Looking for instance XP with repops


Aug 20, 2007
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I'm trying to find a nice private instanced zone to xp my toons (want to max out 85 before next expansion and then get some aa's) and practice some of the excellent tools and techniques available here. Ideal would be an instance with mobs that repop, preferably outdoors, with decent xp at 85. Suggestions?
Its really hard to target mobs in Mech due to z-axis issues
nahhh /target npc zradius 10

will make sure not to target on floor below
So you'all talking about any of these instances?

•The Mechamatic Guardian: Disposing of Things
•The Mechamatic Guardian: Engine Room
•The Mechamatic Guardian: Mechamatic Memory
•The Mechamatic Guardian: Security, Yeah Right
•The Mechamatic Guardian: Solo Tasks
•The Mechamatic Guardian: Tracking the Steamworks
its been a long time but the solo task is a 12hr task that re spawns, the others did not re spawn. have they changed the others to re spawn as well?
ohhhh i do not know. Honestly i've only used the solo tasks i think. i use to just goto overvolt and say head in or something
whatever mission that is
I don't recall seeing anything that says that they changed it. I can confirm that they didn't re-spawn when I was doing them for the Oculus a year and a half ago.
The solo task has respawns for sure. Not sure about the others. Just go to overvolt and say "head into" and you'll get the right one.
Is there any other respawn insta beside mec. that is more lvl or is there way to change pull mac so dont pull up or down.
^ If you want to change that, look for the /target argument and add [zradius 15]
Here is the line i think need to change.
/declare RV_MaxZRange int outer 450

If i change that int outer from 450 to 15 that shouldnt try pull stuff above or below me right
Err. If you are using the standard pull...

Check your camps Z height with something like

/echo ${Me.Z}

This will display your current Z position in the MQ2 window. Now in the macro you will see RV_MinZRange && RV_MaxZRange. Your value of Z should fall between them with very little range if you don't want to pull from above or below.

Eg, if top floor of mechanotus is Me.Z == 348, then you'd want RV_MinZRange = 345 and RV_MaxZRange = 350

Or something like that.
So before i mod the macro i want to check the z radius. and then change it in mac.