PLUGIN: MQ2AutoAcceptTrades v 2.0000


Sexy Shoeless God of War
Nov 2, 2007
Reaction score
Washington, DC area
PLUGIN: MQ2AutoAcceptTrades v 2.1000

**Version Released 3/14/09** MINOR UPDATE

****.dll recompiled for 3/14/09 release****

*****Version 2.1000*****
-- Added ability to "AutoReject" which toggles if the plugin will automatically cancel a trade if you're not accepting trades from everyone and their name is not on your trade list.
-- Added command /autotrade reject which toggles the autoreject setting.

*****Version 2.0000*****
-- Added inventory checks. Will no longer accept items if there is no inventory space available.
-- Added ability to "ReportTradeReject" which will send a /tell to the person trading and tell them why it was rejected
-- Added ability to "EchoTradeInfo" which will echo just about everything about the trade to the MQ2 window
-- Added ability to "AllowGoldandLowerDump" which will allow trades which have a quantity of gold, silver, or copper
-- Added commands /autotrade report, /autotrade echo, and /autotrade gold which toggle the settings for those abilities

*****Version 1.2000*****
-- Fixed bug that would change the name of the person trading with you if you clicked someone else while waiting to accept trade
-- Fixed bad coding

*****Version 1.1000*****
-- Fixed plugin so you will not autoaccept if you hand something (items or money) to a player and they hit accept. Thanks to Thez for help with the syntax.

*****Version 1.0000*****
-- Plugin creation. Created based on suggestion by Norrathian

Sorry I didn't get this out fast enough to make the new compile.

This plugin will accept all trades by default. Otherwise you can toggle that off by typing /autotrade FALSE. You can add a list of names to always accept trades from by typing /autotrade <CharName> (useful for alts, etc). You can view your settings by typing /autotrade.

//  This File Has Came From
//  Please Do Not Distribute Without Authors or MMOBugs Consent. 
/* MQ2AutoAcceptTrades.cpp v2.1000
	Plugin created by Sadge (with help from Thez)
	Please do not distribute without my consent.

| This is a simple plugin created to auto-accept every trade.						|
| In the MQ2AutoAcceptTrades.ini file, you can change the option to accept trades	|
| from everyone or just the toons you list in the ini file.							|
|																					|
| WARNING!!!! This plugin will *not* accept trades where you are giving an item or	|
| plat away.  If you have added an item or money to a trade, you'll have to 		|
| manually accept.																	|

*****Version 2.1000*****
-- Added ability to "AutoReject" which toggles if the plugin will automatically cancel a trade if you're not accepting trades from everyone and their name is not on your trade list.
-- Added command /autotrade reject which toggles the autoreject setting.
*****Version 2.0000*****
-- Added inventory checks.  Will no longer accept items if there is no inventory space available.
-- Added ability to "ReportTradeReject" which will send a /tell to the person trading and tell them why it was rejected
-- Added ability to "EchoTradeInfo" which will echo just about everything about the trade to the MQ2 window
-- Added ability to "AllowGoldandLowerDump" which will allow trades which have a quantity of gold, silver, or copper
-- Added commands /autotrade report, /autotrade echo, and /autotrade gold which toggle the settings for those abilities 
*****Version 1.2000*****
-- Fixed bug that would change the name of the person trading with you if you clicked someone else while waiting to accept trade
-- Fixed bad coding
*****Version 1.1000*****
-- Fixed plugin so you will not autoaccept if you hand something (items or money) to a player and they hit accept. Thanks to Thez for help with the syntax.
*****Version 1.0000*****
-- Plugin creation.  Created based on suggestion by Norrathian


#include "../MQ2Plugin.h"

#define   PLUGIN_DATE				20090314	// Plugin Date
#define   PLUGIN_VERS				  2.1000	// Plugin Version

