Fully Automated Boomerang.


Jun 8, 2007
Reaction score
So I have used this beyond usefulness so I figured I'd release it.

  1. 1. You need to record a path from brell's arena to gilbot named 'arena_to_gilbot' using mq2advpath. See wiki for details. I am not including this because well... it helps to be unique.
  2. 2. This supports 3 toons in a group. It helps if the requester is a rogue as it will hide/sneak. (people like to train the boomerang requester area on my server)
  3. 3. This uses EQBC to communicate in group. You should be running it.
  4. 4. I don't plan on fixing any bugs or anything, so if its not working for you, twiddle with it.


Task Get/Run/ETC by meta53 22 DECEMBER 09
Version: 1.0

Boomerang main sub by jlm462, 12/2009
with contributions from Ralindal and dascott

--This macro is to be only posted on MMOBugs.com-*-

	Required Plugins:	MQ2MoveUtils,MQ2AdvPath
		1.brells_rest.ini, with the path 'arena_to_gilbot' NOT INCLUDED
	 	  Please record your own, from arena->gilbot, this is to keep
	   	  A zillion people from running the same fricken path.
	   	2.waypoint BA_ZO is something you will have to set right in front
	   	  of Brells Arena (in brells rest) if you, like me, get placed
	   	  under the zone on zone out.

	Usage: From the requesting toon... 
		   /mac boomerang TASKLEADER
		   I would have the other 2 toons already setup near the door to Brell's Arena,
		   but if not, have them at gilbot, they will run to BA.
#turbo 10
#include spell_routines.inc

#Event Ended 	"#*#The results of the contest are as follows#*#"
#Event DoShroud "#*#Get your shroud#*#"
#Event TimeWait "#*#You may not request this shared task because you must wait#*#"
#Event Assigned "#*#You have been assigned#*#"

Sub Main
	/echo [boomerang.mac active]
	/if (!${AdvPath.Active}) /plugin mq2advpath
	/declare boolActive string outer TRUE
	/declare strMainRequester string outer ${Param0}
    /declare intTemplate int outer ${Param1}
	/declare intDoorX int outer -561
	/declare intDoorY int outer -236
	/declare intExitX int outer 1
	/declare intExitY int outer -307
	/declare strTimeWait string outer 0m
	/declare boolShroudCalled bool outer FALSE
	/declare boolHasTimer bool outer FALSE
	/declare intDoorRadius int outer 10
	/echo This macro has been running for: ${Macro.RunTime} 
	/if (${Zone.ShortName.Equal[GuildLobby]}) {
		/echo I am in guildlobby! Shutting my crap down!
		/delay 30s
		/bcaa //melee off
		/bcaa //camp desktop
		/bcaa //end
	/if (${Zone.ShortName.NotEqual[brellsarena]}) {
		|--Are you a requester? If so you should probably go get the mission
		|  This might be the place you want to change BCA to /bct [toonName] based on INI?
		|  Or better yet, shit can the INI file, and use the group members !requester.
		|  This change would allow multiple groups running at same time!
		/if (${Me.CleanName.Equal[${strMainRequester}]}) {
			/varset intTemplate 1
			/bct  ${Group.Member[1]} //mac boomerang ${strMainRequester} 2
			/bct  ${Group.Member[2]} //mac boomerang ${strMainRequester} 3
			/delay 1s
			/call Get_Event
			/echo Delaying 10s.
			/delay 10s
			/if (${boolHasTimer}) {
				/echo Have a timer still...
				/gsay We still have some time left before reget, waiting 16m!
				/gsay Last Run at ${Time.Time24}
				/afk Waiting for boomerang lockout to be up. Leave message!
				/delay 16m
				/goto :mainloop
			/echo Calling MoveTo_Event on requester.
			/call MoveTo_Event
			/gsay Get your shroud!
		} else {
			/if (${Math.Distance[${intDoorX},${intDoorY}]} >= ${intDoorRadius}) {
				|-close to gilbot, move to event
				/call MoveTo_Event
			/varset boolShroudCalled FALSE
			| need to add a loop here for having the requester tell everyone to select template and continue
				/if (!${boolShroudCalled}) {
					/delay 5s
					/if (${String[${Me.Class}].Equal[Shadow Knight]} && (${Me.Invis} == FALSE)) {
							/alt activate 531	
					/goto :shroudWait
		|--Time to select the template.
		/call TemplateSelect
		/echo Template Selected
		|--OK! Mission Gotten! Now Let us Zone in and start up.
		/call Check_ZoneIN
		/echo I am in the correct Zone, Continuing.
    /if (${Me.CleanName.Equal[${strMainRequester}]}) {
		/call Trigger_Event
	/call Event_StartMatch
	/call Event_EndMatch
	/call Check_ZoneOut
	/delay 30s
	/goto :mainloop

