Event problem


Jan 9, 2006
Reaction score
Hi, i try to write a AE mezz macro... but when one of the mobs resisted.. it should recast but it won't... could anyone help me ?

#include Spell_Routines.inc 

#Event Resist		"#*# target resisted #*#"

Sub Main
/call cast "Wake of Subdual"
/delay 45s
/goto :loop

Sub Resist
/Echo %T Resist
/delay 5
/call cast "Wale of Subdual"
use the sub inside spell_routines that is made for resists.
It won't even registred the event... no clue
Sub Event_Resist
/Echo %T Resist
/delay 5
/call cast "Wale of Subdual"
I was refering to this section of the spell_routines.ini you can have it check if it returns CAST_RESISTED and auto recast.

|     To call a subroutine that interrupts CH if target gets healed before it lands:
|       /call Cast "Complete Healing" gem1 0 CheckHP
|     Then in your macro have somewhere:
|       Sub CheckHP
|          /if ( ${Target.PctHPs}>=80 ) /call Interrupt
|       /return
| Returns these values:
| CAST_CANCELLED       | Spell was cancelled by ducking (either manually or because mob died) |
| CAST_CANNOTSEE       | You can't see your target                                            |
| CAST_IMMUNE          | Target is immune to this spell                                       |
| CAST_INTERRUPTED     | Casting was interrupted and exceeded the given time limit            |
| CAST_INVIS           | You were invis, and noInvis is set to true                           |
| CAST_NOTARGET        | You don't have a target selected for this spell                      |
| CAST_NOTMEMMED       | Spell is not memmed and you gem to mem was not specified             |
| CAST_NOTREADY        | AA ability or spell is not ready yet                                 |
| CAST_OUTOFMANA       | You don't have enough mana for this spell!                           |
| CAST_OUTOFRANGE      | Target is out of range                                               |
| CAST_RESISTED        | Your spell was resisted!                                             |
| CAST_SUCCESS         | Your spell was cast successfully! (yay)                              |
| CAST_UNKNOWNSPELL    | Spell/Item/Ability was not found                   |
| CAST_NOTHOLD         | Spell woundn't take hold on target                                   |