char PersonTrading[MAX_STRING];					//Defines who is trading with you
bool AutoAcceptEveryone;						//Check if you want to accept all trades (true) or just from ini list (false)
bool ReportTradeReject;							//Send tells telling why trade was rejected (if true)
bool EchoTradeInfo;								//Echos trade information to the MQ2 window if true
bool AllowGoldandLowerDump;						//Allows character to reject any trade that includes any coin besides copper (to avoid Copper dumping)
bool AutoReject;								//Rejects trades if true or leaves trade window up if false
bool TradeDone;									//Flag to stop the plugin from "looping" due to the lag involved
int MAXLIST = 30;								//Max names allowed in ini list
int TotalNames = 0;								//Total names in ini list
char Name[100][64];								//Array to contain each name from ini list
char ItemReceived[100][64];						//Array that contains the names of all items received
char StackedItems[100][64];						//Array that contains the names of the stackable items
char tradecommand[MAX_STRING];					//The actual trade command (used to accepting trade or rejecting)
int StackedItemsCount[8];						//The total number of a stackable item recevied
int StacksCount[8];								//The total number of stacks
int RemainCount[8];								//The number of a stackable item that is less than a complete stack
int MaxStackedItemsCount[8];					//Holds the max stack value of each stackable item
int CoinCount[4];								//Holds the value of each coin received (Plat, Gold, Silver, Copper)
int totalitemstaken;							//The total amount of items received (as inventory space)
int bagsreceived;								//The number of containers received (used to checked top level inventory)
int openTLinv;									//The amount of top level inventory slots available
bool TradeRejected;								//Tells if the trade was rejected (true) or not (false)
int numstackable;								//The number of stackable items received
char ReportReject[MAX_STRING];					//Holds the tell information for why trade was rejected
int InventoryCheck;								//Holds the available inventory (top level+freespace in bags)
char reason[MAX_STRING];						//Holds why trade was rejected
int totalitems;									//Holds the total items received (as absolute)
int AvailableRoom[8];							//How much stack room is available for a stackable item

void DoAutoTrade(PSPAWNINFO pChar, PCHAR szLine);


VOID ShowHelp(VOID) {	// Will display the current settings
    WriteChatf("%s::Version [\ag%1.4f\ax] Loaded! Created by Sadge",PLUGIN_NAME,PLUGIN_VERS);
    WriteChatf("Status AutoAcceptEveryone is Currently: %s", AutoAcceptEveryone?"\agTRUE":"\arFALSE");
    WriteChatf("Status ReportTradeReject is Currently: %s", ReportTradeReject?"\agTRUE":"\arFALSE");
    WriteChatf("Status EchoTradeInfo is Currently: %s", EchoTradeInfo?"\agTRUE":"\arFALSE");
    WriteChatf("Status AllowGoldandLowerDump is Currently: %s", AllowGoldandLowerDump?"\agTRUE":"\arFALSE");
    WriteChatf("Status AutoReject is Currently: %s", AutoReject?"\agTRUE":"\arFALSE");
    WriteChatf("There are <%d> name(s) in your list of people to always trade with", TotalNames);
}	// end of ShowHelp function
VOID Load_INI(VOID)	{	// Loads the ini settings or creates them if not available

	char szTemp[MAX_STRING];		// Local variable to receive and write settings from the ini
	TotalNames = 0;

	if (!strnicmp(szTemp,"TRUE",4)) {
		AutoAcceptEveryone = true;
	else {
		AutoAcceptEveryone = false;
	if (!strnicmp(szTemp,"TRUE",4)) {
		ReportTradeReject = true;
	else {
		ReportTradeReject = false;
	if (!strnicmp(szTemp,"TRUE",4)) {
		EchoTradeInfo = true;
	else {
		EchoTradeInfo = false;
	if (!strnicmp(szTemp,"TRUE",4)) {
		AllowGoldandLowerDump = true;
	else {
		AllowGoldandLowerDump = false;
	if (!strnicmp(szTemp,"TRUE",4)) {
		AutoReject = true;
	else {
		AutoReject = false;

	for (int i = 0; i<(MAXLIST+1); i++)			// Loop to read names
}	// end Load_INI function

PLUGIN_API VOID InitializePlugin(VOID) {	// Initializes the Plugin & spews out plugin information

	DebugSpewAlways("Initializing MQ2AutoAcceptTrades");
	AddCommand("/autotrade", DoAutoTrade);

