me.CurrentMana}) /goto :Hold_Group_Rebuff 
    /delay ${AssistDelay} 
    /echo >>> Hang on ! Rebuffing ${SpellGroupBuff[${i}]} 
    /if (${VerboseTell}) /tell ${ChatSender} Buffing ${Target.CleanName}'s group with << 

${SpellGroupBuff[${i}]} >> now. 
    /call cast ${SpellGroupBuff[${i}]} ${MiscGem} ${CastRetryTime} 
  /next i 

| ################# Other Pet Buffing 
 /if (${Select[${ChatText},buffpet]}) { 
  /declare i int local 
  /echo Request for Pet Buffs 
  /call AcquireTarget ${Spawn[pc ${ChatSender}].Pet.Name} PET FALSE 
  /if (${Target.Type.NotEqual[PET]}) /return 
  /if (${VerboseTell}) /tell ${ChatSender} Buffing your pet ${Target.CleanName} with << ${SpellHASTE} >> 

  /call Cast_HASTE 
  /call AcquireTarget ${Spawn[pc ${ChatSender}].Pet.Name} PET FALSE 
  /if (${Target.Type.NotEqual[PET]}) /return 
  /for i 1 to ${SpellPetBuffo.Size} 
    /if (${Spell[${SpellPetBuffo[${i}]}].Mana} > ${Me.CurrentMana}) { 
      /echo DAMN.. LowOnMana... Cannibalizing to rebuff 
        /Call LowOnMana 
      /if (${Spell[${SpellPetBuffo[${i}]}].Mana} > ${Me.CurrentMana}) /goto :Hold_Pet_Rebuff 
  /echo >>> Hang on ! Rebuffing ${SpellPetBuffo[${i}]} 
  /if (${VerboseTell}) /tell ${ChatSender} Buffing your pet ${Target.CleanName} with << 

${SpellPetBuffo[${i}]} >> now. 
  /call cast ${SpellPetBuffo[${i}]} ${MiscGem} ${CastRetryTime} 
  /next i 

| ################### Go Home 
 /if (${Select[${ChatText},gatenow,gate]} && ${ChatType.Equal[TELL]} && 


rArray[4]},${MasterArray[5]}]}) { 
   /call cast ${SpellGATE} ${MiscGem} 

 /if (${ChatType.Equal[TELL]}) { 
   /1 Command not recognized: 
   /1 ${ChatText} 
   /1 Ignoring. 

| ################### Resets slow/malo arrays - resets HoT flags - rebuffs if DoRebuffs TRUE 
Sub Event_Worn_off(string Line, string myspell, string mytarget) 
  /declare oldt string local 
  /varset oldt ${Target.ID} 
  /declare i int local 
  /echo ${myspell} on ${mytarget} has worn off 
  /if (${myspell.Equal[${SpellHoT}]}) { 
    /if (${M_Assist.Equal[${mytarget}]}) /varset TankHoTOn 0 
    /for i 1 to ${Group.Members} 
      /if (${Group.Member[${i}].CleanName.Equal[${mytarget}]}) { 
        /varset GroupHoT[${i}] 0 
      } else /if (${Group.Member[${i}].Pet.CleanName.Equal[${mytarget}]}) { 
        /varset GroupHoTPet[${i}] 0 
    /next i 
  } else /if (${Select[${myspell},${SpellSlow},${SpellMalo},${SpellCripple}]}) { 
    /if (${myspell.Equal[${SpellMalo}]}) { 
      /for i 1 to ${TargetDebuff.Size} 
        /if (${Target.ID}==${TargetDebuff[${i}]}) { 
          /echo removing ${TargetArray[1]}[${TargetArray[4]}] from Debuff Array 
          /varset TargetDebuff[${i}] NULL 
          /varset MobMaloed FALSE 
          /call DeBuff 
          /target id ${oldt} 
      /next i 
    } else /if (${myspell.Equal[${SpellSlow}]}) { 
      /for i 1 to ${TargetSlow.Size} 
        /if (${Target.ID}==${TargetSlow[${i}]}) { 
          /echo removing ${TargetArray[1]}[${TargetArray[4]}] from Slow Array 
          /varset TargetSlow[${i}] NULL 
          /varset MobSlowed FALSE 
          /call Slow 
          /target id ${oldt} 
      /next i 
    } else /if (${myspell.Equal[${SpellCripple}]}) { 
      /for i 1 to ${TargetCripple.Size} 
        /if (${Target.ID}==${TargetCripple[${i}]}) { 
          /echo removing ${TargetArray[1]}[${TargetArray[4]}] from Cripple Array 
          /varset TargetCripple[${i}] NULL 
          /varset MobCrippleed FALSE 
          /call Debuff 
          /target id ${oldt} 
      /next i 
  } else /if (${DoRebuffs} && ${myspell.Equal[${SpellHASTE}]}) { 
    /varset oldt ${Target.ID} 
    /call AcquireTarget ${mytarget} PC FALSE 
    /if (${Target.CleanName.Equal[${mytarget}]} && ${Target.Distance}<${Spell[${SpellHASTE}].Range}) { 
      /if (${VerboseTell}) /tell ${mytarget} Rebuffing << ${SpellHASTE} >> on you now. 
      /call cast ${SpellHASTE} ${MiscGem} ${CastRetryTime} 
    /target id ${oldt} 
  } else { 
    /if (!${DoRebuffs} || ${Engaged}) /return 
    /for i 1 to ${RefreshThisBuff.Size} 
      /if (${myspell.Equal[${RefreshThisBuff[${i}]}]}) { 
        /varset oldt ${Target.ID} 
        /call AcquireTarget ${mytarget} PC FALSE 
        /if (${Target.CleanName.Equal[${mytarget}]} && 

