Gary Gygax dies

Heh, we have the same news source.

I never even realized the other guy was around until this article, I always knew about Gary. I also never knew that there were so many apparent lawsuits going around regarding the two founders.

Feel bad for his family. He wasn't really that old (69 doesn't seem as old any more).
I was surfing this morning looking at this news and saw an image of the original D&D rule book. Wow, what memories that brought back to me.

I remember learning to play the game when I was about 10, spending times at friends houses playing, going to a game shop in Oakland or Berkeley for a few hours of gaming. Lots of great memories!

I used to play back when i was in Futenma Okinawa, in the secret room in the U.S.O., we would place an order for food at the front desk and the clerks didn't even know about the room. We had to go get our own food when it was ready :) lots of memories....
Yea, alot of good memories. Funny that something these guys made to entertain had such a large impact on so many people. D&D sure helped me out when I was younger. From having fun with my fists to my imagination. Heh, when some of my friends where out smoking pot and boozing it up on Friday nights I was hitting the hay early to get up early on Saturday mornings for all day gamming session. Lot of good memories.