	WriteChatf("%s::Version [\ag%1.4f\ax] Loaded! Created by Sadge",PLUGIN_NAME,PLUGIN_VERS);
	WriteChatColor("You can view the current settings by typing /autotrade", CONCOLOR_GREEN);
	WriteChatColor("You can toggle auto-accepting with everyone by typing /autotrade TRUE (on) or FALSE (off)", CONCOLOR_GREEN);
	WriteChatColor("You can toggle reporting trade reject to person trading by typing /autotrade report", CONCOLOR_GREEN);
	WriteChatColor("You can toggle echoing trade information in the MQ2 window by typing /autotrade echo", CONCOLOR_GREEN);
	WriteChatColor("You can toggle allowing receiving gold and lower (Gold, Silver, or Copper Dump) by typing /autotrade gold", CONCOLOR_GREEN);
	WriteChatColor("You can toggle rejecting trades automatically by typing /autotrade reject", CONCOLOR_GREEN);
	WriteChatColor("You can add someone to your list of people to always trade with by typing /autotrade <CharName>", CONCOLOR_GREEN);
    WriteChatf("Status AutoAcceptEveryone is Currently: %s", AutoAcceptEveryone?"\agTRUE":"\arFALSE");
    WriteChatf("Status ReportTradeReject is Currently: %s", ReportTradeReject?"\agTRUE":"\arFALSE");
    WriteChatf("Status EchoTradeInfo is Currently: %s", EchoTradeInfo?"\agTRUE":"\arFALSE");
    WriteChatf("Status AllowGoldandLowerDump is Currently: %s", AllowGoldandLowerDump?"\agTRUE":"\arFALSE");
    WriteChatf("Status AutoReject is Currently: %s", AutoReject?"\agTRUE":"\arFALSE");
}	// end InitializePlugin function

PLUGIN_API VOID ShutdownPlugin(VOID) {	// Contains shutdown information
	DebugSpewAlways("Shutting down MQ2AutoAcceptTrades");
}	// end ShutdownPlugin function
bool CheckWindow(PCHAR windowinfo) {	// This will check the window information that is passed to it and return true/false
   if (strcmp(windowinfo,"TRUE") == 0) return true;
   else if (strcmp(windowinfo,"NULL") != 0) return false;
   else if (strcmp(windowinfo,"NULL") == 0) return true;
   else return false;
}	// end CheckWindow function
void AcceptTrade(VOID) {	// simply contains the command to accept the trade
	sprintf(tradecommand,"/nomodkey /notify tradewnd TRDW_Trade_Button leftmouseup ");
}	// end AcceptTrade function
void RejectTrade(VOID) {	// simply contains the command to reject the trade
		sprintf(tradecommand,"/nomodkey /notify tradewnd TRDW_Cancel_Button leftmouseup ");
}	// end RejectTrade function
void EchoTrade(VOID) {	// contains the trade information to echo in MQ2 window
	char timetrade[10];
	sprintf(timetrade, "${Time}");
	WriteChatf("\agTrade Information\ax");
	WriteChatf("Trade from: <%s> at %s", PersonTrading, timetrade);
	WriteChatf("Inventory Slots Available: %i", InventoryCheck);
	WriteChatf("Top Level Inventory Slots Available: %i", openTLinv);
	WriteChatf("TotalInventorySpaceNeeded = %i", totalitemstaken);
	WriteChatf("TotalBagsGivenToMe = %i", bagsreceived);
	WriteChatf("TotalPlatGivenToMe = %i", CoinCount[1]);
	WriteChatf("TotalGoldGivenToMe = %i", CoinCount[2]);
	WriteChatf("TotalSilverGivenToMe = %i", CoinCount[3]);
	WriteChatf("TotalCopperGivenToMe = %i", CoinCount[4]);
	if (totalitems>0) {
		WriteChatf("Items Given to Me:");
		for (int a=1; a<9; a++) {
			if (stricmp(ItemReceived[a],"NULL")) WriteChatf(" %i) %s", a, ItemReceived[a]);
		if (numstackable>=1) {
			WriteChatf("Stackable Items:");
			for (int a=1; a<numstackable+1; a++){
				WriteChatf(" %i) %s", a, StackedItems[a]);
				WriteChatf("  Received: %i", StackedItemsCount[a]);
				WriteChatf("  Available Stack Room: %i", AvailableRoom[a]);
	if (TradeRejected) {
		WriteChatf("\arTRADE REJECTED\ax");
		WriteChatf("Reason: %s", reason);
	else WriteChatf("\agTRADE ACCEPTED\ax");
}	// end EchoTrade function
void DoTrade(VOID) {	// This will read all the items and coin received and determine if the trade is acceptable or not
	char TLInventoryCheck[MAX_STRING];						//Command to check top level inventory
	char itemstakencheck[MAX_STRING];						//Command to check for items received
	char stackablecheck[MAX_STRING];						//Command to check if item received is stackable
	char bagcheck[MAX_STRING];								//Command to check if item is a bag
	int tradeslots;											//# of tradeslot (9-16)
	char FreeInventoryCheck[MAX_STRING];					//Command to check for how much inventory space is available (total)
	char CoinCheck[MAX_STRING];								//Checks for coins
	char NumberinStack[MAX_STRING];							//Checks number of items for each stack received
	char MaxNumberinStack[MAX_STRING];						//Checks what the max stackable value is of each stack received
	char AvailableStackRoom[MAX_STRING];					//Checks how many items you can receive before you make a new stack
	bool matchfound;										//Checks for multiple stacks of 1 item
	int addstackable;										//Adds stackable items to total items received