Sub Get_Event
	/echo requesting Gilbot the Magnificent
	/target npc Gilbot the Magnificent
	/delay 1s
	/if (${Target.Distance}>20) {
		|-not close to gilbot, sigh
		/call MoveTo_Gilbot
	/if (${String[${Me.Class}].Equal[Rogue]}) {
		/echo Hi, Rogue Hide/Sneak is now off!
		/if (${Me.Sneaking}) /doability "Sneak"
		/delay 1s
		/if (${Me.Invis}) /doability "Hide" 
		/delay 1s
	/varset boolHasTimer TRUE
	/delay 3s
	/say specific
	/delay 1s
	/if (${String[${Me.Class}].Equal[Rogue]}) {
		/echo Hi, Rogue Hide/Sneak is now on.
		/if (!${Me.Invis}) /doability "Hide"
		/delay 1s
		/if (!${Me.Sneaking}) /doability "Sneak" 
		/delay 1s

Sub Trigger_Event
	/gsay Triggering the Event
	/if (${String[${Me.Class}].Equal[Rogue]}) {
			/echo Hi, Rogue Hide/Sneak is now off!
			/if (${Me.Sneaking}) /doability "Sneak"
			/delay 1s
			/if (${Me.Invis}) /doability "Hide" 
			/delay 1s
	/target npc Gilbot the Wary
	/delay 1s
	/saytarget start
	/delay 1s
	/target npc Gilbot the Wary
	/saytarget start
	/delay 10

Sub MoveTo_Gilbot
	/play arena_to_gilbot smart
		/if (${AdvPath.State} == 2) {
			/delay 1s
			/goto :movement
	/delay 2s

Sub MoveTo_Event
	/echo Moving To Event.
	/if (${String[${Me.Class}].Equal[Shadow Knight]}) {
		/alt activate 531	
	/play arena_to_gilbot reverse smart
		/if (${AdvPath.State} == 2) {
			/delay 1s
			/goto :movement
	/delay 1s


Sub TemplateSelect
	/gsay Selecting ${intTemplate}
	/delay 10
	/notify TaskTemplateSelectWnd TaskTemplateSelectListRequired listselect ${Window[TaskTemplateSelectWnd].Child[TaskTemplateSelectListRequired].List[${intTemplate}]} 
	/delay 10
	/notify TaskTemplateSelectWnd TaskTemplateSelectListRequired leftmouse  ${Window[TaskTemplateSelectWnd].Child[TaskTemplateSelectListRequired].List[${intTemplate}]} 
	/delay 10
	|-Brute force this.
	/if (${intTemplate} == 1) {
		/notify TaskTemplateSelectWnd TaskTemplateSelectListRequired listselect 1
		/delay 1s
		/notify TaskTemplateSelectWnd TaskTemplateSelectListRequired leftmouse 1
		/delay 1s
		/notify TaskTemplateSelectWnd TaskTemplateSelectListRequired listselect 1
		/delay 1s
		/notify TaskTemplateSelectWnd TaskTemplateSelectListRequired leftmouse 1
		/gsay Banged on Option 1!
		/delay 1s
	} else /if (${intTemplate} == 2) {
		/notify TaskTemplateSelectWnd TaskTemplateSelectListRequired listselect 2
		/delay 1s
		/notify TaskTemplateSelectWnd TaskTemplateSelectListRequired leftmouse 2
		/delay 1s
		/notify TaskTemplateSelectWnd TaskTemplateSelectListRequired listselect 2
		/delay 1s
		/notify TaskTemplateSelectWnd TaskTemplateSelectListRequired leftmouse 2
		/gsay Banged on Option 2!
	} else {
		/notify TaskTemplateSelectWnd TaskTemplateSelectListRequired listselect 3
		/delay 1s
		/notify TaskTemplateSelectWnd TaskTemplateSelectListRequired leftmouse 3
		/delay 1s
		/notify TaskTemplateSelectWnd TaskTemplateSelectListRequired listselect 3
		/delay 1s
		/notify TaskTemplateSelectWnd TaskTemplateSelectListRequired leftmouse 3
		/delay 1s
		/gsay Banged on Option 3!
	/notify TaskTemplateSelectWnd TaskTemplateSelectAcceptButton leftmouseup 
	/delay 5s 

