MQ2Relaytells v 3.1000


Sexy Shoeless God of War
Nov 2, 2007
Reaction score
Washington, DC area
*VERSION 3.1000 RELEASED 9/24/08*

*****Version 3.1000*****
-- Added the ability to not relay custom tells (ie. plat spammers)
-- Usage: /relaycustom <text> will add <text> to your ini file and will not relay any tells that contain <text>.

*****Version 3.0210*****
-- Went back and added UserName and Password for mailrelay (if your smtp requires auth & you don't want to/can't install blat correctly

*****Version 3.0200*****
-- Finally fixed the guild treasurer and katta vendors from relaying if NPCRelays are off

*****Version 3.0100*****
-- Added RelayTellsInGame to ini file. Setting this to FALSE will stop relays to the chat channel (you can still relay to mail with this set to false)

*****Version 3.0000*****
-- Added in the ability to relay tells to mail/cellphone using Blat 262 (
-- Added /relaymailhelp to see current settings for mail relay
-- Thank you to "jamie75" for the suggestion to relay to mail
-- Thank you to "steelers" for pointing me to blat to make this simple once I set it up

*****Before Version 3.0000*****
-- Added help display for Trader. Also added a timestamp (thanks to simkin for the suggestion).
-- Added check for Traders.
-- Fixed issue with receiving a tell from someone with a familiar (would think the tell came from pet)
-- Added relay for ;tell in addition to the already relayed /tell (results in "told you" instead of "tells you")
-- Added ini file settings so you can now choose to relay pet messages, including attack, suspend, un-suspend, and "unable to wake"
-- Added an ini option to relay AFK messages.
-- Added the /relayhelp command. This allows you to view current settings
-- Added the /relayload command. This allows you to reload the ini file if you make changes.
-- Added NPC check (this will now not relay bank broker and vendor spam)
-- Added character-based ini files. Thanks to jamie75 for the request.

This plugin will relay different types of tells to a chat channel you specify. You may also relay the tells to an email address or cellphone using Blat 262 found at

//  This File Has Came From
//  Please Do Not Distribute Without Authors or MMOBugs Consent. 

/* MQ2Relaytells.cpp v3.1000
	Plugin created by Sadge
	Please do not distribute without my consent.
| This is a simple plugin created to relay every incoming tell to EQBCS.			|
| In the MQ2Relaytells.ini file, you can change ChatChannel=/bc (default) to		|
| anything you want.  For example, if you wanted to relay the tells to a character	|
| named Sillytoon, you'd change it to ChatChannel=/tell Sillytoon.					|

*****Version 3.1000*****
-- Added the ability to not relay custom tells (ie. plat spammers)
-- Usage: /relaycustom <text> will add <text> to your ini file and will not relay any tells that contain <text>.
*****Version 3.0210*****
-- Went back and added UserName and Password for mailrelay (if your smtp requires auth & you don't want to/can't install blat correctly
*****Version 3.0200*****
-- Finally fixed the guild treasurer and katta vendors from relaying if NPCRelays are off
*****Version 3.0100*****
-- Added RelayTellsInGame to ini file.  Setting this to FALSE will stop relays to the chat channel (you can still relay to mail with this set to false)
*****Version 3.0000*****
-- Added in the ability to relay tells to mail/cellphone using Blat 262 (
-- Added /relaymailhelp to see current settings for mail relay
-- Thank you to "jamie75" for the suggestion to relay to mail
-- Thank you to "steelers" for pointing me to blat to make this simple once I set it up

*****Before Version 3.0000*****
-- Added help display for Trader. Also added a timestamp (thanks to simkin for the suggestion).
-- Added check for Traders.
-- Fixed issue with receiving a tell from someone with a familiar (would think the tell came from pet)
-- Added relay for ;tell in addition to the already relayed /tell (results in "told you" instead of "tells you")
-- Added ini file settings so you can now choose to relay pet messages, including attack, suspend, un-suspend, and "unable to wake"
-- Added an ini option to relay AFK messages.
-- Added the /relayhelp command. This allows you to view current settings
-- Added the /relayload command. This allows you to reload the ini file if you make changes.
-- Added NPC check (this will now not relay bank broker and vendor spam)
-- Added character-based ini files. Thanks to jamie75 for the request.

