Macro Portal Mac- Use in GGH then auto port your army to the zone!


Dec 15, 2009
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Here is a basic portal setter macro I wrote.

To use: In GGH when you near the teleportation assistant, then make a hotkey /mac portal Lceanium or /mac portal Deluge etc...will port you and your bots there then!


|---Written by KingArthur---|
Sub Main
/declare CurrentSub string outer
/declare ZoneName string outer ${Param0}
/declare StoneName string outer
/declare TPGem string outer
/call DefineStonName
/tar id ${Spawn[npc Teleportation assistant].ID}
/if (${Target.Distance}>20 && ${Target.Distance}<=100 && ${Target.LineOfSight}) {
            /moveto id ${Target.ID}
            /delay 50 ${MoveTo.Stopped}
/delay 1s ${Target.ID}==${Spawn[npc Teleportation assistant].ID}&&${Target.Distance}<20
/if (${FindItemCount[=${StoneName}]}) {
   /echo We already had a TP stone in the bag!
   /goto :alreadyhadstone
/if (${Target.ID}==${Spawn[npc Teleportation assistant].ID}&&${Target.Distance}<20) /click right target
/delay 6s ${Window[MerchantWnd].Open}
/echo Waiting merchant list to pop!
/delay 3s
/call buy "${StoneName}" 1
/delay 5s ${FindItemCount[=${StoneName}]}
/if (${Window[MerchantWnd].Open}) /windowstate MerchantWnd close
/delay 2s !${Window[MerchantWnd].Open}
/call GiveStone "${StoneName}" ${Spawn[npc Teleportation assistant].ID}
/delay 5s !${FindItemCount[=${StoneName}]}
/echo Now move to TP pad!
/bcga //tar id ${Spawn[npc Teleportation device].ID}
/delay 1s ${Target.ID}==${Spawn[npc Teleportation device].ID}
/if (${Target.ID}==${Spawn[npc Teleportation device].ID}&&${Target.Distance}>20 && ${Target.Distance}<=100 && ${Target.LineOfSight}) {
            /bcga //moveto id ${Target.ID}
            /delay 100 ${MoveTo.Stopped}
/if (${Target.Distance}<20&&${Target.ID}==${Spawn[npc Teleportation device].ID}) /echo We are at the Teleport Pad!
/delay 10s ${Window[largedialogwindow].Open}&&${Window[largedialogwindow].Child[LDW_TextBox].Text.Find[${ZoneName}]}
/if (${Window[largedialogwindow].Open}&&${Window[largedialogwindow].Child[LDW_TextBox].Text.Find[${ZoneName}]}) {
/bcg //notify largedialogwindow LDW_YesButton leftmouseup
/delay 2s
/if (${Group.Member[1].ID}) /bct ${Group.Member[1].Name} //notify largedialogwindow LDW_YesButton leftmouseup
/if (${Group.Member[2].ID}) /bct ${Group.Member[2].Name} //notify largedialogwindow LDW_YesButton leftmouseup
/if (${Group.Member[3].ID}) /bct ${Group.Member[3].Name} //notify largedialogwindow LDW_YesButton leftmouseup
/if (${Group.Member[4].ID}) /bct ${Group.Member[4].Name} //notify largedialogwindow LDW_YesButton leftmouseup
/if (${Group.Member[5].ID}) /bct ${Group.Member[5].Name} //notify largedialogwindow LDW_YesButton leftmouseup
/delay 2s
/if (${Group.Member[1].ID} || ${Group.Member[2].ID} || ${Group.Member[3].ID} || ${Group.Member[4].ID} || ${Group.Member[5].ID}) /goto :clicktp
/delay 1s
/echo Everyone zoned to ${ZoneName}, now for me to zone.
/notify largedialogwindow LDW_YesButton leftmouseup
/delay 90s ${Zone.ShortName.Equal[${ZoneName}]}
/if (!${Zone.ShortName.Equal[${ZoneName}]}) /goto :MeClickTP
/if (${Zone.ShortName.Equal[${ZoneName}]}) /echo We are at ${ZoneName} now!!

Sub Buy(Item ItemToBuy, int amount) 
	|/echo Buying ${ItemToBuy}! 
	/declare QTY int Inner 
	/declare l2 int local
	/declare LastItemCount int local
	/declare CurrentItemCount int local
	/varset LastItemCount ${Window[MerchantWnd].Child[ItemList].Items}
	|---SMALL delay to allow the MERCHANT Window to populate
	/delay ${Math.Calc[${DelayMult}*2]}s
	/varset QTY ${Math.Calc[${amount}-${FindItemCount[=${ItemToBuy}]}]} 
	/delay 1s 
	/varset CurrentItemCount ${Window[MerchantWnd].Child[ItemList].Items}
	/if (${CurrentItemCount}!=${LastItemCount}) {
		/varset LastItemCount ${Window[MerchantWnd].Child[ItemList].Items}
		/goto :Filling
	/if (${FindItemCount[=${ItemToBuy}]}>= ${amount}) { 
	/varset l2 ${Window[MerchantWnd].Child[ItemList].List[=${ItemToBuy},2]} 
	/if (!${l2}) { 
		/echo Couldn't find ${ItemToBuy} 
	} else { 
		/nomodkey /notify MerchantWnd ItemList listselect ${l2} 
		/delay 2          
	/echo Buying ${ItemToBuy} until I get ${amount}  
	/if (${QTY}>19) { 
		|/buyitem 20 
		/call MyBuyItem 20 ${l2} "${ItemToBuy}"
		/delay 1s 
		/varset QTY ${Math.Calc[${amount}-${FindItemCount[=${ItemToBuy}]}]} 
		/delay 1s
		/goto :Loop 
	} else { 
		/if (${QTY}>0 && ${QTY}<20) { 
			|/buyitem ${QTY} 
			/call MyBuyItem ${QTY} ${l2} "${ItemToBuy}"
			/delay 1s 
	/varset QTY ${Math.Calc[${amount}-${FindItemCount[=${ItemToBuy}]}]} 
	/if (${QTY}<=0) { 
	/goto :Loop 