${Target.Distance}<${Spell[${RefreshThisBuff[${i}]}].Range}) { 
            /Call LowOnMana 
          /if (${Spell[${RefreshThisBuff[${i}]}].Mana} > ${Me.CurrentMana}) /goto :Hold_cast_Rebuff 
          /if (${VerboseTell}) /tell ${mytarget} Rebuffing << ${RefreshThisBuff[${i}]} >> on you now. 
          /call cast ${RefreshThisBuff[${i}]} ${MiscGem} ${CastRetryTime} 
        /target id ${oldt} 
    /next i 
    /target id ${oldt} 

| ################### This will check whenever the player is changing any variable via /echo 
Sub Event_ToggleVariable(string Line, string Command, string Command2) 
    /declare i int local 

    | ### Toggle Variables & Set Variables 
    /if (${Defined[${Command}]}) { 
      /if (${Command2.NotEqual[NULL]}) { 
        /varset ${Command} ${Command2} 
      } else /if (${${Command}}) { 
        /varset ${Command} FALSE 
      } else { 
        /varset ${Command} TRUE 
      /echo Set ${Command}: ${${Command}} 
      /1 Set ${Command}: ${${Command}} 

    | ### Customized Commands 
    /if (${Command.Equal[SetDoCamp]}) { 
        /if (${DoCamp}) { 
          /varset DoCamp FALSE 
          /makecamp off 
        } else { 
          /varset DoCamp TRUE 
        /echo Set ${Command}: ${${Command}} 
        /1 Set ${Command}: ${${Command}} 
    /if (${Command.Equal[SetAutoFollow]}) { 
        /if (${Command2}) { 
          /if (${Command2}<10) { 
            /varset afdist 10 
          } else /if (${Command2}>100) { 
            /varset afdist 100 
          } else /if ((${Command2}>9) && (${Command2}<101)) { 
            /varset afdist ${Command2} 
        } else /if (${AutoFollow}==0) { 
          /varset AutoFollow TRUE 
        } else { 
          /varset AutoFollow FALSE 
        /echo Auto Follow:  ${AutoFollow} 
        /1 Auto Follow:  ${AutoFollow} 
        /echo AF Distance:  ${afdist} 
        /1 AF Distance:  ${afdist} 
    /if (${Command.Equal[SwitchSlow]}) { 
      /if (${Select[${SpellSlow},${SpellShortSlow}]}) { 
          /varset SpellSlow ${SpellLongSlow} 
      } else { 
          /varset SpellSlow ${SpellShortSlow} 
      /echo Now Slowing with:  ${SpellSlow} 
      /1 Now Slowing with:  ${SpellSlow} 
    /if (${Command.Equal[AddMaster]}) { 
      /for i 1 to 5 
        /if (${MasterArray[${i}].Equal[NULL]}) { 
          /varset MasterArray[${i}] ${Command2} 
          /echo ${Command2} added as a Master 
          /1 ${Command2} added as a Master 
        } else /if (${MasterArray[${i}].Equal[${Command2}]}) { 
          /echo ${Command2} is already a Master 
          /1 ${Command2} is already a Master 
      /next i 
      /echo Master List full, ${Command2} was not added. 
