MMOBugs Plugins Loaded On Default


Fry Guy
Jan 31, 2005
Reaction score
Hey Bugs,

I'm looking for feedback on what plugins people use, to alter our default plugins which are auto-loaded.

I removed quite a few, a couple of weeks ago, as I was getting some complaints about entering POK and having a ton of spawn popups/messages happening with default version, but being in a rush to get a release out, I removed a crapload of plugins which I shouldn't have.

Here is what we currently have loading on default.

mq2mmobugs - Required
mq2cecho - Allows color change of echos, should really be added to base, but worth keeping.
mq2chatfilter - Default base plugin
mq2chatwnd - Must have
mq2custombinds - Default base plugin
mq2eqbugfix - Has a few base fixes for EQ.
mq2exchange - Used to exchange gear.
mq2gmcheck - Tells you if GM/Guide in zone
mq2hud - Base Plugin
mq2itemdisplay - Gives item information
mq2labels - Base Plugin
mq2map - Base Plugin
mq2mmobzsrch - Bazaar search plugin
mq2mmotlo - MMOBugs TLO's
mq2mmoxp - Displays Exp
mq2otd - Gives direction of target
mq2cast - Used for many macros
mq2moveutils - This should be a base plugin
mq2melee - Another plugin that is a must have.


Plugins I think need to be added or re-added as defaults

MQ2PluginMan - Used for managing plugins with a UI
MQ2DoCrack - This has almost always been a default plugin
MQ2NoGold - Blocks those buy gold popups on free accounts
MQ2CustomSound - Allows for custom sound to play on certain event
MQ2DPSAdv - Shows DPS
MQ2FPS - Improves FPS of back windows
MQ2HudMove - Allows you to move the HUD
MQ2Log - Log MQ2 Chat window to file
MQ2MercManager - Set Merc to passive when you afk
MQ2MMOFastMem - fast memorizing spells
MQ2MMONoWelcome - Stops welcome window when you enter world
MQ2ToolTip - Shows information of target when you hover over with mouse
MQ2Web - Ingame web browser
MQ2WinTitle - add more information to window title.
MQ2EQBC - Plugin that pretty much everyone should use


What I need is feedback on what plugins you use that you think should be added as default plugins, and if any of the plugins above might create problems as a default plugin.

MQ2Bot I am holding off on at the time, as it still makes crashing problems every now and then.

I'm not a veteran user by any means, but are a majority of users playing with the current EQ client? If not, disregard, if so, there is a setting in the options menu that does essentially the same as MQ2MercManager.

Do people actually use in-game browsers, i.e. MQ2Web?
MQ2Web is used for other capabilities, such as being able to view the wiki's for the plugins in game (MQ2PluginMan). A couple of other things use it. /melee wiki comes to mind.

I'd suggest dropping mq2mmoxp. You could maybe replace if with mq2xptracker instead, if you feel like that kind of thing is needed, but the mmoxp plugin is a very large annoyance vs xptracker.