#include "../MQ2Plugin.h"
#define   PLUGIN_NAME  "MQ2RelayTells"   // Plugin Name
#define   PLUGIN_DATE		 20080924    // Plugin Date
#define   PLUGIN_VERS		   3.1000    // Plugin Version

char ChatChannel[MAX_STRING];					//Defines where to output the tell
char ChannelMessage[MAX_STRING];				//Defines what the output message is
char ChatSender[MAX_STRING];					//Defines who sent the tell
char IncomingText[MAX_STRING];					//Defines the completed output command
char TellText[MAX_STRING];						//Defines what is the actual tell
char EmailTo[MAX_STRING];						//Defines who to email
char EmailFrom[MAX_STRING];						//Defines who is sending the email
char Subject[MAX_STRING];						//Defines what the subject of the email is
char Server[MAX_STRING];						//Defines what is your smpt server
char Body[MAX_STRING];							//Defines the body of the email to send
char UserName[MAX_STRING];						//Defines the body of the email to send
char Password[MAX_STRING];						//Defines the body of the email to send
char Tell[20][MAX_STRING];

bool RelayAFKMessage=false;
bool RelayPetTells=true;
bool RelayPetAttack=true;
bool RelayPetSuspend=false;
bool RelayPetMezzed=false;
bool RelayNPCTells=false;
bool RelayTraderTells=false;
bool RelayTellsInGame=false; 
bool RelayToMail=false;

int TotalCustomTells=0;

void Load_INI(VOID); 
void RelayHelp(PSPAWNINFO pChar, PCHAR szLine); 
void RelayMailHelp(PSPAWNINFO pChar, PCHAR szLine); 
void Reload_INI(PSPAWNINFO pChar, PCHAR szLine); 
void MailRelay(VOID);
void AddCustomTell(PSPAWNINFO pChar, PCHAR szLine);


// Called once, when the plugin is to initialize
PLUGIN_API VOID InitializePlugin(VOID)

	DebugSpewAlways("Initializing MQ2Relaytells");
	WriteChatf("%s::Version [\ag%1.4f\ax] Loaded! Created by Sadge",PLUGIN_NAME,PLUGIN_VERS);
	WriteChatColor("You can view the current settings by typing /relayhelp", CONCOLOR_GREEN);
	WriteChatColor("You can view the mail relay settings by typing /relaymailhelp", CONCOLOR_GREEN);
	WriteChatColor("You can reload the ini file by typing /relayload", CONCOLOR_GREEN);
	if (MQ2Globals::gGameState==GAMESTATE_INGAME) { 
		if (GetCharInfo()) { 

// Called once, when the plugin is to shutdown
	DebugSpewAlways("Shutting down MQ2Relaytells");

VOID ReportTell(PCHAR Line)
	//Actually reports the tell in whatever chat specified in the .ini file
	if (RelayTellsInGame) DoCommand(NULL,Line);
	if (RelayToMail) MailRelay();

void MailRelay(VOID) {

	char mailcommand[MAX_STRING];

	sprintf(mailcommand, "/system blat -t %s -f %s -s \"%s\" -server %s -body \"%s\" -u %s -pw %s", EmailTo, EmailFrom, Subject, Server, Body, UserName, Password);

string StringToLower(string strToConvert)
{//change each element of the string to lower case
   for(unsigned int i=0;i<strToConvert.length();i++)
      strToConvert[i] = tolower(strToConvert[i]);
   return strToConvert;//return the converted string
bool FilterCustomTells(PCHAR Line) {	//checks to see if incoming tell contains custom filtered text

	string IncomingTellLine;
	string CustomTellLine;
	size_t found;

	for (int i = 1; i<(TotalCustomTells+1); i++) {
		IncomingTellLine = Line;
		IncomingTellLine = StringToLower(IncomingTellLine);
		CustomTellLine = Tell[i];
		CustomTellLine = StringToLower(CustomTellLine);
		found = IncomingTellLine.find(CustomTellLine);
		if (found!=string::npos)
			return true;
	return false;
void GetCustomTells(VOID) {	//Loads custom text strings from ini

	int MaxCustomTells=20;
	char szTemp[MAX_STRING];


