Pet Targeting


Oct 30, 2007
Reaction score
The Forest
Was originally asking for help to target a pet based on the owner of the pet, since I run three mages and it seems like they're summoning pets with the exact same name all the time now (ie: two mages have pets with the exact same name) and when my ench would go to target a pet to put night's endless terror on it, it would just loop since it couldn't differentiate between the two pets with the same name. Anyway, it seems every time I post a question I stumble across the answer in some random way...


/target ${Spawn[Playername].Pet}
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for macros in general: /tar name does a GetSpawnByPartialName() check. /target id is more reliable because it does not use a partial match and IDs are unique.

So anything /tar id ${Spawn[blah].ID} cannot fail you even when multiple spawns have the same DisplayName. you can also use "=" for exact matches if say you have a character named Mage, and another called Mage2. /tar ${Spawn[=Mage]} should always target the first one. but use ID and your life will be easier.
Thanks for the reply. I've 100% always used ID for NPC's and PC's, but I never had this issue of my mages summoning their pets with the exact same name almost every time. I assume it's because I crank up their macros all at the same time, and all 3 mages summon their pets at the same time and that messes with EQ's naming...*shrug*

Right now
/target ${Spawn[NameofMage].Pet}

seems to do the job, but following your advice I will switch it up to

/target id ${Spawn[NameofMage].Pet.ID}

Thanks again for the input!