Sub Check_ZoneIN
	/echo Checking Zone
	/if (${String[${Me.Class}].Equal[Rogue]}) {
			/echo Hi, Rogue Hide/Sneak is now off!
			/if (${Me.Sneaking}) /doability "Sneak"
			/delay 1s
			/if (${Me.Invis}) /doability "Hide" 
			/delay 1s
		/if (${Zone.ShortName.Equal[brellsarena]}) {
		} else {
			/switch 2
			/delay 30s
			/goto :zonecheckloop

Sub Check_ZoneOut
	|-- Apparently clicking out is putting me under the fucking world.
	|-- so once in BR, will warp to where it should put you (not noticeable to people..)
	/echo Checking Zone
		/if (${Zone.ShortName.Equal[brellsrest]}) {
			/delay 10s
			/warp wp BA_ZO
			/delay 1s
			/warp wp BA_ZO
		} else {
			/delay 1m
			/goto :zonecheckloop

Sub Event_EndMatch
	/echo match ended, moving to door.
	|-- Apparently clicking out is putting me under the fucking world.
	/moveto loc ${intExitY} ${intExitX}
		/if (${Math.Distance[${Me.Y},${Me.X}:${intExitY},${intExitX}]}>=${intDoorRadius}) {
			/goto :movement
	/moveto off

Sub Event_StartMatch

/echo Beginning StartMatch Routine
/call AlertTimer
/if (!${Defined[lasteventnum]})		/declare lasteventnum int outer 0
/if (!${Defined[strafedir]})		/declare strafedir string local
/if (!${Defined[X2]})				/declare X2 int local
/if (!${Defined[Y2]})				/declare Y2 int local
/if (!${Defined[spawnID]})			/declare spawnID int local 0
/if (!${Defined[spawn2id]})			/declare spawn2id int local 0
/if (!${Defined[spawn2]})			/declare spawn2 string local
/if (!${Defined[spawn2dist]})		/declare spawn2dist int local 0
/if (!${Defined[spawn2locY]})		/declare spawn2locY int local 0
/if (!${Defined[spawn2locX]})		/declare spawn2locX int local 0
/if (!${Defined[boolFinished]})		/declare boolFinished bool local false

/varset lasteventnum 0
/varset boolActive TRUE
/target clear
	/echo determining team color
	|- updated teamcolor logic from Ralindal
	/if (!${Defined[teamColor]}) /declare teamColor string outer NULL
	/if (${FindItemCount[=Red Boomerang]}>0 && ${FindItemCount[=Yellow Boomerang]}>0) {
		/varset teamColor BLUE
	} else /if (${FindItemCount[=Blue Boomerang]}>0 && ${FindItemCount[=Yellow Boomerang]}>0) {
		/varset teamColor RED
	} else {
		/echo team color yello
		/varset teamColor YELLOW

	/if (${Zone.ShortName.NotEqual[brellsarena]}) {
	/if (${lasteventnum}==9 || ${Me.State.Equal[HOVER]}) /return
	/if (!${boolActive}) /return

	/if (${Me.State.Equal[FEIGN]}) /stand
	/delay 3s ${Me.State.Equal[STAND]}

	/varset spawnID 0

	|- Set the BLUE Team
	/if (${teamColor.Equal[BLUE]}) /varset spawnID ${Me.NearestSpawn[1, npc noalert 1 range 86 89].ID}

	|- Set the BLUE Team
	|- updated so yellow team will pick up blue and red instead of just red, due to split level range
	/if (${teamColor.Equal[YELLOW]}) {
		/varset spawnID ${Me.NearestSpawn[1, npc noalert 1 range 89 89].ID}
		/if (!${spawnID}) {
			/varset spawnID ${Me.NearestSpawn[1, npc noalert 1 range 84 84].ID}
	|- Set the RED Team
	/if (${teamColor.Equal[RED]}) /varset spawnID ${Me.NearestSpawn[1, npc noalert 1 range 84 86].ID}