	for (int i = 1; i<(MaxCustomTells+1); i++) {



void DoTellRelay(PCHAR Line)
	char NPCNameCheck[MAX_STRING];
	char MerchantNameCheck[MAX_STRING];
	char PCNameCheck[MAX_STRING];
	char PetNameCheck[MAX_STRING];
	char TraderNameCheck[MAX_STRING];
	char nullstring[] = "NULL";
	int TellLength;
	int length;

	char * pch;									//This part gets the name of the tell sender
	int i;
	strcpy (ChatSender,"");
	strncat (ChatSender, Line, i);
	i=pch-Line+4;								//This part looks for the tell message
	string str (Line);
	sprintf(IncomingText, "%s [${Time}] %s %s %s", ChatChannel, ChatSender, ChannelMessage, TellText);	//Sets the output for In Game relay
	sprintf(Body, "[${Time}] %s %s %s", ChatSender, ChannelMessage, TellText);	//Sets the output for Mail relay

	if (FilterCustomTells(Line)) return;

	sprintf(NPCNameCheck, "${Spawn[npc %s]}", ChatSender);				//Sets temptext for use to return TLO for NPC check
	sprintf(MerchantNameCheck, "${Spawn[merchant %s]}", ChatSender);	//Sets temptext for use to return TLO for merchant check
	sprintf(PetNameCheck, "${Spawn[pet %s]}", ChatSender);				//Sets temptext for use to return TLO for Pet check
	sprintf(PCNameCheck, "${Spawn[pc %s]}", ChatSender);				//Sets temptext for use to return TLO for PC check (used to check for familiars)
	sprintf(TraderNameCheck, "${Spawn[trader %s]}", ChatSender);		//Sets temptext for use to return TLO for Trader check

	if (strcmp(NPCNameCheck,nullstring) != 0) {							// NPC with name found?
		if (RelayNPCTells) ReportTell(IncomingText);
	if (strcmp(ChatSender,"a guild treasurer") == 0) {					// Check for guild treasurer
		if (RelayNPCTells) {
			WriteChatf("Chat sender: %s",ChatSender);
	if (!strnicmp(ChatSender,"Trader",6)) {					// Merchant with name found?
		if (RelayNPCTells) ReportTell(IncomingText);
	if ((strcmp(NPCNameCheck,nullstring) == 0) && (strcmp(ChatSender,"a guild treasurer") != 0) && (strnicmp(ChatSender,"Trader",6))){					// If temptext=NULL (no NPC with name found), this will go relay text.
		if (strcmp(PetNameCheck,nullstring) != 0) {				// Pet with name found?
			if (strcmp(PCNameCheck,nullstring) != 0) {			// PC with name found same as pet? (familiar check)
				if (strcmp(TraderNameCheck,nullstring) != 0) {	// Trader with name found (and has a familiar up)
					if (RelayTraderTells) ReportTell(IncomingText);
				else ReportTell(IncomingText);
			if (RelayPetTells) {							// Relay Pet tells?
				if (strstr(Line,"Attacking ")) {			// Attacking message (from pet)
					if (RelayPetAttack) ReportTell(IncomingText);
				if (strstr(Line,"I am unable to wake ")) {		// Mezzed message (from pet)
					if (RelayPetMezzed) ReportTell(IncomingText);
				if (strstr(Line,"By your command, master.")) {		// Suspended message
					if (RelayPetSuspend) ReportTell(IncomingText);

		if (strcmp(PetNameCheck,nullstring) == 0) {			// No Pet with name found?
			if ((strstr(Line,"I live again...")) || (strstr(Line,"AFK Message:")) || (strstr(Line,"A.F.K."))) {		// Suspended message (used because no pet spawn found when unsuspending pet)
				if (strstr(Line,"I live again...")) {
					if (RelayPetSuspend) ReportTell(IncomingText);
				if ((strstr(Line,"AFK Message:")) || (strstr(Line,"A.F.K."))) {		// AFK message?
					if (RelayAFKMessage) ReportTell(IncomingText);
			else {
				if (strcmp(TraderNameCheck,nullstring) != 0) {	// Trader with name found
					if (RelayTraderTells) ReportTell(IncomingText);
				else ReportTell(IncomingText);		//All other checks passed means it's a standard tell and should be relayed	
bool BoolFromINI(PCHAR Section, PCHAR Key)
   char szTemp[MAX_STRING];
   if (!strnicmp(szTemp,"FALSE",5)) {
      return false;
   return true;
void Load_INI(VOID) 
	// This will read your .ini file settings or create them if not available (including creating the file).