	for (int a=1; a<5; a++) {								//initalizes the CoinCount array
		CoinCount[a] = 0;
	}	// end for loop (CoinCount)

	for (int a=1; a<9; a++) {								//initalizes the various other arrays
		sprintf(ItemReceived[a], "NULL");
		sprintf(StackedItems[a], "NULL");
		StackedItemsCount[a] = 0;
		StacksCount[a] = 0;
		RemainCount[a] = 0;
		AvailableRoom[a] = 0;
	}	// end for loop (initialize arrays)

	for (int a=0; a<4; a++) {								//Gets the coin received values (plat, gold, silver, copper)
		sprintf(CoinCheck, "${Window[Tradewnd].Child[TRDW_HisMoney%i].Text}", a);
	}	//end for loop (coins received)

	sprintf(FreeInventoryCheck, "${Me.FreeInventory}");
	for (int TLInv=23; TLInv<31; TLInv++) {					//Loops to check how many free top level invetory slots are available
		sprintf(TLInventoryCheck,"${Me.Inventory[%i]}", TLInv);
		if (!stricmp(TLInventoryCheck,"NULL"))openTLinv++;
	}	//end for loop (top level inventory)
	// Ok - let's start the loop that will look at each trade slot to find what's being given to the receiver
	for (tradeslots=9; tradeslots<17; tradeslots++) {		//Loops to check each trade received slot (9-16)
		sprintf(itemstakencheck, "${InvSlot[trade%i].Item}", tradeslots);
		if (!CheckWindow(itemstakencheck)) {											// Is there an item in that slot?
			totalitems++;																// Total items increases
			sprintf(bagcheck, "${InvSlot[trade%i].Item.Container}", tradeslots);		// Set value to perform check to see if you've recevied a bag
			ParseMacroData(bagcheck);													// Checks if item is a bag
			if (stricmp(bagcheck,"0")) bagsreceived++;									// If item is a bag, number of bags received goes up by 1
			sprintf(stackablecheck, "${InvSlot[trade%i].Item.Stackable}", tradeslots);	// Sets value to see if item in trade slot is stackable
			ParseMacroData(stackablecheck);												// Performs the acutal stackable check
			if (stricmp(stackablecheck,"FALSE")) {										// If item is stackable, then we need to do some stuff to see if it'll take up an inventory slot.
				matchfound=false;														// Sets the value of matchfound to false since we haven't found a match yet
				ParseMacroData(NumberinStack);											// Gets the number of stacked items
				ParseMacroData(MaxNumberinStack);										// Gets the max stack value for item

