RaidUtil.mac /


Rawk On!
Sep 27, 2008
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Here is a include file (also made into stand alone macro) to assist with specific raids.

Currently only setup for the Breakneck raid in MMM, it will duck for you, and run around to avoid the AE's from Breakneck.

This can be setup for pretty much any raid which you would use an Audio Trigger to remind yourself to do something.

If anyone has anything they want added to this, give me a list of the triggers, and the action to be taken for them.

|RaidUtil.mac by HardOne
|This is an on going project to assist with raids that require actions based on triggers
|" /raidutil " will turn on and off the automations provided. This prevents you from taking actions when someone say's the trigger in a channel.
|Currently only setup for the Breakneck event in MMM, more will be added as I get more input.
|NOTE: Requires MQ2MoveUtils Loaded for /circle to work

#Event BreakneckDuck "#*#Breakneck hoists an arm back, preparing to lob a weighted mallet in your direction.#*#"
#Event BreakneckStand "#*#Breakneck's mallet passes harmlessly overhead.#*#"
#Event BreakneckRun "#*#Breakneck locks eyes with you and snorts, while stomping at the metallic tiles with his hooves. He's about to charge directly at you!#*#"
#Event BreakneckRunStop "#*#Breakneck, Master at Arms pauses to catch his breath.#*#"
#Event ToggleRaidUtil "[MQ2] Toggle Raid Utilities"

Sub Main
	/declare UseRaidUtil		bool outer   TRUE
	/squelch /alias /raidutil          /echo Toggle Raid Utilities
	/echo RaidUtil is loaded, Active?: ${UseRaidUtil}
		/goto :loop

Sub Event_BreakneckDuck
	/if (${UseRaidUtil}) {
		/delay 1s
		/popup Breakneck about to hurt you! DUCK NOW!
		/nomodkey /keypress d

Sub Event_BreakneckStand
	/if (${UseRaidUtil}) {
		/delay 1s
		/popup Breakneck Missed (We Hope) Stand NOW!

Sub Event_BreakneckRun
	/if (${UseRaidUtil}) {
		/delay 1s
		/popup Breakneck is Charging, RUN FOR YOUR LIFE!
		/circle on

Sub Event_BreakneckRunStop
	/if (${UseRaidUtil}) {
		/delay 1s
		/popup We lost him this time, whew!
		/circle off

Sub Event_ToggleRaidUtil
	/if (${UseRaidUtil}) {
		/echo Turning OFF "Raid Utilities" Automations.
		/varset UseRaidUtil FALSE
	} else {
		/echo Turning ON "Raid Utilities" Automations.
		/varset UseRaidUtil TRUE
/return (Add " /call LoadRaidUtil " to the beginning section of your macro when it loads other variables)
| by HardOne
|This is an on going project to assist with raids that require actions based on triggers
|Useage: Add " /call LoadRaidUtil " to your exsisting macro you run, which will setup this for use
|" /raidutil " will turn on and off the automations provided. This prevents you from taking actions when someone say's the trigger in a channel.
|Currently only setup for the Breakneck event in MMM, more will be added as I get more input.
|NOTE: Requires MQ2MoveUtils Loaded for /circle to work

#Event BreakneckDuck "#*#Breakneck hoists an arm back, preparing to lob a weighted mallet in your direction.#*#"
#Event BreakneckStand "#*#Breakneck's mallet passes harmlessly overhead.#*#"
#Event BreakneckRun "#*#Breakneck locks eyes with you and snorts, while stomping at the metallic tiles with his hooves. He's about to charge directly at you!#*#"
#Event BreakneckRunStop "#*#Breakneck, Master at Arms pauses to catch his breath.#*#"
#Event ToggleRaidUtil "[MQ2] Toggle Raid Utilities"

Sub LoadRaidUtil
	/declare UseRaidUtil		bool outer   TRUE
	/squelch /alias /raidutil          /echo Toggle Raid Utilities
	/echo RaidUtil is loaded, Active?: ${UseRaidUtil}

Sub Event_BreakneckDuck
	/if (${UseRaidUtil}) {
		/delay 1s
		/popup Breakneck about to hurt you! DUCK NOW!
		/nomodkey /keypress d

Sub Event_BreakneckStand
	/if (${UseRaidUtil}) {
		/delay 1s
		/popup Breakneck Missed (We Hope) Stand NOW!

Sub Event_BreakneckRun
	/if (${UseRaidUtil}) {
		/delay 1s
		/popup Breakneck is Charging, RUN FOR YOUR LIFE!
		/circle on

Sub Event_BreakneckRunStop
	/if (${UseRaidUtil}) {
		/delay 1s
		/popup We lost him this time, whew!
		/circle off

Sub Event_ToggleRaidUtil
	/if (${UseRaidUtil}) {
		/echo Turning OFF "Raid Utilities" Automations.
		/varset UseRaidUtil FALSE
	} else {
		/echo Turning ON "Raid Utilities" Automations.
		/varset UseRaidUtil TRUE
Now if there was only a way to get everyone in my guild to hack, would make them all run this so we can beat breakneck.
You could also add a line to spam your /rs when it's time to duck, as for the running thats a bit harder.
How noticable is this to anyone else if you run it?
The part for ducking is pretty seamless, the running part, uses /circle which could give you away, but if you change your options to /circle drunken always, it looks pretty real.
Rocking , thanks dude :)