	if (!strnicmp(ChatChannel,"NULL",4)) {
		sprintf(ChatChannel, "/bc");
	if (!strnicmp(ChannelMessage,"NULL",4)) {
		WritePrivateProfileString("Settings","ChannelMessage"," sent ${Me} a tell that said: ",INIFileName);
		sprintf(ChannelMessage, " sent ${Me} a tell that said: ");
	RelayTellsInGame = BoolFromINI("Settings","RelayTellsInGame");
	RelayAFKMessage = BoolFromINI("Settings","RelayAFKMessage");
	RelayTraderTells = BoolFromINI("Settings","RelayTraderTells");
	RelayPetTells = BoolFromINI("Pet","RelayPetTells");
	RelayPetAttack = BoolFromINI("Pet","RelayPetAttack");
	RelayPetSuspend = BoolFromINI("Pet","RelayPetSuspend");
	RelayPetMezzed = BoolFromINI("Pet","RelayPetMezzed");
	RelayNPCTells = BoolFromINI("NPC","RelayNPCTells");
	RelayToMail = BoolFromINI("Mail","RelayToMail");
	if (!strnicmp(EmailTo,"NULL",4)) {
		sprintf(EmailTo, "");
		WriteChatColor("ERROR:You must enter your own information and reload the ini if you wish to use mail relay", CONCOLOR_RED);
	if (!strnicmp(EmailFrom,"NULL",4)) {
		sprintf(EmailFrom, "");
	if (!strnicmp(Subject,"NULL",4)) {
		WritePrivateProfileString("Mail","Subject","Tell Received",INIFileName);
		sprintf(Subject, "Tell Received");
	if (!strnicmp(Server,"NULL",4)) {
		sprintf(Server, "");
		WriteChatColor("ERROR:You must enter your own information and reload the ini if you wish to use mail relay", CONCOLOR_RED);
	if (!strnicmp(UserName,"NULL",4)) {
		sprintf(UserName, "YourUserName");
		WriteChatColor("ERROR:You must enter your own information and reload the ini if you wish to use mail relay", CONCOLOR_RED);
	if (!strnicmp(Password,"NULL",4)) {
		WriteChatColor("ERROR:You must enter your own information and reload the ini if you wish to use mail relay", CONCOLOR_RED);

void AddCustomTell(PSPAWNINFO pChar, PCHAR szLine) {
	char szTemp[MAX_STRING];

	sprintf(szTemp, "Tell%i", TotalCustomTells);



void Reload_INI(PSPAWNINFO pChar, PCHAR szLine) {
	WriteChatColor("Reloading the INI File", CONCOLOR_RED);
PLUGIN_API void SetGameState(DWORD GameState) 
	if (GameState==GAMESTATE_INGAME) { 
		if (GetCharInfo()) { 
void RelayHelp(PSPAWNINFO pChar, PCHAR szLine) {

	// This will display the current ini file settings

	WriteChatf("%s::Version [\ag%1.4f\ax] Loaded!",PLUGIN_NAME,PLUGIN_VERS);
	WriteChatf("\ayCurrent settings: \ag(0=FALSE, 1=TRUE)\ax");
	WriteChatf("Relay Tells to Chat Channel: \ag%d\ax", RelayTellsInGame);
	WriteChatf("Chat Channel: \ag%s\ax", ChatChannel);
	WriteChatf("Relay AFK Messages: \ag%d\ax", RelayAFKMessage);
	WriteChatf("Relay Pet Messages: \ag%d\ax", RelayPetTells);
	WriteChatf("Relay Pet Attacking Messages: \ag%d\ax", RelayPetAttack);
	WriteChatf("Relay Pet Suspend Messages: \ag%d\ax", RelayPetSuspend);
	WriteChatf("Relay Pet Can't Wake Mezzed Messages: \ag%d\ax", RelayPetMezzed);
	WriteChatf("Relay NPC Tells: \ag%d\ax", RelayNPCTells);
	WriteChatf("Relay Trader Tells: \ag%d\ax", RelayTraderTells);
	WriteChatf("\ayType /relaymailhelp for mail settings\ax");

