Champions of the People


New member
Aug 11, 2008
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Ive done the group version of this but seems I m missing something on raid version on this here swell event, any tips on it? seems the adds are eating us alive on it.
Have tank AE and Deflect/Fort them when they spawn and rush out the door and chanters lock them down with mez..

Kill 3 adds, mez lock the 4th until youre emoted to kill it.
Stupid question..... do the adds poof when u kill the main mob?
No, they don't. You should only have 1 add to kill tho once the main boss of that phase dies (unless you've failed emotes and didn't kill the adds as they popped, or unless you didn't kill 3 of the initial 4).
And the tigers will break mezz everytime he does a power up emote. So critical to keep it down to one and have chanter ready to lock it back down because the tiger will be powered up right after the mezz break.
Champion of the People

Audio Triggers-

The crowd boos. They think the fight is going too fast!
-Do less DPS

The crowd boos. They want to see more damage!
-Do more DPS

The crowd begins to boo. They are tired of seeing
-Swap tanks

They want to see a slave's blood spilled
-Kill a slave

They want to see a tiger's blood spilled
-Kill a tiger

The crowd in the northeast section boos. They want the action brought closer!
-Move Boss to North East corner of arena

The crowd in the northwest section boos. They want the action brought closer!
-Move Boss to North West corner of arena

The crowd in the southeast section boos. They want the action brought closer!
-Move Boss to South East corner of arena

The crowd in the southwest section boos. They want the action brought closer!
-Move Boss to Southwest corner of arena

Kilsev begins to focus his rage at you
-Kite Kilsev around the arena, careful not to kite through your raid.

Kilsev begins to focus his rage at
-Entire raid should back off the snake to avoid taking excess damage.

draws power from the crowd
-For those of you who want to avoid Vyzh`dra's AE

1 Mini and 3 Bosses..

Kill a frightened slave, follow emotes more dps/less dps... if you don't kill it, the script will and then the bosses will be more powerful...

After the slave is dead, 4 - a slave and Slave Driver Sedors spawns.. Warrior snag slave driver, SK/Pal/Chanters lock down adds... Raid kills 3 slaves, Mez/Kite the 4th till/if emoted to kill it. If you kill all 4 slaves, anther slave will spawn and rush the raid from the hallway. Kill Slave Driver.

Once the Slave Driver is dead, you can kill the remaining slave.

Kilxev the Brute spawns, follow emotes. When a person gets the rage emote, they must kite till he stops following them.. When the "focus his rage at" emote goes off, the entire raid should hug the outside wall and let the kiter have the center to kite the boss. If you are near the snake during this phase, you will take excess DMG and a KB.

Once the rage snake is dead, Vyzh'dra the Godslayer and 4 A tiger spawns.

Your entire raid should be in the center of the arena. You should have a tank standing in front of the door to snag the the tigers as soon as they come into the arena. If you aren't able to lock them down quickly, they can easily steamroll your entire raid. Use Deflect/Fort and let chanters AE mez them quickly.

It is important that you keep the Boss near the tigers. If anyone is far away from the boss, he HA's you back to him and nukes you for like 50k.

Quickly kill 3 of the tigers and have your chanters chain mez the tiger and have a SK or Pal chain hate the tiger for when mez is broken.

Vyzh'dra has a major AE, Audio Trigger is listed above. When AT goes off, you have a few seconds to get away if you want to avoid taking the 100k or so nuke.

Depending on your raid force, you can finish this a couple of ways.

Option 1-
Burn boss and ignore all emotes, use AE heals to counteract the AE's. Kill any adds that spawn quickly and get loot.

Option 2-
Follow emotes, tank the boss always against a wall, when AE trigger goes off, you can move to opposite side of arena to avoid the AE. Kill slower with no extra adds or AE's and get loot.

Either option is viable, however if you can survive it, I suggest doing Option 1..

Hope this helps someone!