				int n=1;																// Initialized loop variable
				while (n<9 && !matchfound) {											// While looping through the StackedItems array (at value n) and we haven't found a match yet ...
					if (!stricmp(itemstakencheck,StackedItems[n])) {					// Compares the item to the StackedItem array at posistion n
						StackedItemsCount[n]=atoi(NumberinStack)+StackedItemsCount[n];	// If we've already received some of this stackable item, add the amount to the total amount
						matchfound=true;												// We've found a match!
					}	// end if statement (if we've already stored the stackable item)
					else n++;
				}	// end while loop (to check the staked items we've already stored)
				if (!matchfound) {														// if we didn't find a match for the stackable item previously...
					numstackable++;														// we have +1 stackable item count
					sprintf(StackedItems[numstackable], "%s", itemstakencheck);
					StackedItemsCount[numstackable]=atoi(NumberinStack);				// we store the total number in the stack
					MaxStackedItemsCount[numstackable]=atoi(MaxNumberinStack);			// we store the max stack value
				} // end if statement (no matchfound for stacked item)
			} // end if statement (there was a stackable item found)
			else {																		// if the item was not stackable
				totalitemstaken++;														// total items received +1
				sprintf(ItemReceived[totalitemstaken], "%s", itemstakencheck);			// Set Value for the name of the item received
			}	//end else statement (not a stackable item)
		} // end if statement (item found)
	} // end tradeslots loop (checked all tradeslots)
	addstackable=totalitemstaken;														// Gets proper array value to add stacked items to the items received array
	if (numstackable>=1){																// If we had at least one stackable item ...
		for (int a=1; a<numstackable+1; a++){											// Loop until we reach the end of the amount of stackable items we received
			sprintf(ItemReceived[addstackable+a], "%s", StackedItems[a]);				// Adds the stackable item to the total items received array
			sprintf(AvailableStackRoom,"${FindItem[=%s].FreeStack}", StackedItems[a]);
			ParseMacroData(AvailableStackRoom);											// Finds how much of stackable item we can recieve before it makes a new stack
			StacksCount[a]=int(StackedItemsCount[a] / MaxStackedItemsCount[a]);			// Finds how many total stacks of the item we received
			RemainCount[a]=StackedItemsCount[a] % MaxStackedItemsCount[a];				// Finds how many of items there are that don't make a complete stack
			if (AvailableRoom[a]<StackedItemsCount[a]) {								// if we don't have enough room to take the items without taking up an inventory space...
				totalitemstaken=totalitemstaken+StacksCount[a];							// totalitems taken increases by the number of stacks we have
				if (RemainCount[a]>AvailableRoom[a]) totalitemstaken++;					// if there's a remainder left, that counts as inventory space as well
			}	//end if statement (if we don't have enough room for the stacked items)
		} // end for loop (stackable items)
	}	// end if statement (we found a stackable item)

	// Now that we have all the information we need, we need to run it through some checks to see if we will accept the trade
	if ((!AllowGoldandLowerDump) && (CoinCount[2]>0 || CoinCount[3]>0 || CoinCount[4]>0)) {	// If we're not accepting any coin lower than plat & were given gold, silver, or copper ...
		sprintf(ReportReject,"/tell %s Keep your chump change -- I only accept plat!", PersonTrading);	// Sets the tell message to report why trade is rejected
		RejectTrade();																		// Set the tradecommand to reject
		TradeDone=true;																		// Trade check complete
		TradeRejected=true;																	// We rejected the trade
		sprintf(reason, "Given money other than plat while I'm not accepting that.");		// Sets the reason rejected (if echo trade info is on)
		return;																				// returns us so we can complete the trade rejection
	}	// end if statement (coin dumping check)
	if (bagsreceived>openTLinv) {															// Checks if we received more bags than we have top level inventory slots
		if (openTLinv<1) sprintf(ReportReject,"/tell %s I don't have any room for bags", PersonTrading);			// sets reject /tell for 0 inventory available
		if (openTLinv>0) sprintf(ReportReject,"/tell %s I only have room for %i bag", PersonTrading, openTLinv);	// sets reject /tell for 1 inventory available
		if (openTLinv>1) sprintf(ReportReject,"/tell %s I only have room for %i bags", PersonTrading, openTLinv);	// sets reject /tell for >1 inventory available
		RejectTrade();																		// Set the tradecommand to reject
		TradeDone=true;																		// Trade check complete
		TradeRejected=true;																	// We rejected the trade
		sprintf(reason, "Given more bags than I have top level inventory room for");		// sets the reason rejected (if echo trade info is on)
		return;																				// returns us so we complete the trade rejection 
	}	// end if statement (top level inventory check for bags received)

	if (InventoryCheck<totalitemstaken){													// if our total inventory space is less then items received ...
		if (InventoryCheck<1) sprintf(ReportReject,"/tell %s I don't have any room in my inventory", PersonTrading);							// sets reject /tell for 0 inventory available
		if (InventoryCheck>0) sprintf(ReportReject,"/tell %s I only have room for %i item in my inventory", PersonTrading, InventoryCheck);		// sets reject /tell for 1 inventory available
		if (InventoryCheck>1) sprintf(ReportReject,"/tell %s I only have room for %i items in my inventory", PersonTrading, InventoryCheck);	// sets reject /tell for >1 inventory available
		RejectTrade();																		// Set the tradecommand to reject
		TradeDone=true;																		// Trade check complete
		TradeRejected=true;																	// We rejected the trade
		sprintf(reason, "Given more items than I have room for.");							// sets the reason rejected (if echo trade info is on)
		return;																				// returns us so we complete the trade rejection 
	} // end if statement (total inventory check)