void RelayMailHelp(PSPAWNINFO pChar, PCHAR szLine) {

	// This will display the current ini file settings for Mail Relay

	WriteChatf("%s::Version [\ag%1.4f\ax] Loaded!",PLUGIN_NAME,PLUGIN_VERS);
	WriteChatf("\ayCurrent settings: \ag(0=FALSE, 1=TRUE)\ax");
	WriteChatf("Relay To Email: \ag%d\ax", RelayToMail);
	WriteChatf("Email To: \ag%s\ax", EmailTo);
	WriteChatf("Email From: \ag%s\ax", EmailFrom);
	WriteChatf("Subject: \ag%s\ax", Subject);
	WriteChatf("Server: \ag%s\ax", Server);
	WriteChatf("UserName: \ag%s\ax", UserName);
	WriteChatf("Password: \ag%s\ax", Password);

	// Checks for incoming chat

if (strstr(Line,"tells you, ")) DoTellRelay(Line);  
if (strstr(Line,"told you, ")) DoTellRelay(Line);  
return 0;
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would be of use to me if it wasn't limited to ini based
or destination=/chatchannelnumber
or destination=/tell myothertoon

However, I am a minority hehe

Great job from what I read.

Well as a Bengals fan, I'm against helping anyone with the wonderful name "steelers". ;)

However, since the whole point of this is to learn, I think I might be able to work on that for you.
Congratz on your 1st plugin! Gotta be a good feeling. I know this would be usefull to me too if was able to send to other toons. How hard is that to change? Good job.

Try This!

I'm very excited. I think I got it!

OK in the MQ2Relaytells.ini file, you can change ChatChannel=/bc (default) to anything you want. For example, if you wanted to relay the tells to a character named Sillytoon, you'd change it to ChatChannel=/tell Sillytoon.
You can also change the relay message ("I received the following /tell:") to whatever you'd like.

Check out the post up top for the most recent verson!
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great idea! had a problem though.

I set it up to relay any tell to a chat channel I use. and got this followed by a CTD. I think the plugin is checking all chat and with me putting the tell into a chatchannel it pickes it up again. not sure if there is a way around this might just have to send it to a single person

