Modbot question


May 13, 2008
Reaction score
I've been using modbot over a year now and since the early Feb compile I can't tell my bot to cast a buff on another toon . He always will cast on the master , whos commanding . detrimentals all work fine though . It's beneficals that won't target correctly.

Command Is /bc <shamandude cast unity %T . That command used to cast a buff on the controllers target now it won't .

I was pm'd this as an answer to this On the Mq2 forum.

" One thing... If you download and compile MQ2Cast either from AE_00 or my SVN here, it will work for you. I'm sure of this because others have had the same problem, and it's been narrowed down to that... "

I compiled , same exact issue . Anyone know why its doing this and how I could fix it? I compiled only the listed plugins needed per instruction in the wikki.:confused:
It's MQ2Cast.

Modbot works fine for me with an out-of-the-box MMOBugs compile.

Be sure you grabbed the MQ2Cast from his SVN site if you're compiling yourself, but if you're a paying member here, just use the compile it saves you a lot of headaches.
I use this compile here and yes about the same time for me this function stopped working.

irish if you get it working let me know. I tried to play with the ini file to make it work. Thought maybe I should try and put TNT in the ini. Still not working.