Prize macro?


Lifetime Member
Mar 18, 2008
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Hello folks i am wondering if anyone has or can quickly write a macro that will get the prize quest in steamfont and turn in work voucher for Fantastic animal pelts over and over until all work vouchers are gone? i got 90 of them and wanna trade them for 90 pelts

thanks in advance
aren't animal pelts like dime a dozen? and next time please post this into the questions and requests area.
really, i thought vouchers were a pain in the ass (time sinks) to get
and youd go for pelts?
Maybe he has a leet exploit he just doesnt want to give exacts so he is asking for something that is simple and easily overlooked.
Maybe he has a leet exploit he just doesnt want to give exacts so he is asking for something that is simple and easily overlooked.

Just thinking, I would guess since people still buy them in bazaar in buyer mode, you could make a decent bit dumping it all on them. Some buyers still buy them for like 300-700pp each.
Tested with 2 vouchers, good luck.

| RedeemWorkVoucher.mac
| October 10, 2011 5:34 PM
| 1.0.0
| FUNCTION: Macro to turn in ALL of your Worker Vouchers to
|           Hobbs in Steamfont Mountains. You must be very close
|           to Hobbs for the macro to run, less than 10 meters.
| REQUIREMENTS: MQ2ReachIt, MQ2Reward.
| WARNING: This macro assumes that you have no pending rewards in
| your reward window. The macro will select the first reward option
| to claim the item.
| OPTIONS: Change desiredTask variable the name of the quest that
| you want, the default is Animal pelts.
| Available options include:
| Fabulous Prize! - Fantastic Animal Pelt
| Fabulous Prize! - Fantastic Marrow
| Fabulous Prize! - Fantastic Silk
| Fabulous Prize! - Fantastic Spinneret Fluid
| Fabulous Prize! - Heavy Lifting Device
| Fabulous Prize! - Osmium Ore
| Fabulous Prize! - Shimmering Loam
| Fabulous Prize! - Ship in a Bottle
| Fabulous Prize! - Veilbreaker Escape Module
| Fabulous Prize! - Veilbreaker Executive Escape Device
| Fabulous Prize! - Veilbreaker Souvenir

SUB main
  /declare desiredTask       string  outer  Fabulous Prize! - Fantastic Animal Pelt
  /declare taskGiverName     string  outer  Hobbs
  /declare taskKeyword       string  outer  prize
  /declare taskStartZoneId   int     outer  448
  /declare desiredTaskId     int     outer  0
  /declare requiredItem      string  outer  Work Voucher
  /if (!${Plugin[MQ2Reward].Name.Equal[MQ2Reward]}) {
    /echo MQ2Reward is required to run this macro.

  /if (!${Plugin[MQ2ReachIt].Name.Equal[MQ2ReachIt]}) {
    /echo MQ2Reward is required to run this macro.
  /call checkLocation

    /if (${Window[TaskWnd].Child[TASK_TaskList].List[=${desiredTask}, 2]}) {
      /call handInRequiredItem
    } else {
      /call checkForRequiredItem
      /call requestTaskList
      /call getTask
    /delay 3s
    /goto :dloop

SUB checkLocation
  /if (${Zone.ID} != ${taskStartZoneId}) /echo This macro only runs in Steamfont Mountains.
  /if (${Zone.ID} == ${taskStartZoneId} && ${Spawn[npc ${taskGiverName}].Distance} > 10) /echo Move closer to Hobbs, within 10 meters.
  /if (${Zone.ID} != ${taskStartZoneId} || ${Spawn[npc ${taskGiverName}].Distance} > 10) /endmacro

SUB checkInvis
  /if (${Me.Invis}) {
    /echo You must be visible to run this macro. Terminating.

SUB requestTaskList
  /call targetTaskGiver
  /delay 1s
  /if (${Target.CleanName.Equal[${taskGiverName}]}) {
    /call checkInvis
    /call checkLocation
    /say ${taskKeyword}
    /delay 2s
  } else {
    /echo Could not target task giver npc ${taskGiverName}.

SUB targetTaskGiver
  /call checkLocation
  /squelch /target clear
  /squelch /target npc ${taskGiverName}

SUB getTask
  /call checkLocation
  /declare failedAcceptAttempts int inner 0
    /if (${Window[TaskSelectWnd].Open}) {
      /varset desiredTaskId ${Window[TaskSelectWnd].Child[TSEL_TaskList].List[=${desiredTask}]}
      /delay 1s
      /notify TaskSelectWnd TaskList listselect ${desiredTaskId}
      /delay 1s
      /notify TaskSelectWnd AcceptButton leftmouseup
      /delay 1s

      /if (${Window[TaskWnd].Child[TASK_TaskList].List[=${desiredTask}, 2]} && ${failedAcceptAttempts} < 4) {
        /varcalc failedAcceptAttempts ${failedAcceptAttempts} + 1
        /if (${Window[TaskSelectWnd].Open}) /goto :acceptTask
      } else /if (${failedAcceptAttempts} > 3) {
        /echo Failed to accept the task
    } else {
      /echo Failed to get the task list

    /squelch /cleanup

SUB checkForRequiredItem
  /if (${FindItemCount[=${requiredItem}]} == 0) {
    /echo You do not have any more ${requiredItem}s.

SUB handInRequiredItem
  /declare retrieveItemFailedAttemptsCount int inner 0

    /call getRequiredItemFromInventory
    /delay 2s
    /if (!${Cursor.ID} && ${retrieveItemFailedAttemptsCount} < 4) {
      /varcalc retrieveItemFailedAttemptsCount ${retrieveItemFailedAttemptsCount} + 1
      /echo ${retrieveItemFailedAttemptsCount}
      /goto :getRequiredItem
    } else /if (${retrieveItemFailedAttemptsCount} >= 3) {
      /echo Could not get the required item
    /call targetTaskGiver

    /if (${Cursor.ID} && ${Target.ID}) {
      /delay 2s ${Window[GiveWnd].Open}
      /if (${Window[GiveWnd].Open}) {
        /notify GiveWnd GVW_Give_Button leftmouseup
      /delay 2s !${Window[GiveWnd].Open}
    /if (${Cursor.ID} || ${Window[GiveWnd.Open]}) {
      /echo Failed to turn in required item

    /if (${Window[RewardSelectionWnd].Open}) {
      /reward 1
      /delay 2s !${Window[RewardSelectionWnd].Open}
      /squelch /cleanup

SUB getRequiredItemFromInventory
  /call checkForRequiredItem
  /ctrl /itemnotify ${FindItem[=${requiredItem}].InvSlot} leftmouseup
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Anyone know a quick/simple way to get Work Vouchers...pst:) Ty.
This macro seems really buggy, tries to turn in work order before requesting task after the 1st hand in, and thus ends the macro.

Or sometimes doesn't even request the task on the first hand in, and ends the macro because npc won't accept the work order. Get some error saying "could not find reward at option index:1"
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