	/if (${spawnID} && ${Spawn[id ${spawnID}].State.NotEqual[FEIGN]}) {
	  /target id ${spawnID}
	  /delay 1s ${Target.ID}==${spawnID}

	/if (!${Target.ID}) {
		/call AlertTimer
	} else {

		/if (${Me.State.Equal[FEIGN]}) /stand
		/delay 3s ${Me.State.Equal[STAND]}

      /if (${Target.Distance}>50) {
          |- Get the details of the nearest powder keg
          /varset spawn2id ${Me.NearestSpawn[1, race "Powder Keg"].ID}
          /if (${spawn2id}) {
          	/varset spawn2 ${Spawn[${spawn2id}]}
          	/varset spawn2dist ${Spawn[${spawn2id}].Distance}
          	/varset spawn2locY ${Spawn[${spawn2id}].Y}
          	/varset spawn2locX ${Spawn[${spawn2id}].X}
          |- If the barrel is too close, lets back off and strafe around it before moving towards our target
          /if (${spawn2id} && ${spawn2dist}<90) {
         /face fast nolook loc ${spawn2locY},${spawn2locX}
               /keypress back hold
               /delay 1s
               /keypress back
               /if (${Math.Rand[2]}) {
                 /varset strafedir STRAFE_LEFT
               } else {
                 /varset strafedir STRAFE_RIGHT
               /keypress ${strafedir} hold
               /delay 8
               /keypress ${strafedir}

               |- Set current position first before heading towards our target (in case we get stuck)
              /varset X2 ${Int[${Me.X}]}
              /varset Y2 ${Int[${Me.Y}]}

         /if (${Me.State.Equal[FEIGN]}) /stand
         /delay 3s ${Me.State.Equal[STAND]}
         /face fast nolook
                /keypress forward hold
              /delay 5 ${Target.Distance}<=50
              /keypress forward
         /if (${Me.State.Equal[FEIGN]}) /stand
         /delay 3s ${Me.State.Equal[STAND]}
         /face fast nolook

              |- Check to see if we got stuck trying that
              /if ((${Int[${Me.X}]}==${X2}) && (${Int[${Me.Y}]}==${Y2})) {
               |- We're stuck, back off a second, move left or right (randomly) for .5 seconds
               /keypress back hold
               /delay 5
               /keypress back
               /if (${Math.Rand[2]}) {
                 /varset strafedir STRAFE_LEFT
               } else {
                 /varset strafedir STRAFE_RIGHT
               /keypress ${strafedir} hold
               /delay 5
               /keypress ${strafedir}
      /goto :moveloop
      /if (${Target.Level}==89 && ${FindItemCount[=Red Boomerang]}>0) {
      |- updated to revert back to moveloop if boomerang not ready, per dascott's idea
      /if (${FindItem[Red Boomerang].Timer}) /goto :moveloop
      /if (${Me.State.Equal[FEIGN]}) /stand
      /delay 3s ${Me.State.Equal[STAND]}
      /face fast nolook
      |/echo Throwing Red Boomerang
      /cast item "Red Boomerang"
      /cast item "Red Boomerang"
      /if (${Target.Level}==86 && ${FindItemCount[=Yellow Boomerang]}>0) {
      /if (${FindItem[Yellow Boomerang].Timer}) /goto :moveloop
      /if (${Me.State.Equal[FEIGN]}) /stand
      /delay 3s ${Me.State.Equal[STAND]}
      /face fast nolook
      |/echo Throwing Yellow Boomerang
      /cast item "Yellow Boomerang"
      /cast item "Yellow Boomerang"
      /if (${Target.Level}==84 && ${FindItemCount[=Blue Boomerang]}>0) {
      /if (${FindItem[Blue Boomerang].Timer}) /goto :moveloop
      /if (${Me.State.Equal[FEIGN]}) /stand
      /delay 3s ${Me.State.Equal[STAND]}
      /face fast nolook
      |/echo Throwing Blue Boomerang
      /cast item "Blue Boomerang"
      /cast item "Blue Boomerang"