      /1 Master List full, ${Command2} was not added. 
    /if (${Command.Equal[RemoveMaster]}) { 
      /for i 1 to 5 
        /if (${MasterArray[${i}].Equal[${Command2}]}) { 
          /varset MasterArray[${i}] NULL 
          /echo ${Command2} has been removed from the master list. 
          /1 ${Command2} has been removed from the master list. 
      /next i 
      /echo ${Command2} was not listed in the master list. 
      /1 ${Command2} was not listed in the master list. 
    /if (${Command.Equal[ClearMasters]}) { 
      /for i 1 to ${MasterArray.Size} 
        /varset MasterArray[${i}] NULL 
      /next i 
    /if (${Command.Equal[ListMasters]}) { 
      /echo Current Masters are: 
      /1 Current Masters are: 
      /for i 1 to ${MasterArray.Size} 
        /if (${MasterArray[${i}].NotEqual[NULL]}) { 
          /echo ${MasterArray[${i}]} 
          /1 ${MasterArray[${i}]} 
      /next i 
    /if (${Command.Equal[ResetHot]}) { 
      /varset  TankHoTOn 0 
      /for i 1 to ${GroupHoT.Size} 
        /varset GroupHoT[${i}] 0 
        /varset GroupHoTPet[${i}] 0 
      /next i 
/if (${Command.Equal[Show]}) { 
        /echo --------------------------- 
        /echo Do Malo:..............${DoMalo} - Casting at: ${CombatAt}% (Initiate Combat*, higher then 99 is 

no good) 
        /echo Do Slow:..............${DoSlow} - Casting at: ${CombatAt}% (Initiate Combat*, higher then 99 is 

no good) 
        /echo Do Cripple:...........${DoCripple} - Casting at: ${CombatAt}% (Initiate Combat*, higher then 99 

is no good) 
        /echo Do Fastslow:..........${FastSlow} - (Will only try to slow once!) 
        /echo Do Nuke:..............${DoNuke} - Casting at: ${NukeAt}% (Will chain nuke mob to death) 
        /echo Do Dot:...............${DoDoT} - Casting at: ${CastDoTat}% 
        /echo Do Pet:...............${DoPet} 
        /echo Do Buffs:.............${DoGroupBuffs} 
        /echo Do Rebuffs:...........${DoRebuffs} 
        /echo Do Root:..............${DoRoot} - Casting at: ${Rootat}% 
        /echo Do Sow:...............${DoSow} 
        /echo Do Heal:..............${DoHeal} 
        /echo Do HoT:...............${DoHoT} 
        /echo Heal Tank:............${HealTank} 
        /echo Heal Group:...........${HealGroup} 
        /echo Heal Pets:............${HealPets} 
        /echo Do Buff Pet:..........${DoBuffPet} 
        /echo Do Avatar:............${DoAvatar} - Casts ${SpellAvatar} on melee members of group during 

        /echo Do Shrink:............${DoShrink} 
        /echo Do Panther:...........${DoPantherPets} - Cast ${SpellPanther} on request during combat 
        /echo Do Panther Group:.....${DoPantherGroup} - Casts ${SpellPanther} on melee members of 

