New Summon Corpse Macro


New member
Nov 6, 2007
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Assuming you're bound in lobby like most are..

[Bah, you died. Oh well, run this macro right after dying.----------------]
[This macro will get money from your bank ------------------------------]
[Go to the merchant and buy the highest level soulstone--------------------]
[Then will go to nearest corpse summoner, and hand in the stone ------------]
[Finally, you'll loot your corpse and ask for a rez..------------------------------]
[By that time, hopefully you're done crying about dying so you can get back to playing :) Enjoy]

Sub Main
/echo I'm too lazy to summon my own corpse macro loaded.
/tar npc A Shrewd Banker
/delay 10s (${Target.CleanName.Equal[A Shrewd Banker]})
/face fast
/keypress up hold
:A Shrewd Banker
/if (${Target.Distance}>15) /goto :A Shrewd Banker
/keypress up
/delay 2s
/click right target
/delay 2s
/call GetQuantity BigBankWnd BIGB_SharedMoney0 500
/tar npc a disciple of luclin
/delay 10s (${Target.CleanName.Equal[A Disciple of Luclin]})
/face fast
/keypress up hold
:A Disciple of Luclin
/if (${Target.Distance}>15) /goto :A Disciple of Luclin
/keypress up
/delay 1s
/click right target
/delay 1s
/notify MerchantWnd MW_ItemList listselect ${Window[MerchantWnd].Child[MW_ItemList].List[Prismatic Soulstone,2]}
/notify MerchantWnd MW_ItemList leftmouse ${Window[MerchantWnd].Child[MW_ItemList].List[Prismatic Soulstone,2]}
/delay 1s
/shift /notify MerchantWnd MW_Buy_Button leftmouseup
/delay 1s
/shift /notify MerchantWnd MW_Done_Button leftmouseup
/echo Done!

/echo Going to the Summoner.
/tar npc A Priest of Luclin
/delay 10s (${Target.CleanName.Equal[A Priest of Luclin]})
/face fast
/keypress up hold
:A Priest of Luclin
/if (${Target.Distance}>15) /goto :a Priest of luclin
/keypress up
/delay 2s
/echo Time to give the summoner your stone!
/itemnotify ${FindItem[=Prismatic Soulstone].InvSlot} leftmouseup 
/click left target
/delay 1s
/notify GiveWnd GVW_Give_Button leftmouseup
/delay 2s
/echo Ah! There's my corpse! Yay, my gear's back!
/tar MYCorpse
/delay 6s
/o Looking for a rez PST. :)
/delay 3s
/echo Getting ready to drag corpse to cleric for rez...Pshh..clerics.
/delay 1s
/tar MYcorpse


Sub GetQuantity(string Wnd, string Ctrl, int Count)
/declare I int local
/declare J int local
/declare S string local
/echo in GetQuantity...
/delay 1s
/echo notifying ${Wnd} ${Ctrl} leftmouseup
/notify ${Wnd} ${Ctrl} leftmouseup
/delay 3s ( ${Window[QuantityWnd].Open} )

/for I 1 to 2
/varset J ${Window[QuantityWnd].Child[QTYW_SliderInput].Text.Length}
/if ( ${J} > 0 ) {
/keypress backspace chat
/delay 3s ( ${Window[QuantityWnd].Child[QTYW_SliderInput].Text.Length} < ${J} )
/varset I 1
} else {
/varset I 2
/next I

/varset S ${Count}
/for I 1 to ${S.Length}
/keypress ${S.Mid[${I},1]} chat
/delay 3s ( ${Window[QuantityWnd].Child[QTYW_SliderInput].Text.Length} == ${I} )
/next I

/delay 1s

/nomodkey /notify QuantityWnd QTYW_Accept_Button leftmouseup
/delay 3s ( !${Window[QuantityWnd].Open} )


I got the idea from "Jmacs," macro, thought I could try and update it a bit.
Also, Unity0110 helped me out, so credit goes to him as well.
Have fun ya lazy bastards! :)
I had to laugh at the "I'm too lazy to summon my own corpse."

Smart people keep soulstones in shared bank. Stock up when you are dressed and pretty.

Signed, The Cleric in West Who Makes You Clean Up Your Lazy Body.
I've honestly, never thought about stocking up on them.
<---feels stupid.
I keep one in shared on all accounts so I won't have to buy em while naked and cha sucks. After rez and looting, I always replace it then so I won't forget.

Not sure why I only keep one unless subconciously, I think I'll only die once more on any toon :)
makes sense to me to only keep one in shared bankto me. only takes one to summon all your corpses, any toon can get it from shared bank, and just takes up less bank space to only keep one and when ever you use one your right near the vendor to replace it.
I could make a new one to grab from shared bank, but I think just getting the money would be easier. Rather than getting it from a slot in bank.
Others could keep it in various spots, as to where another person would keep it -here.-
If you get what I'm saying :p