Bolstered Belt of Boromas


Aug 20, 2007
Reaction score
I'd like to get some insight into this item before I consider spending 4-5m plat for one on FV.

The proc is a slow, up to 70%. That's comparable to the enchanter slow and my group usually has a warrior and the enchanter. The difference is the enchanter's spell also reduces a lot of the mob's stats substantially. On the other hand a slow arising from a proc off the warrior might land quicker, will build aggro against the warrior (where I want it) and save the enchanter from getting it. At the least it gives me double the chances of landing a slow quickly.

Lucy's STACKING info shows the two don't stack, which makes sense, but do they overwrite each other? Otherwise if tendon slice lands first, the enchanter's slow, with its extra debuff components, might not be able to land?

Has anyone played with this item and can give me some insight into it?

I do sometimes just molo or duo with the warrior so in those situations having a slow proc available would be great. But not sure it's 5milpp worth of greatness.
its a great item if you like to pull trains of mobs like i do =P
So the slow procs off your riposte and that's why for trains of mobs it's very useful?