[Thu Dec 20 13:04:56 2007] You told friendsname, 'how goes it?'
[Thu Dec 20 13:04:57 2007] friendname tells you, 'AFK Message:doing housework'
[Thu Dec 20 13:04:57 2007] You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: friendsname tells you, 'AFK Message:doing housework''
[Thu Dec 20 13:04:57 2007] You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: friendsname tells you, 'AFK Message:doing housework'''
[Thu Dec 20 13:04:57 2007] You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: friendsname tells you, 'AFK Message:doing housework''''
[Thu Dec 20 13:04:58 2007] You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: friendsname tells you, 'AFK Message:doing housework'''''
[Thu Dec 20 13:04:58 2007] You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: friendsname tells you, 'AFK Message:doing housework''''''
[Thu Dec 20 13:04:58 2007] You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: friendsname tells you, 'AFK Message:doing housework'''''''
[Thu Dec 20 13:04:58 2007] You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: friendsname tells you, 'AFK Message:doing housework''''''''
[Thu Dec 20 13:04:58 2007] You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: friendsname tells you, 'AFK Message:doing housework'''''''''
[Thu Dec 20 13:04:59 2007] You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: friendsname tells you, 'AFK Message:doing housework''''''''''
[Thu Dec 20 13:04:59 2007] You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: friendsname tells you, 'AFK Message:doing housework'''''''''''
[Thu Dec 20 13:05:00 2007] You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: friendsname tells you, 'AFK Message:doing housework''''''''''''
[Thu Dec 20 13:05:00 2007] You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: friendsname tells you, 'AFK Message:doing housework'''''''''''''
[Thu Dec 20 13:05:00 2007] You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: friendsname tells you, 'AFK Message:doing housework''''''''''''''
[Thu Dec 20 13:05:00 2007] You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: friendsname tells you, 'AFK Message:doing housework'''''''''''''''
[Thu Dec 20 13:05:00 2007] You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: friendsname tells you, 'AFK Message:doing housework''''''''''''''''
[Thu Dec 20 13:05:01 2007] You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: friendsname tells you, 'AFK Message:doing housework'''''''''''''''''
[Thu Dec 20 13:05:01 2007] You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: friendsname tells you, 'AFK Message:doing housework''''''''''''''''''
[Thu Dec 20 13:05:01 2007] You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: friendsname tells you, 'AFK Message:doing housework'''''''''''''''''''
[Thu Dec 20 13:05:02 2007] You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: friendsname tells you, 'AFK Message:doing housework''''''''''''''''''''
[Thu Dec 20 13:05:02 2007] You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: friendsname tells you, 'AFK Message:doing housework'''''''''''''''''''''
[Thu Dec 20 13:05:02 2007] You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: friendsname tells you, 'AFK Message:doing housework''''''''''''''''''''''
[Thu Dec 20 13:05:02 2007] You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: friendsname tells you, 'AFK Message:doing housework'''''''''''''''''''''''
[Thu Dec 20 13:05:03 2007] You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: friendsname tells you, 'AFK Message:doing housework''''''''''''''''''''''''
[Thu Dec 20 13:05:03 2007] You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: friendsname tells you, 'AFK Message:doing housework'''''''''''''''''''''''''
[Thu Dec 20 13:05:04 2007] You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: friendsname tells you, 'AFK Message:doing housework''''''''''''''''''''''''''
[Thu Dec 20 13:05:04 2007] You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: friendsname tells you, 'AFK Message:doing housework'''''''''''''''''''''''''''
[Thu Dec 20 13:05:04 2007] You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: friendsname tells you, 'AFK Message:doing housework''''''''''''''''''''''''''''
[Thu Dec 20 13:05:04 2007] You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: friendsname tells you, 'AFK Message:doing housework'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''
[Thu Dec 20 13:05:05 2007] You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: friendsname tells you, 'AFK Message:doing housework''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''
[Thu Dec 20 13:05:05 2007] You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: friendsname tells you, 'AFK Message:doing housework'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''
[Thu Dec 20 13:05:06 2007] You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: friendsname tells you, 'AFK Message:doing housework''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''
[Thu Dec 20 13:05:06 2007] You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: friendsname tells you, 'AFK Message:doing housework'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''
[Thu Dec 20 13:05:06 2007] You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: friendsname tells you, 'AFK Message:doing housework''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''
[Thu Dec 20 13:05:06 2007] You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: friendsname tells you, 'AFK Message:doing housework'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''
[Thu Dec 20 13:05:07 2007] You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: friendsname tells you, 'AFK Message:doing housework''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''
[Thu Dec 20 13:05:07 2007] You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: friendsname tells you, 'AFK Message:doing housework'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''
[Thu Dec 20 13:05:08 2007] You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: friendsname tells you, 'AFK Message:doing housework''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''
[Thu Dec 20 13:05:08 2007] You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: You tell xxxxxx:6, 'I received the following /tell: friendsname tells you, 'AFK Message:doing housework'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''
Sorry =(

I'm sorry but my first response was to laugh my ass off. :D

Let me look at that and I'll see what I can do.

OK quick EDIT: the problem is when it relays the information into the chat channel, it reads it as another /tell (becuase of the spew of "tells you ..." again). So it continues to relay it, adding to it each time. I'll have to look to see if I can find a workaround.
tell me about it. iwas trying to unload it but crashed before i could hit enter..... That was the most impressive 12 secs of spam though :D
Version 2

Ok guys I updated to version 2. Make sure you have the new one (updated at top).

Basically, I added the ability to "read" the text of the tell.
Charname tells you, 'Hello there.'

The problem is in order to get the text, I had to identify the beginning of the tell - which is a ' (see qutoe).

For those of you one step ahead of me, you get a problem when someone sends the following:
Charname tells you, 'I wonder if Sadge's plugin works.'

The relay would spit out:
<Name> Charname sent me a tell that said: s plugin works.

So I made a ghetto fix so now it will spit out:
<Name> Charname sent me a tell that said: I wonder if Sadge s plugin works.

