Question Bot for so many minutes then fade, bot again


Premium Member
May 14, 2011
Reaction score
WOuld anyone know the syntax for killing for so much time, like 5 minutes, then /fade, then continue killing again, loop? I've attached the macro I've been using, which auto-invites people in the zone when they send an invite, and kills, goes onto the next mob. No looting. I would like to add in the timer and /fade and have the script continue going.

|#event Backstab "You backstab #1# for #2# points of damage."

sub main
	/declare longKill timer
	/declare curZone string
	/declare notValid string
	/declare npcID int
	/declare i int

	/varset notValid /A cloud of poison/A master tracker/A dire wolf/Lyndra Avenwood/Fedder Galwyn/Norrath`s Keepers Guard/Tatsujiro the Serene/Caridwi/Furious Sentry/The Butler/Velden Dragonbane/Vkjen Thunderslayer/King Tormax/The Avatar of War/a cursed pirate/a sea turtle/Jaques the Infected/a tortured sailor/Smoot/Gordish Frozenheart/Kessdona the Enlightened/Rikkukin the Defender/Gesh`kru/a mature lakeskater/Shade Scrying Crystal/an ice tiger/an ice tiger cub/a warwolf/a dire wolf pup/a flateye ooze/a young lakeskater/a lakeskater/a steadfast servant/zone emoter/Warden Ubaid/Warden Sabola/

	/varset curZone ${Zone}


	/if (${SpawnCount[npc]}>0) {

		/if (!${String[${Zone}].Equal[${curZone}]}) /return

		/for i 1 to ${SpawnCount}
			/vardata npcID NearestSpawn[${i}].ID

			/if ((${npcID}!=${Me.ID}) && (${Spawn[${npcID}].Type.Equal[NPC]})) {
				/if ((${notValid.Find[/${Spawn[${npcID}].CleanName}/]}==NULL) && (${Spawn[${npcID}].CleanName.Length}>0)) {
					/target id ${npcID}

					/if (!${longKill}) {
						/call warpTarget 0
					} else {
						/call warpTarget 1


					/target clear
					/delay 5
					/delay 5
					/target id ${npcID}
					/delay 1s ${Target.Distance}<10
					/stick 7 moveback
					/attack on

					/varset longKill 5s


					/face fast nolook


					/if (${String[${Me.Class}].Equal[Rogue]}) {
						/if (${Me.AbilityReady[Backstab]}) /doability Backstab
						/if (${String[${Me.Song[Thief's Eyes]}].Equal[NULL]}) 						/doability "Thief's Eyes"
					/if (${String[${Me.Class}].Equal[Druid]}) {
						/casting "Galatine"
						/delay 4
					/if ((${Target.Type.Equal[CORPSE]}) || (!${longKill})) /target clear
					/if (${Target.Distance}>50) /call warpTarget 0

					/if (${Target.ID}==${npcID}) /goto :WaitForDead

					/goto :NextSpawn
		/next i

	/delay 5s

	/goto :WaitForRespawns

sub warpTarget(boolWithDistance)
	/if (${boolWithDistance}) {
		/warp loc ${Math.Calc[${Target.Y}-2]} ${Math.Calc[${Target.X}-2]} ${Target.Z}
	} else {
		/warp target