Frostcrypt raiding question.


New member
Nov 29, 2006
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I have read that your raid needs ally faction to do the FC raids and the person triggering must do all the tasks to trigger the raids.

Then I heard that everyone must do the three tasks plus have ally to raid FC while the person triggering must do them all.

Anyone have a confirmation which it is to raid and loot in Frostcrypt?
To be FC1 flagged, you need all 3 group tasks from fergarin, as well as the kanguar, udengar, and odeen raids, and Ally faction to wraithguard leadership, but only warmly to wraithguard.
One inside, you can loot a "mark of valdeholm" to skip the odeen kill, but still need all the rest.
If you are missing anything, you will take a gimp slot.

The one requesting the raids, needs all of those, plus the 3 marks to give to haesgrin as a bribe, to flag them into the hallway to reach fergarin.

sounds right but I am sure missing something... got the 3 fergarin group tasks, the 3 raid tasks, and ally.. and Thavin ports me to zone in! and no I am not triggering it!
Everyone needs "udengar" or does the guild only have to kill it once to progress to Odeen?

Udengar was a bitch of a fight, the thoughts of backflagging that raid makes me cry.

A friend that was alt flagged to FC didn't have all three tasks, kangar, udengar or Odeen. Are you sure the backflag only flags you for the Odeen fight?
That's the way it's been for a while now. Unless something changed.
He should still be taking a gimp slot. Have him drop raid sometime, but stay in task, then see if Thavin will port him in, or if already in, get a boot message.

I don't know what you can be missing.
I had ally/ally, 3 tasks, and odeen, and I wasn't flagged. We went and did Kanguar then Udengar real quick, and got flagged.
And ya, Mark of Valdeholm only lets you "share in the glory of defeating Odeen".

Udengar is actually pretty darn easy. But need to get to prep spot fast.
Well we have the flagging pinned down.

Kangar, Ugen, Odeen, 3 Tasks and Ally only to WGL. You can backflag the Odeen raid only.

Thanks for the help!

From what I can gather WG faction is only needed to trigger the raids unless it is needed for FC2. It definitely isn't needed at all for FC1.
I think this is mostly a moot point, since if your WGL is maxed you've likely been also getting WG faction at the same time... and since WGL takes a little longer to max out your WG will likely have been maxed a long time ago.
Wait a sec does everyone in the raid need to be ally or just the person getting the raid.
In order to zone in to FC by saying "Fergarin" or "Haesgrin" you need to be ally to Wraithguard Leadership. If you're not, you need to take the guild banner in. I'm unclear on whether this consumes a "gimp" spot. You will be considered gimp until you loot "Mark of Valdeholm" and have Ally faction I believe.

The faction is easy to obtain once you're actually in the zone by killing raid mobs. My guild has been farming FC for nearly 8 months now, and when we get an influx of applicants we still tend to get one or 2 that has to sit outside due to gimpness.