	AcceptTrade();																			// all checks passed so sets tradecommand to accept trade
	TradeDone=true;																			// Trade check complete
}	//end DoTrade function

BOOL CheckNames(PCHAR szName) {						// Checks to see if person trading is on your list

	for (int i = 0; i<(TotalNames+1); i++) {		// Loops until the total amount of names on list is reached
		if (!stricmp(szName,Name[i])) return true;	// if name is found on the list, then returns true
	}	// end for loop (names check)
	return false;									// if no name was found on list, then returns false
}	// end CheckNames function
VOID DoAutoTrade(PSPAWNINFO pChar, PCHAR szLine)	// This allows you to change settings
	char szTemp[MAX_STRING];

	if (gGameState == GAMESTATE_INGAME) {			// Checks to make sure we're in game
		if (szLine[0]==0) {							// if no parameter was passed then show the help (settings)
		}	// end if statement (no parameters)
		if (!stricmp(szLine,"TRUE")) {				// if received "TRUE" turns autoaccepteveryone on
			AutoAcceptEveryone = true;
			WriteChatf("AutoAcceptEveryone is now: %s", AutoAcceptEveryone?"\agTRUE":"\arFALSE");
		}	// end if statement (autoaccepteveryone true)
		else if (!stricmp(szLine,"FALSE")) {		// if received "FALSE" turns autoaccepteveryone off
			AutoAcceptEveryone = false;
			WriteChatf("AutoAcceptEveryone is now: %s", AutoAcceptEveryone?"\agTRUE":"\arFALSE");
		}	// end if statement (autoaccepteveryone false)
		else if (!stricmp(szLine,"report")) {		// if received "report" toggles reporting the trade reject
			if (ReportTradeReject) {				// if it's on turn it off
				ReportTradeReject = false;
			}	// end if statment (if it's on turn it off)
			else {									// turn it on
				ReportTradeReject = true;
			}	// end else statement (it's off so turn it on)
			WriteChatf("ReportTradeReject is now: %s", ReportTradeReject?"\agTRUE":"\arFALSE");
		}	// end if statement (toggle reporttradereject)
		else if (!stricmp(szLine,"echo")) {		// if received "echo" toggles echoing the trade info
			if (EchoTradeInfo) {				// if it's on turn it off
				EchoTradeInfo = false;
			}	// end if statment (if it's on turn it off)
			else {									// turn it on
				EchoTradeInfo = true;
			}	// end else statement (it's off so turn it on)
			WriteChatf("EchoTradeInfo is now: %s", EchoTradeInfo?"\agTRUE":"\arFALSE");
		}	// end if statement (toggle echotradeinfo)
		else if (!stricmp(szLine,"gold")) {		// if received "gold" toggles accepting gold and lower coins
			if (AllowGoldandLowerDump) {		// if it's on turn it off
				AllowGoldandLowerDump = false;
			}	// end if statment (if it's on turn it off)
			else {									// turn it on
				AllowGoldandLowerDump = true;
			}	// end else statement (it's off so turn it on)
			WriteChatf("AllowGoldandLowerDump is now: %s", AllowGoldandLowerDump?"\agTRUE":"\arFALSE");
		else if (!stricmp(szLine,"reject")) {		// if received "reject" toggles auto reject
			if (AutoReject) {			// if it's on turn it off
				AutoReject = false;
			}	// end if statment (if it's on turn it off)
			else {									// turn it on
				AutoReject = true;
			}	// end else statement (it's off so turn it on)
			WriteChatf("AutoReject is now: %s", AutoReject?"\agTRUE":"\arFALSE");
		else {									// if anything else received, it's treated as a name to add to the list of acceptable trade names
			WriteChatf("Adding \ay< %s >\ax to list of people you'll always trade with",szLine);
			TotalNames++;						// increases the total amount of names on our list
		}	// end else statement (it must be a name)
		Load_INI();								// reloads the ini
	}	// end if we're in game
}	// end function DoAutoTrade
PLUGIN_API VOID OnPulse(VOID) {									// Checks to see if someone's trading with us

	char tradeacceptcheck[MAX_STRING];							// have they hit accept?
	char platcheck[MAX_STRING];									// did we give plat?
	char windowcheck[MAX_STRING];								// is trade window up?
	char goldcheck[MAX_STRING];									// did we give gold?
	char silvercheck[MAX_STRING];								// did we give silver
	char coppercheck[MAX_STRING];								// did we give copper?
	char itemsgivencheck[MAX_STRING];							// did we give any items?

