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Your spell fizzled!
Feb 9, 2007
Reaction score
Any good strats on this event?

I know how to tell the 4 good guys from the 4 bad guys. It seems like the good guys are mezzable (but only sometimes), unstunnable and unrootable. Some of them snare you if you try to kite. They seem to ramp up and whoop our knights. I've heard of people trying to kite them while dispelling the snare (more info on this?)

The 4 bad guys I know you have to bounce aggro between characters or get a ramped up damage multiplier (this part seems fairly easy). I also know you need to get their HPs down around 5% on all 4 bad guys before killing any of them.

Can anyone comment on the best group makeup for good/bad guys, and how to best handle the good guys?
just need to kill 4 of the 8 mobs

our guild kited/tanked and stacked curers for kiting as they only snared roughly once every 45 sec or so

also full raid burns on the 4 and win its pretty simple once you get the tanking part down and not losing your knights who are tanking
never really noticed..did this event twice flagged the guild and said fuck it from there on :)