Plugin: MQ2PiggyZone

Be careful with Gzone, not sure if his account was beign watched or not , but a friend used gzone to lock into a elemental zone in pop and second he /glocked a gm popped in zone and promptly banned him. not sure if something was up with gzone or his account was being watched, he didnt do much active stuff, barely used warp. just be careful.
what plugin do i have to llug so i can /zone nro and he will talk to magus on own?

Any chance that someone is working on getting the SoD zones added to the MQ2PiggyZone.ini file?

Gee.. i thought there would at least be a reply by someone about this.

I am wondering if anyone is working on updating the MQ2PiggyZone.ini file to add the paths and defaults to it for the new SoD zones.

Any poisitive feedback would be appreciated.
. .

Any info on the status of an update to the piggyzzone ini updates for SoD would be appreciated.