	if (gGameState==GAMESTATE_INGAME) {							// are we in game?
		sprintf(windowcheck, "${Window[tradewnd].Open}");
		sprintf(itemsgivencheck, "${InvSlot[trade1].Item}");
		sprintf(platcheck, "${Window[Tradewnd].Child[TRDW_MyMoney0].Text.Equal[0]}");
		sprintf(goldcheck, "${Window[Tradewnd].Child[TRDW_MyMoney1].Text.Equal[0]}");
		sprintf(silvercheck, "${Window[Tradewnd].Child[TRDW_MyMoney2].Text.Equal[0]}");
		sprintf(coppercheck, "${Window[Tradewnd].Child[TRDW_MyMoney3].Text.Equal[0]}");
		sprintf(tradeacceptcheck, "${Window[Tradewnd].HisTradeReady}");

		if (!CheckWindow(windowcheck)) {						// is the trade window closed?
		}	// end if statement (trade window closed)
		else if ((CheckWindow(itemsgivencheck)) && (CheckWindow(platcheck)) && (CheckWindow(goldcheck))
			&& (CheckWindow(silvercheck)) && (CheckWindow(coppercheck)) && (CheckWindow(tradeacceptcheck))
			&& !TradeDone) {									// checks to make sure we haven't given any items or coin and the trade check hasn't been completed
				sprintf(PersonTrading, "${Window[Tradewnd].Child[TRDW_HisName].Text}");
				if ((!AutoAcceptEveryone) && !(CheckNames(PersonTrading))) {	// if you're not accepting all trades and the person trading is not on the always trade list...
					if (AutoReject) {
						RejectTrade();											// sets tradecommand to reject
						sprintf(ReportReject,"/tell %s I'm not interested in anything you have", PersonTrading);
					else {
						sprintf(tradecommand,"/popup Manually accept or reject");
						sprintf(ReportReject," ");
					TradeRejected=true;											// we rejected the trade
					TradeDone=true;												// trade check complete
					sprintf(reason, "Not accepting all trades and person not on always accept list.");	// sets the reason rejected (if echo trade info is on)
				}	// end if statement (not accepting all trades and name is not on list)
				DoCommand(NULL,tradecommand);									// do the tradecommand (accept or reject)
				if ((ReportTradeReject) && (TradeRejected)) DoCommand(NULL,ReportReject);	// if we rejected trade and are reporting, report reject
				if (EchoTradeInfo) EchoTrade();									// if we're echoing trade info to MQ2 window, echo trade info
		}	// end if statement (do trade if nothing given and trade not done)
	}	// end if statement (in game)
}	// end OnPulse function


  • MQ2AutoAcceptTrades.dll
    142 KB · Views: 3
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If you add an OnPulse check to see if there is something on the cursor before the trade, then you could make it so that the plugin only accepted trades that others started, but didn't do automatic acceptance for trades that the player started. When I get a minute later, I'll code it up for you.
Would you be talking about something along the lines of (this is not actual code, but just a rough "sketch")
/if (${Cursor.ID}) {
  /if (${Window[tradewnd].open) Don't do trade
  else Do Trade (and go trough the checks in the current plugin)

Is that basically what you're thinking about?
No, because by clicking on someone to do the trade, the item goes off of your cursor.

It'd be more of a (rough code):
OnPulse() {

if(TradeWindow != open) haveItem = GetCharInfo2()->Cursor->ID;


void DoTrade() {
    if(haveItem) DoCommand(whatevergoeshere,/command);
I had a thought. What about a check to see if anything is on your side of the trade window (items or plat)?

If (!${Window[tradewnd].TRDW_TradeSlot0} || !${Window[tradewnd].TRDW_MyMoney0}) Don'tDoTrade

The syntax may be wrong, but wouldn't that prevent you auto accepting if you're giving items (yes, you'd have to click accept anytime you're giving an item to somone, but if you're phiscally doing that anyway ....)
PLUGIN: MQ2AutoAcceptTrades v 1.1000

*****Version 1.1000*****
-- Fixed plugin so you will not autoaccept if you hand something (items or money) to a player and they hit accept. Thanks to Thez for help with the syntax.

