Server Downtime for Game Update – Tuesday, October 16, 2012

I'm thinking highest level havoc mob % 100-90, thrice @100-85, instant cast nuke @ 100-85, then ethereal from 85-0. That might be the best dps setup possibly, with twincast before the ethereals when its up.

What was it that I missed out on these spells (Havoc line)? I'm not quite sure how they were even nerfed? I assume the recast time was increased? How were they beneficial? I have never actually "played" a wizzy, only used as a bot.... I always used as follows:

Thrice first
(holyflag setup for Force of Will and Flashflares when they are up)
downshit0=/if (${Me.AltAbilityReady[Force of Will]} && ${Me.CombatState.Equal[COMBAT]} && ${Target.PctHPs}>5 && ${Target.PctHPs}<95 && ${Target.Type.Equal[NPC]}) /casting "Force of Will" alt
downshit1=/if (${Target.PctHPs}<90 && ${Cast.Ready[Flashflares Rk. II]} && ${Me.PctMana}>40 && ${Me.CombatState.Equal[COMBAT]} && ${Target.Type.Equal[NPC]} && !${Me.Invis} && !${Me.Moving}) /casting "Flashflares Rk. II" Gem8
Frost Vortex
Ethereal Blaze
Ethereal Frost/Barrage

Normally the mob is dead by the time I get the second ethereal nuke cast.

Assuming the mob is to survive longer than 15 seconds, what can I do to improve my wizzy setup? (Sorry to continue to majorly derail this thread)
3 chances to cast havoc down to 1

they had a chance to proc various things

1: 18% Chance to trigger: Syllable of Fire II
2: 18% Chance to trigger: Syllable of Ice II
3: 18% Chance to trigger: Syllable of Magic II
4: 16% Chance to trigger: Syllable of Mastery II
5: 5% Chance to trigger: Twincast Rk. II
6: 5% Chance to trigger: Syllable of Angerwarding
7: 15% Chance to trigger: Syllable of Mana Boost Rk. II
8: 5% Chance to trigger: Syllable of Refreshment

the chance to proc of any of those syllables made casting 3 great
ice fire magic = increased your next corresponding nuke (id do a corresponding ethereal); mastery = any nuke

1200 mana boost or a high mana regen

deagro proc (never a bad thing)

TWINCAST, now that was the sweet one, basically a 3rd twincast to use in addition of aa, and spell so u could go nuts chaining ethereals more.

So in short all these chances to proc were reduced by 2/3
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Ahh ok I get it. Now they are all on the same timer similar to the instant cast spells. You cast one and have to wait on all 3 to refresh.

Damn I wish I had read up on this prior to nerf.