group during combat 
        /echo Auto Follow:..........${AutoFollow} - Following at distance of: ${afdist} 
        /echo Do Cannibalization:...${Cannibalization} 
        /echo Do Mount:.............${DoMount} 
        /echo --------------------------- 
        /echo Assist range: ${AssistAt} 
        /echo Assisting: ${M_Assist} 
        /echo Heal MA at: ${TankHeal}% 
        /echo HoT MA at: ${TankHoT}% 
        /echo Heal Casters at: ${CasterHeal}% 
        /echo HoT Casters at: ${CasterHoT}% 
        /echo Heal Melee at: ${MeleeHeal}% 
        /echo HoT Melee at: ${MeleeHoT}% 
        /echo Initiate Combat: ${CombatAt}% 
        /echo Verbose: ${Verbose} 
        /echo Casting DoTs at: ${CastDoTat} 
        /echo Stop Casting DoTs at: ${Dotmana}% mana 
        /echo Root Mob at: ${Rootat} 
        /echo Nuke Mob at: ${NukeAt} 
        /echo Stop Nuking at: ${NukeMana}% mana 
        /echo Stop Casting Panther/Leopard at: ${PantherSkip}% of mobs health 
        /echo Healing Pets at: ${PetHeal} 
        /echo HOT Pets at: ${PetHoT} 
        /echo Autofollow distance is: ${afdist} 
        /echo help - Will show help to set variables. 
        /1 --------------------------- 
        /1 Do Malo:..............${DoMalo} - Casting at: ${CombatAt}% (Initiate Combat*, higher then 99 is no 

        /1 Do Slow:..............${DoSlow} - Casting at: ${CombatAt}% (Initiate Combat*, higher then 99 is no 

        /1 Do Cripple:...........${DoCripple} - Casting at: ${CombatAt}% (Initiate Combat*, higher then 99 is 

no good) 
        /1 Do Fastslow:..........${FastSlow} - (Will only try to slow once!) 
        /1 Do Nuke:..............${DoNuke} - Casting at: ${NukeAt}% (Will chain nuke mob to death) 
        /1 Do Dot:...............${DoDoT} - Casting at: ${CastDoTat}% 
        /1 Do Pet:...............${DoPet} 
        /1 Do Buffs:.............${DoGroupBuffs} 
        /1 Do Rebuffs:...........${DoRebuffs} 
        /1 Do Root:..............${DoRoot} - Casting at: ${Rootat}% 
        /1 Do Sow:...............${DoSow} 
        /1 Do Heal:..............${DoHeal} 
        /1 Do HoT:...............${DoHoT} 
        /1 Heal Tank:............${HealTank} 
        /1 Heal Group:...........${HealGroup} 
        /1 Heal Pets:............${HealPets} 
        /1 Do Buff Pet:..........${DoBuffPet} 
        /1 Do Avatar:............${DoAvatar} - Casts ${SpellAvatar} on melee members of group during combat 
        /1 Do Shrink:............${DoShrink} 
        /1 Do Panther:...........${DoPantherPets} - Cast ${SpellPanther} on request during combat 
        /1 Do Panther Group:.....${DoPantherGroup} - Casts ${SpellPanther} on melee members of group 

during combat 
        /1 Auto Follow:..........${AutoFollow} - Following at distance of: ${afdist} 
        /1 Do Cannibalization:...${Cannibalization} 
        /1 Do Mount:.............${DoMount} 
        /1 --------------------------- 
        /1 Assist range: ${AssistAt} 
        /1 Assisting: ${M_Assist} 
        /1 Heal MA at: ${TankHeal}% 
        /1 HoT MA at: ${TankHoT}% 
        /1 Heal Casters at: ${CasterHeal}% 
        /1 HoT Casters at: ${CasterHoT}% 
        /1 Heal Melee at: ${MeleeHeal}% 
        /1 HoT Melee at: ${MeleeHoT}% 
        /1 Initiate Combat: ${CombatAt}% 
        /1 Verbose: ${Verbose} 
        /1 Casting DoTs at: ${CastDoTat} 
        /1 Stop Casting DoTs at: ${Dotmana}% mana 
        /1 Root Mob at: ${Rootat} 
        /1 Nuke Mob at: ${NukeAt} 
        /1 Stop Nuking at: ${NukeMana}% mana 
        /1 Stop Casting Panther/Leopard at: ${PantherSkip}% of mobs health 
        /1 Healing Pets at: ${PetHeal} 
        /1 HOT Pets at: ${PetHoT} 
        /1 Autofollow distance is: ${afdist} 
        /1 help - Will show help to set variables. 
    /if (${Command.Equal[help]}) { 
        /echo <<< Shambot V3.13 Script Help >>> 
        /echo Commands that will turn ON or OFF 
        /echo heal, hot, malo, slow, fastslow, root, pet, buffpet, dot, nuke, buffs, rebuffs, sow, verbose, 

