buy food/drink mac?

zdozbou is correct, you can see it in

You could change it to use the stack size, instead of hardcoded to 20 max if stackable.

Current code:
   /if (${Math.Calc[${amount}-${FindItemCount[=${SelectedItem}]}]}<=20) /goto :RegLoop 
   /buyitem ${If[${SelectedItem.Stackable},20,1]} 
   /delay 5 
   /goto :StackLoop

Suggest trying:
   /if (${Math.Calc[${amount}-${FindItemCount[=${SelectedItem}]}]}<=${SelectedItem.StackSize}) /goto :RegLoop 
   /buyitem ${If[${SelectedItem.Stackable},${SelectedItem.StackSize},1]} 
   /delay 5 
   /goto :StackLoop

Not what he wants. But, fair enough. However, in that case, if you are already clicking, why bother with cmd, and just shift buy.

/notify MerchantWnd MW_ItemList listselect ${Window[MerchantWnd].Child[MW_ItemList].List[PUT NAME OF ITEM HERE,2]}

then do /buyitem 100


I admit, I didn't read anything from the posts dated 2016 and prior Lulz.

Coding up a macro to buy food/water wouldn't be hard for me. Likely be easier than reviewing someone elses code, updating it to current available options, and then testing it for functionality etc.

If that is something desired that is.
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