MQ2Melee delays

Sep 3, 2008
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Been trying to figure this out for a long time.. but I can't seem to find a way to adjust the Combat Ability Refresh time.

Specifically the monk Discipline ability 'Synergy'. It fires right away if up and you start a new attack.. but it's refresh time is off... it stays unused for up to 10seconds some times, it's a spam ability like Flying Kick but is a Disc.

Can anyone point out how I can lower the delay on the key?

Announce on '/melee load' yields:

MQ2Melee:: Disc Doomwalker's Synergy RK. III(43945) calculated reuse=30000 ms, Cast=0, Recast=30000, Timer=8, ActTimer=1431831064

Announce recast looks like this:

MQ2Melee::Activate [Doomwalker's Synergy Rk. III]
MQ2Melee::CAPress: ID 43945, TID=8, T=1431831040, CT=1431831049
MQ2Melee::CAPress: Activating [43945 (doomwalker's Synergy Rk. III)

Possibly due to the new AA ranks of 'Hastened Synergy' maybe not calculated correctly. 5 Ranks of this AA.. reduces the time required between uses of your Synergy abilities by 3 seconds per rank.
ya it does this for berserker abilities to. I've seen it wait 8-10s before using volley or axe of line again.
If you give me info like that, I can do adjustment for you. E.g., for synergy, if it finds the eq client provided resuse as 30 secs, it would be:

CalculatedReuse = 30000 - (RanksOfHastenedSynergy * 3000)

So if you had all 5 ranks of hastened synergy you would see it like:

MQ2Melee:: Disc Doomwalker's Synergy RK. III(43945) calculated reuse=15000 ms, Cast=0, Recast=15000, Timer=8, ActTimer=1431831064

Pretty much any hastened I can do that way, but nobody ever provides the details (like you just did btw).

I know you're dealing with getting the new compile up.. but any progress on this issue?
Synergy is a Debuff Put on the Mob..... It Will not fire again untill the Debuff wears off the Mob just an FYI
Synergy is a Debuff Put on the Mob..... It Will not fire again untill the Debuff wears off the Mob just an FYI

Don't think that's true.. otherwise on the raids were we have multiple monks Synergy would NEVER fire after the initial. it's check to fire is solely based on the Endurance % set in the .ini file.

Calculated re-use is still 30000ms
Synergy is a Debuff Put on the Mob..... It Will not fire again untill the Debuff wears off the Mob just an FYI

Don't think that's true.. otherwise on the raids were we have multiple monks Synergy would NEVER fire after the initial. it's check to fire is solely based on the Endurance % set in the .ini file.

Calculated re-use is still 30000ms

Doomwalker's Synergy Rk. III Share

1: Flying Kick Attack for 810 with 10000% Accuracy Mod
2: Flying Kick Attack for 810 with 10000% Accuracy Mod
3: Flying Kick Attack for 810 with 10000% Accuracy Mod
4: Add effect: Doomwalker's Synergy Effect
Details Raw Spell Data, Lucy Spell View
Mana: 0 Endurance Cost: 487
Skill: Flying Kick Casting Time: Instant
Recast Time: 30 Fizzle Time: 0
Resist: Unresistable Range: 50
Location: Any Time of Day: Any
Hate Generated: 1 Deletable: No
Interruptable: No Timer ID: 8
Target Type: Single Spell Type: Detrimental
Category: NPC Source: Live 05/17
Melee Flags
Initial Endurance Cost: 487 Endurance Cost: 0/second
Opening Types:
Triggered on demand
Cast on you: You are struck by a flurry of kicks.
Cast on other: Soandso is assaulted by feet.
Game Description
Strikes your opponent with three flying kicks while making them weaker against additional flying kick attacks.

See this Last Line ( Additional Flying Kicks ) As I stated it is a Debuff, We Cycle them on Raids between Monks every night..
Yes the Disc puts a debuff on the mob. I'm not denying that.

What I am saying is that mq2melee doesn't wait for the debuff to fade before it fires. MQ2melee firing it automatically, relies solely on the refresh time of 30000ms. Instead it needs to take into account the doomwalker's Hastening AA's and get it so that it can be reduced to 15000ms.

And FYI... if your monks have the Hastening AAs... it's pointless to do a 'doomwalker's rotation'... The debuff lasts 18s Doomwalker's Synergy Effect - EQ Resource - The Resource for your EverQuest needs

So, if you're hastened down to 15s, 1 monk can keep it on the mob by themself. You're losing a lot of dps if you make any monk 'wait' to cast his synergy in a 'rotation'. Just let them all spam it and it will always be on.
Ok, I just added code to calc this for Hastened Synergy. Let me know if it looks OK. Update pushed to server.

Doomwalkers is firing within 1-2s after it refreshes which is MUCh better than what it was... the only weird thing is this:

Announce yields this on load:

MQ2Melee::DISC Doomwalker's SYnergy Rk. III(43945) calculated reuse=429492296 ms, Cast=0, Recast=-45000, TImer=8, ActTimer=1432942153

Like I said, It's firing within 1-2 seconds of refresh, but all the discs/AA's 'Calculated Reuse' seem to have turned into some HUGE numbers. Most of the spam is firing upon refresh though...
LOL oops, I did the print wrong - I'll get it fixed up. :) Thanks for letting me know, I'll see if I can make it a tad closer to refresh, but hopefully that's way better than before?

Will fix wrong printout also.

sorry to resurrect an old thread, could also use the same adjustment to a rogue ability

CACheck [44174=TRUE(Barrage Rk. III)]
calculated reuse=30000

Hastened Onslaught
rank1-3 reduce assault line of abilities by 3 seconds per rank
rank4 reduce assault line of abilities by 1 second

Can anyone clarify the cost on Hastened Onslaught? If not, I can log in a rogue later and look at it, but online databases still don't show some things.

Is it 3 points per ranks 1-4, for 3 to 12 AA points cost total?


mq2melee as a whole has major delays. Especially if you have 15+ holy/down shits.
