Free TriaL expired? No-Longer working


New member
Mar 21, 2013
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I have been using the triaL for a LittLe over 2 weeks now, everything has been working fine and EQBC is a godsend for boxing. Though upon trying to Load MMOLoader today, a screen pops up very quickLy, runs through a progress bar, and the onLy thing I can make out is ( 4.0 something something see forum)

Any suggestions?
I was pLanning on upgrading this Friday if thats the probLem?
Htw submitted new versions of MMOLoader.exe yesterday. I'm not sure if that is the problem, or that you play on test server, and MQ2 is borked due to patch.
I apoIogize for the doubIe post, didn't see the first one. No I actuaIIy pIay on Firiona. I just assumed that there was a quick patch for the Night of the Dead stuff. I've been redownIoading and trying to patch about every 4 hours or so, to no avaiI. Not quite sure what is reaIIy going on.
I guess I wiII just wait untiI a new patch comes out to redownIoad and patch. I was Iooking to upgrading my account, but I'm sure there wiII be a patch soon. I Iook forward to joining the community and thank you!
Update: Upon cIicking on MMOLoader now my user access pops up asking if I want to aIIOw access, which I agree to. Then my screen fIashes as though it is Ioading a program, then.... Nothing.

AbsoIuteIy nothing.
I'm Iost without my MQ :(
Is there an easier way of testing/learning how to use MQ2 macros without using the Everquest client? I am just now trying to learn how to loop a macro, so that I can send a /stick command to an alt after the mobs dead. It takes too long to test something when I have to kill the mob, then test before the corpse dissapears. There has to be an easier way, and I want to learn the basics of MQ2 before learning its full potential. Does this make sense?
It said that we can obtain level 2 by posting. I am trying to be constructive in regard to what I read and post while trying to access the resources that I need for level 2. The problem is that this is the first time that I have posted in here, and I'm not seeing the posts right away. Are posts pre-approved before showing?