        /echo pantherpets, panthergroup, avatar, shrink, resethot, HealGroup, HealPets, HealTank, 

lootmobs, group chat 
        /echo raidchat, cripple, clearmasters 
        /echo autofollow #: Will toggle TRUE/FALSE if no paramater is given. 
        /echo              Will set Auto Follow distance if # paramater is given (minimum=100, 

        /echo addmaster <pc name> - adds a person to the master list and this person is able to 

manipulate bot 
        /echo removemaster <pc name> - removes a single person from the master list 
        /echo Commands that switch settings or spells 
        /echo shortslow, longslow, switchslow 
        /echo Commands to change values, ie: assistat 50 (Will start the combat routine when mob is in 

range 50) 
        /echo assistat <range> - Most spells don't go longer then 100 
        /echo combatat <% hps> - Initiate Combat when mob is at % HPs 
        /echo healtankat <% hps> 
        /echo healmeeleat <% hps> 
        /echo healcastersat <% hps> 
        /echo hottankat <% hps> 
        /echo hotmeeleat <% hps> 
        /echo hotcastersat <% hps> 
        /echo setma <PC Name> 
        /echo nukeat <% hps> 
        /echo dotat <% hps> 
        /echo rootat <% hps> 
        /echo healpetsat <% hps> 
        /echo hotpetsat <% hps> 
        /1 <<< Shambot V3.13 Script Help >>> 
        /1 Commands that will turn ON or OFF 
        /1 heal, hot, malo, slow, fastslow, root, pet, buffpet, dot, nuke, buffs, rebuffs, sow, verbose, shrink 
        /1 pantherpets, panthergroup, avatar, shrink, resethot, HealGroup, HealPets, HealTank, lootmobs, 

group chat 
        /1 raidchat, cripple, clearmasters 
        /1 autofollow #: Will toggle TRUE/FALSE if no paramater is given. 
        /1              Will set Auto Follow distance if # paramater is given (minimum=10, maximum=100). 
        /1 addmaster <pc name> - adds a person to the master list and this person is able to manipulate 

        /1 removemaster <pc name> - removes a single person from the master list 
        /1 Commands that switch settings or spells 
        /1 shortslow, longslow, switchslow 
        /1 Commands to change values, ie: assistat 50 (Will start the combat routine when mob is in range 

        /1 assistat <range> - Most spells don't go longer then 100 
        /1 combatat <% hps> - Initiate Combat when mob is at % HPs 
        /1 healtankat <% hps> 
        /1 healmeeleat <% hps> 
        /1 healcastersat <% hps> 
        /1 hottankat <% hps> 
        /1 hotmeeleat <% hps> 
        /1 hotcastersat <% hps> 
        /1 setma <PC Name> 
        /1 nukeat <% hps> 
        /1 dotat <% hps> 
        /1 rootat <% hps> 
        /1 healpetsat <% hps> 
        /1 hotpetsat <% hps> 


  • sham.mac
    86.3 KB · Views: 1,734
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nice one madelyn, was an upgrate to mine /high5
Its Great !!!

Tested this with the downloaded zip = working great
(had issues with the html one, didt work for me)

in this macro you can define what ever kind of shaman you want running.

all = editet in the macro

macro can be set to

autocast all the talisman spells, and champion (shaman groupbuffs), if chosen
Autocast panther on melee and pets if set on (can define PC on/off and pets on/off)
autoslow (if chosen)
auto cripple (if chosen)
Auto DOT/nuke (if chosen)
heals MA and others if below defined limit. also cast HOT on MA if chosen.
auto canni, both spell and AA,(if chosen) casts HOT before doing so
Auto pet(if chosen)
Auto buff pet (if chosen)

react to commands, read in start of macro.