Sub GiveStone(string GItem, int GTarget)
/varset CurrentSub GiveStone
/echo Gitem is ${GItem}
/varset TPGem ${GItem}
       /declare ItemStone int local 0
       /if (${Target.ID}!=${GTarget}) {
            /target id ${GTarget}
            /delay 2s ${Target.ID}==${GTarget}
            /if (${Cursor.ID}) /autoinventory
            /delay 7 !${Cursor.ID}
        /if (${Target.Distance}>20 && ${Target.Distance}<=100 && ${Target.LineOfSight}) {
            /moveto id ${Target.ID}
            /delay 50 ${MoveTo.Stopped}
            /if (${FindItemCount[=${TPGem}]}>0) {
                /shift /itemnotify "${TPGem}" leftmouseup
                /delay 20 ${Cursor.ID}
                /if (${Cursor.ID}==${FindItem[=${TPGem}].ID}) {
                    /varset ItemStone 1
                    /nomodkey /click left target
                    /delay 20 !${Cursor.ID}
         |/if (${Cursor.ID}==${FindItem[=${TPGem}].ID}) /goto :CursorFree
        /delay 10
            /if (${ItemStone}) {
                /notify GiveWnd GVW_Give_Button leftmouseup
                /echo Giving ${GItem} to ${Target.CleanName}
            } else {
                /echo Item is NOT the TP Stone canceling trade
                /notify GiveWnd GVW_Cancel_Button leftmouseup
        /delay 200 !${Window[GiveWnd].Open}

Sub DefineStonName
/cecho \ag ZoneName List
/cecho \ay Lceanium
/cecho \ay Deluge
/cecho \ay Ethernere
/cecho \ay Shard
/cecho \ay Agarth
/cecho \ay Feerrott
/cecho \ay Time
/cecho \ay Brell
/cecho \ay Dragonscale
/cecho \ay Guild
/if (${Select[${ZoneName},Lceanium]}) /varset StoneName Fragment of the Combine Spire
/if (${Select[${ZoneName},Deluge]}) /varset StoneName Drowned Katta Castrum Powerstone
/if (${Select[${ZoneName},Ethernere]}) /varset StoneName Stormstone of the West
/if (${Select[${ZoneName},Shard]}) /varset StoneName Stone of the Shard's Fall
/if (${Select[${ZoneName},Argath]}) /varset StoneName Chunk of Argathian Steel
/if (${Select[${ZoneName},Feerrott]}) /varset StoneName Crystallize Dream of the Feerrott
/if (${Select[${ZoneName},Time]}) /varset StoneName Broken Time Stone
/if (${Select[${ZoneName},Brell]}) /varset StoneName Unrefine Brellium Ore
/if (${Select[${ZoneName},Dragonscale]}) /varset StoneName Dragonscale Faycite
/if (${Select[${ZoneName},Guild]}) /varset StoneName Splinter from a guild standard

Sub MyBuyItem(int MyAmount, int MyIndex, string MyItemToBuy) 
	/declare char string local 
	/declare InStr string local
	/declare loopctr int local 
	/declare BuyStr string local
	/declare QtyStr string local
	/declare x int local
	/declare IndCost int local
	/varset BuyStr ${MyItemToBuy}
	|/echo Buying ${MyAmount} ${BuyStr}
	/if (!${Window[MerchantWnd].Open}) {
		/echo Merchant window is not open!
	/nomodkey /notify MerchantWnd MW_Buy_Button leftmouseup
	/varset QtyStr ${Window[MerchantWnd].Child[ItemList].List[${MyIndex},3]}
	/varset IndCost ${Window[MerchantWnd].Child[ItemList].List[${MyIndex},4]}
	/if (${IndCost} > ${Me.Platinum}) {
		/echo You are out of money! 
	/if (!${BuyStr.Find[bow staff]}) {
		/delay 5 ${Window[QuantityWnd].Open}
	/if (${Window[QuantityWnd].Open}) {
		/nomodkey /notify QuantityWnd QTYW_SliderInput leftmouseup 
		/nomodkey /keypress right chat
		/nomodkey /keypress right chat
		/nomodkey /keypress right chat
		/nomodkey /keypress backspace chat
		/nomodkey /keypress backspace chat
		/nomodkey /keypress backspace chat
		/delay 5
		/varset InStr ${MyAmount}
		/for loopctr 1 to ${InStr.Length} 
			/varset char ${InStr.Mid[${loopctr},1]} 
			/if (!${char.Length}) { 
				/nomodkey /keypress Space chat 
			} else { 
				/nomodkey /keypress ${char} chat 
		/next loopctr 
		/delay 5s ${Window[QuantityWnd].Child[QTYW_Accept_Button].Enabled}  
		/nomodkey /notify QuantityWnd QTYW_Accept_Button leftmouseup
		/delay 5s !${Window[QuantityWnd].Open}
		/if (${Window[QuantityWnd].Open}) {
				/echo Merchant window / quantity window close timeout!


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