SARS MQ2 UI for EverQuest

was jw but is anyone elses alt currency window not working?

Alt currency windows in the past would not function as anticipated unless the tab of the inventory window it was in was the 4th tab. The work-around is to click on the Currency tab, then another one, then the currency tab again. That is the only method I've found to force it to update when the tab position is not correct. This issue you're having may or may not be a result of the new stats page they added. It could also be that your UI isn't 100% compatible with the way Sony anticipates it should be done. Sony's UI engine is rather lacking and needs some serious overhaul IMO.
thanks for the info, i cant seem to get the switching to work so i just switch to default when i need to use the alt currency lol
thanks for the info, i cant seem to get the switching to work so i just switch to default when i need to use the alt currency lol
Hmm, very odd. I have no issues with the alt currency window.

At any rate, I'll upload the new version very soon.

i have recently been playing with my own ui files, but nothing i have is designed to function with mq2 i simply use my hud for that. i downloaded this one to give it a shot and didn't notice much out of the ordinary except for the target window showing targets loc and direction. Is there some plug-in or macro i should be running to enhance this ui? perhaps some one could post a pic of how they have this ui set up and possibly point out what mq2 enhancements it has built in?
i have recently been playing with my own ui files, but nothing i have is designed to function with mq2 i simply use my hud for that. i downloaded this one to give it a shot and didn't notice much out of the ordinary except for the target window showing targets loc and direction. Is there some plug-in or macro i should be running to enhance this ui? perhaps some one could post a pic of how they have this ui set up and possibly point out what mq2 enhancements it has built in?
The basics would be like player window, target window, group window, buffs, sd buffs.

Over the years though, some of it has become unnecessary due to EQ adding the info to the game for standard UI usage.

There are also a few parts of it over the years I changed or fixed, that was not part of standard SARS, so I have just continued to update it when I have time.

I seem to be having some issues with the melee one it is giving me xml errors as we speak is there a newer one out yet?
I seem to be having some issues with the melee one it is giving me xml errors as we speak is there a newer one out yet?
That's normal. SOE did something a few patches back, that jacked it up. Unless they fixed it (I doubt it), then even doing "/loadskin default" gives you XML errors. The latest SARS mq2 ones I put on here are fine though, and should only show the same errors/warnings that default does (you can check in UIErrors.txt in your EverQuest directory).

I think it was just a download issue redownloaded it and its fine now
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Hrm, need to get some screenies up in here on the various pieces. If I get time later today I'll do that. May get more people to DL and use it as it is a great UI.
anyone else having troubles with the ui since the patch the other day?
Updated all 3 UI's. Versions 4.4.3, links are updated in Files section.

Sorry if this is a dumb question, but is there any way to take the purple hue off this UI? I really like most of it but the hue is killing it.


anyone have a updated copy? offering 20 bucks paypal for a quicker release?

Updated all 3 UI's. Versions 4.4.4, for HoT. Links are updated in Files section.

Updated - only change was removing EQUI_Container.xml (there are too many changes in it to screw with it right now). Bags will work properly now though.

Files updated in file section (click Files at top of this site, then go to MMOBugs General Files).