Recast spells when worn off (if chosen)

Shaman macro uses the shamans own groupbuffs as recastcheck. if dispelled on MA it wont recast. click it off on shaman and it will. or make players say the command for the buff.

defined MA can further more tell shaman to buff other group.

Wish list:
AA cure
AA pets
EPIC use instead of HOT on self when using CANNI, if up, else hot
use of time slowstick to reslow after discord slow = used.
if named USE shaman AA that increases stats for all of group when MA = at 99 percent hp.
use of trap. use if up.
Defining of what classes to buff in edit section. ( can be done further down in code )

Known issues:

Set macro to do to many things and it will become slow on rutines , aka will buff before slows, and issues like that.
Last edited:
Any new update?

Any new update, when I load this my Second acct crashes, or am I doing something wrong?

Man I am missing this allot.
Question on Shambot

For the most part I have this working good for my 54 sham but what i cannot do is get the sham to respond to any request for a buff or anything at all from a controller. I add the controllers name in the mac, have a channel setuup but just cant get the sham to acknowledge anything that pops up in his window wether it be group, channel or tells. Any ideas? do i have to activate a special toggle or a missing *.ini perhaps?

Also, if i toggle the buffs on, he will cycle through buffs over and over. example: shaman buffs with 5 spells. when hes done with the person or group, he starts buffing again and continues until combat. ack, help pls!

Really, i dont care about the buffs toggled on, just the ability to request it from the controller.

Thanks in advance.

OK. After a bit of work myself /bonk
I figured out what the issue was...
Languages omg! It seems to only accept tells in common or human tongue. If it say soandso tells you in whatever race... it does not work.
Hello FV server with no common tongue~

well it works like a charm now. :D
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Anyone have some premade ini's for a shaman? for any mac, I hate having to config stuff!
couldn't open

Couldn't open mq2\macros\

Not sure I would WANT to load a file named that.

is used in many macros. Its not some hidden spyware. It just lets you loot whatever is set in your file.
ok how do you do this

how do you use this macro like what exactly do you do to make it work and everything well if u happen to know will someone please sent me a reply well thanks alot guys
how do you use this macro like what exactly do you do to make it work and everything well if u happen to know will someone please sent me a reply well thanks alot guys

Well, for starters, I'd start with reading everything between
| Version 3.23 by ioncache, extensively modified shambot.mac


Use "help" for more help

If that doesn't get you up and running, erm, read it again.

Play with it a bit, use the help, then pop out some specific questions, people here are very very happy to help with questions.
Complete noob question here. How would I change the spells in the macro? Copying this into a notepad, changing the spells and pasting it in my macro folder?

I'm a little stumped here. Apologize for the noobness...

I was even thinking there might be a way to change the spells the macro uses in game? I couldn't find the command if this is true.

Nay help would be great, thanks in advance.

A Dr00d69
Complete noob question here. How would I change the spells in the macro? Copying this into a notepad, changing the spells and pasting it in my macro folder?

I'm a little stumped here. Apologize for the noobness...

I was even thinking there might be a way to change the spells the macro uses in game? I couldn't find the command if this is true.

Nay help would be great, thanks in advance.

A Dr00d69

Check the top of the macro. You'll see a bunch of spell names. You need to edit those in notepad with what you need. It's pretty straight forward.

This macro still works Like a Charm for me.. I been running it for a LONG LONG time. I just update spells that I want to use and off I got.. and turn on and off spells I don't want...

Otherwise works great still
rank spells

been using this forever, modified a bit and such and keep spells current, but now have a rank II spells, i changed the name to match but now it spams it can't find the spell any clues or suggestions?
when i change the spells in the note how should i save the file? As a regular notepad file?
ahh. thank That was pretty obvious wasn't it. Forgive my stupidity. I will give this a try and report how it works. Thanks everyone for the help, I appreciate it.

ok i changed all the spells etc, problem I have is that the shaman will keep repeating the buffs. He cast them over and over. When I did bring a mob he was lon and eventually slowed it. Then he buffed again and again. Very odd.
Well I have had no Issues with RK. II spells... none at all.. what you do is your put it in as...

"Spell Name RK. II" This has been working for me all the Time without Issues.