/squelch /alert add 1 id ${Target.ID}
/squelch /target clear

/goto :boomerangloop


Sub AlertTimer
	/squelch /alert clear 1
	/squelch /alert add 1 BRADiscusController

Sub Event_DoShroud
	/varset boolShroudCalled TRUE

Sub Event_Ended
	/varset boolActive FALSE

Sub Event_TimeWait
	/echo event_timewait, boolHasTimer is now TRUE
	/varset boolHasTimer TRUE

Sub Event_Assigned
	/gsay got our event.
	/echo event_assigned, boolHasTimer is now FALSE
	/varset boolHasTimer FALSE
Indeed, Im going to give this a go, I need to learn how to make my own path as well as how to use EQBC so will take be alittle to get it going. In the mean time. Do I need to declair who is who (blue red or yellow) and will it support more then 3 toons? (I run 3 but im sure there is someone that will wanna know :)... ) Thanks!
no its just a bug that happens to him sometimes when he zones out so it auto warps you to the waypoint set to the same name as the one in the macro. so set a waypoint named the same as his and have it right at the normal zone out spot
seems to work flawlessly except for 1 thing.

Characters numbe 2 and 3 are selecting the same monster, so the macro never ends up zoning in, both toons say to the group "selecing 0"

how do you fix this?
whats the exact usage command for non requester? ive tried various different ones to make sure im not botching the two toons to select same monster.
All you do is start eqbc and connect with all 3 toons then run /mac boomerang yourtoonsname on the char you want to get the mission
anytime i try to connect to eqbc it says "cannot connect to server" - how do i fix this?
view the eqbc thread and read up on how to fix that.
Did they nerf the timers on this mission? I was getting lockouts of 30-40 minutes
Plugin is loaded but will not record

Trying to record a path in Brells for this boomer macro, this is what i have typed.

/record arena_to_gilbot
/record save arena_to_gilbot

also tried
/record save arena_to_gilbot

neither way works, nothing displays indicating it is recording and when i /play arena_to_gilbot i just get a failed message.

weird, if plugin is loaded all you should have to do is
/record arena_to_gilbot
run the path you want, then:
works for me.

I need to set a waypoint due to characters being under the ground when i exit missions, but I dont know what a waypoint is or how to create one. Does anyone know any links that will help me with command list? I dont know which plugin its associated with.

Thanks in advance
Very weird. Does your MQ window indicate recording when you do a record? I get no message. Aswell when I /save i get message Save to Default Complete
Very weird. Does your MQ window indicate recording when you do a record? I get no message. Aswell when I /save i get message Save to Default Complete

you should stick to one thread not 2 when asking same question. I already commented in your other so not re posting.
Anyone have any tips about half the time my 3 guys are near the bottom of the list in rankings?
There really isn't any lag going on that I can see.

Got it working fine, just some of the time they place near the bottom of the event rankings.
I think I narrowed it down. Sometimes when multiboxing, my alt tab will stop working and I can no longer cycle through the other EQ sessions using alt tab.

I found out a quick fix is to open up options, display and cycle on and off the taskbar button. This fixes the alt tab bug.

I have noticed every time the macro hangs or poor rankings are received is when the alt tab is no longer workin properly.

I am runnning Windows 7 Ultimate 64x.
Having no other issues!
This version is not designed to place your toons in the top 3 spots absolutely. I usually when running this one get one toon in the top 3 and the other 2 far down. results completely vary.
For some reason I find my characters will zone into the instanced but never say "start" to begin the mayhem. I have never been at the keyboard to see what the problem is (maybe lag so all characters aren't in the zone when the main char gets to this part?)

Is there a way to add a short maybe 2 or 3 line that will check to see if gilbot is up and then /saytarget start and loop back and repeat until he is no longer a spawn? I don't claim to know a lot yet but any help would be appreciated; hate waking up to see the mission has 1 hour left on an 8 hour mission timer, that's just wasted time.
