Help with LOW level FH Macro......

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Banned From KEQ Never EQ!
Sep 1, 2005
Reaction score
Forest Hills, NY
Asking one of the macro gurus to help me fix this up perhaps....

Ok I am working a Warrior and decided to PL him in FH. What I did last night was have my Cleric shroud to 15 and get the mission, then unshroud and PL the Warrior that was level 8 at the time -- hence all mobs would be at least level 12 or so, and xp moves nicely.

I set up 2 macros. One for the Warrior to first target the nearest rat npc, and stick to it and attack with taunt, slam/bash and kick. This works nicely. He sends a tell to the cleric saying whatever you like as a trigger phase and the cleric will assist the tank and target the mob and cast mark of the blameless or whatever one of those is the highest level (45 DS). The fight is very fast with the DS on.

I am not sure how to have it target next target and then if none are in the room wait. The cleric casting blameless seems to work nicely. What could adding a bard possibly contribute to this? or would he need to joingroup then disband to give the Warrior Haste, Regen, and DS perhaps, and slow/snare the mob?

This one works nicely, I run out of mob and end up waiting for a few minutes before respawns, and yet his skills do go up as well.

-- This assume I make a hot key /tar rat npc, /macro lowwar each time.....
Sub Main

/attack on
/stick 10
/t my_cleric BlaBlaBla

/stick 10

/keypress 1 //taunt
/delay 1s
/keypress 2 //slam
/delay 1s
/keypress 3 //kick
/delay 1s

/if (${Target.ID}==NULL) /end // would like it to actually get next one

/goto :loopstart  

And the LowCleric.mac (actually I use my 70 1.5 cleric to heal)
#turbo 10

#Event Blameless "#*#Blablabla#*#"
#Event Fizzles "#*#fizzles#*#"

Sub Main
   /declare SpellName
   /varset SpellName ${Me.Gem[${Param0}]} // usually a low level fast heal or hot
   /If (${Target.PctHPs}<70) {  

   /if (${Me.State.Equal[Sit]}) /stand

   /if (${Me.PctMana}<20) /goto :SitDown

   /if (${Cursor.ID}) {
      /goto :CheckCursor

	/call cast "${SpellName}"
   	/goto :CheckMana

   /if (${Me.State.Equal[STAND]}) /sit on

/goto :loop

sub event_Blameless
/target TANK
/delay 1s
/delay 1s
/cast 4
/delay 1s
/target TANK

sub event_Fizzles
/target TANK
/delay 1s
/delay 1s
/cast 4
/delay 1s
/target TANK
Try this out for your war macro. Just set your clericname if the 2nd line and start it up.

Sub Main
/declare mycleric string outer MyClericName

	/if (${Me.Combat} && ${Target.ID} && ${Target.Distance}<15) {
		/if (${Me.AbilityReady[Taunt]}) {
			/doability Taunt
			/delay 2
		/if (${Me.AbilityReady[Slam]}) {
			/doability Slam
			/delay 2
		/if (${Me.AbilityReady[Kick]}) {
			/doability Kick
			/delay 2
		/if (!${Marked${Target.ID}}) {
			/t ${mycleric} BlaBlaBla
			/if (!${Defined[Marked${Target.ID}]}) /define Marked${Target.ID} timer outer
			/varset Marked${Target.ID} 1m
	/if (!${Target.ID}) {
		/if (!${SpawnCount[npc rat radius 75]}) /goto:loopstart
		/target ID ${NearestSpawn[npc rat radius 75].ID}
		/delay 1s
		/stick 10
		/attack on
/goto :loopstart
You can use eqbc to make your cleric cast the ds instead of waiting for an event.
Its also quiet possible to monitor what the warrior is attacking or what mobs are around him to remove the event entirly. Some ideas just take more implementation and sometimes its easier not try to fix whats not broken. :D
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