Old expansion progression?


Oct 25, 2008
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I will be gradually (after I finish gearing up in EOK) going back and doing progression on older expansions. I am definitely doing TBM for the heroic augs and dicho spells, definitely doing TDS for weapon augs and being able to turn into a freakin t=rex, cause why not?

Are the older expansions worth going through and doing all the progression on?
CotF, TDS, TBM and EoK progression give ranks of Heros Fortitude/Resolution/vitality.

There is the 48 AC, 275 hme, +8 hstr, int, wis, agi and dex aug for COTF challenger.

You also have bags from hunter from HoT onwards (the named themselves also have a chance to drop a tradeable version of the /market bags up to 32 slot iirc.

There is the random drop bags from TBM and EoK

TBM Augs are all pretty much non-prestige and the zone wide random drops there were pretty nice augs as well (There are 3 of them iirc).

TDS also has the powersources.
CotF, TDS, TBM and EoK progression give ranks of Heros Fortitude/Resolution/vitality.

There is the 48 AC, 275 hme, +8 hstr, int, wis, agi and dex aug for COTF challenger.

You also have bags from hunter from HoT onwards (the named themselves also have a chance to drop a tradeable version of the /market bags up to 32 slot iirc.

There is the random drop bags from TBM and EoK

TBM Augs are all pretty much non-prestige and the zone wide random drops there were pretty nice augs as well (There are 3 of them iirc).

TDS also has the powersources.

There is the 48 AC, 275 hme, +8 hstr, int, wis, agi and dex aug for COTF challenger. ; name of item
Hero's Calling

It's called Hero's Calling.

I got within 3 missions of that reward for all 6 of my box toons. But they were the 3 hardest missions and I kept failing them. They're all rather difficult to box. I figured I'd gain some stats on my toons and go back and try them again in a few weeks.

Now, I look and the augment is still nice but not uber like it was way back when that xpac was current. I probably still will go back but for some of my toons it will be a tough call which augment I swap this out for. Such is the treadmill known as Everquest.
It's looking like at least the last 4 expansions are worth doing, that's cool enough. Should keep me busy for a year or so, at the rate I've been doing it :)

Thanks info guys :)