There -- plugin should be complete now.

Thanks Thez for the help there.
PLUGIN: MQ2AutoAcceptTrades v 1.2000

*****Version 1.2000*****
-- Fixed bug that would change the name of the person trading with you if you clicked someone else while waiting to accept trade
-- Fixed bad coding

Thanks again for the help Thez.

Recompiled for latest MQ2 release, tested and found to be working albeight a little slowly but that might be on my end. I didn't modify the source at all, not even a missing space. First time ever uploading anything I compiled so let me know if I screwed up. Thanks to Sadge for the actual work.


  • MQ2AutoAcceptTrades.dll
    134.5 KB · Views: 2
My computer is borked atm, but when I get back up and running I'm gonna take another look at this code and will at the very least add in an inventory check to see if your inventory is full befire you trade (someone requested that).

I'll look to see why it would be running slowly for you. Anyone else having problems?
Another patch another library

Well here we go again, I was a little hungover so it took me some recovery time but better late than never. Once again no modifications to the source just a recompiled DLL to match up with the latest MMOBugs compile of MQ2. Hope you get your machine back up and running soon Sadge, I'll keep recompiling this til then if you don't mind.


  • MQ2AutoAcceptTrades.dll
    134.5 KB · Views: 1
I don't mind -- dang FedEx didn't deliver my part on Friday to Alienware (they say Monday, but it's a holiday so who knows?). I'm guessing the turnaround is gonna be a week.

I'm really bored without my EQ and MQ2.
I wouldnt mind if this got added to the compiles here.
*****Version 2.0000*****
-- Added inventory checks. Will no longer accept items if there is no inventory space available.
-- Added ability to "ReportTradeReject" which will send a /tell to the person trading and tell them why it was rejected
-- Added ability to "EchoTradeInfo" which will echo just about everything about the trade to the MQ2 window
-- Added ability to "AllowGoldandLowerDump" which will allow trades which have a quantity of gold, silver, or copper
-- Added commands /autotrade report, /autotrade echo, and /autotrade gold which toggle the settings for those abilities

This represents a major functionality upgrade to this plugin. It *should* be just about idiot-proof (I even included all of my comments in the code so people with very little knowledge like me can figure out what everything does & people with much more knowledge than I can figure out what the hell I was thinking).

This will now check your inventory, make sure you have enough room (including stackable items!) and accept or reject trades based on room, person trading, gold (and lower) coind dumping, and such. You now also have the option of "reporting" to the person trading why you're rejecting their trade and you can also "echo" the trade informtion to the MQ2 window (I thought this would be useful for being able to go back in the logs and figure out what got traded and what didn't get traded and why).

I would appriciate any feedback and bugs you guys find.
Recompiled .dll

Here's the recompiled .dll for the January 31, 2008 compile.
Last edited:
Version 2.1000

*****Version 2.1000*****
-- Added ability to "AutoReject" which toggles if the plugin will automatically cancel a trade if you're not accepting trades from everyone and their name is not on your trade list.
-- Added command /autotrade reject which toggles the autoreject setting.
very nice, thank you for the rewrite :) no more racing to accept a trade before its auto rejected!
Requested addition to this plugin

I'd REALLY like to be able to tell this plugin to not accept trades if they were going to interfere with keeping X number of empty slots. I'm constantly doing 1 thing or another, such as checking corpses for augs or looting no drop items for quests, and need a certain number of slots available and this number changes depending on what I'm doing. From what I've seen, it only rejects trades if you don't have room, but is it possible to add that option in the future release, please?

May Brell bless you and make your hair grow long enough to cover those ugly dwarf faces - at least until SoE realizes we need a special bag slot for the the dwarven fellows to ever get lucky with their Wood Elf neighbors.
Another feature request I would like to suggest would be to add a delay (or random delay) so the receiving character doesn't hit accept immediately after the trading character hits trade. This is so that it is not so bot-like. I've been put on the spot by some guildies who traded my boxed character something and he accepted the trade right away.
Another feature request I would like to suggest would be to add a delay (or random delay) so the receiving character doesn't hit accept immediately after the trading character hits trade. This is so that it is not so bot-like. I've been put on the spot by some guildies who traded my boxed character something and he accepted the trade right away.

There there is the You have nothing I want Message.