It's wierd but it's the best I could do. Version 2 (will identify itself when you load the plugin) will give you the ghetto output.

If anyone can help with a better workaround, let me know, please. (I figure there's a way to have it look at only the first seperator (ie: ') and output anything after that but I couldn't get it to work.
works Great !!!!

how hard would it be to to change "Me" to the name of the character that recieved the tell

<Name> Charname sent me a tell that said: I wonder if Sadge s plugin works.

My thinking is when i am boxing 2-3 character and someone got a tell it could relay it to the common channel i use for my boxes to spam heal msg, ect to
I think I can do that, but isn't it implied by the person who's relaying the tell?

If the char receiving the tell=Joe and the person sending the tell=Bob, the output to your chat channel would be:
Joe tells server:1, 'Bob sent me a tell that said: 'hello.

So wouldn't you know that "me" is Joe?

I'll take a look at it but I think it's a simple command. Will get back to you.
your right....thats what i get for posting right after a bong hit

Great plugin!!
Got it - just change your .ini message to:

ChannelMessage= sent ${Me} a tell that said:

That should work.
OK well I feel like a dumbass.

The VladUtils plugin has a command to forward not only tells to /bc, but group, ooc, shout, rsay, fsay, and I'm sure a billion others.

So in other words, the whole reason for making this was pointless and I feel like a certain cheese shop worker.

I never used the VladUtils plugin because it seemed to do a lot of stuff I didn't need and since the source is not included, I couldn't check it out for myself.

Oh well, maybe someone will find this plugin interesting. My excitement for this plugin has waned somewhat, but hopefully someone will get some use out of it since Vlad's plugin seems to be limited to EQBC only.

Oh well. I thought I had created something, but I guess I didn't. :(
OK well I feel like a dumbass.

The VladUtils plugin has a command to forward not only tells to /bc, but group, ooc, shout, rsay, fsay, and I'm sure a billion others.

So in other words, the whole reason for making this was pointless and I feel like a certain cheese shop worker.

I never used the VladUtils plugin because it seemed to do a lot of stuff I didn't need and since the source is not included, I couldn't check it out for myself.

Oh well, maybe someone will find this plugin interesting. My excitement for this plugin has waned somewhat, but hopefully someone will get some use out of it since Vlad's plugin seems to be limited to EQBC only.

Oh well. I thought I had created something, but I guess I didn't. :(

No reason to feel bad. There are quite a few duplicative plugins and macros simply because the author wanted some specific behaviour or function. I'm sure there will be some folks who prefer to use yours for the same reason that you created it - it does one thing so is less confusing to use.
Besides, give yourself props for making a plugin at all. I know that I've never made one, and I think it's cool as hell that you did!
Props for getting something working.

As for vladutil being closed source, this is for three reasons.

1) I don't want other people distributing it.
2) It uses packets in the /ggsay type functions, and the packet sending code is private.
3) My private version (which we compile against with different defines) contains code we likely do not have permission to distribute. And yes, I'm too lazy to separate it out.
Don't get me wrong Vlad -- I know why your source is private. My intention was simply to explain why I had never used your plugin and therefore didn't know it could do what I was looking for.

I very much appriciate the props you guys have given me -- I was just being a little grumpy (I had only 1 hour of sleep in the past 36 hours). I thought I had something original and when I found out it wasn't I just became a little disappointed.

That being said, now that I've gotten some sleep I have to say that I'm 90% haooy with the results. I created a plugin with very little programming knowledge (and just about zero C++ knowledge) and it actually does what I want it to. And not only that, but I was able to improve it for people so that it became useful to them and maybe they'll use it.

There's some improvements I'd like to make with the plugin: 1) I'd like to perform NPC checks because you get a lot of tell spam from vendors and bankers, 2) Someone requested character-based .ini's and I want to honor that request, 3) I'd like to add commands to the plugin to allow you to chage the ini, save the ini, and load the ini, 4) I've thought about being able to add an audio trigger when your character gets a tell for when you're doing something afk but nearby the computer.

If anyone has anything they'd like to see me add (or subtract for that matter), let me know. The whole point of this is for me to learn, and I want people to find it useful.

Thanks again for being gentle with me! :D