Bind Wound Crack?


Mar 10, 2008
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I was wondering if there was a docrack or something similar to alcohol tolerance or lockpick skill.

Which would allow bind wound at 100% health and possibly insta-refresh the ability to use again immediately.

chain bind wound to max health instantly w no refresh, keep dreaming :)
True that.
I am more leaning to a faster way to max out the skill.
As with spells, i believe that the hp check on that is server side, thus no bypass. What I have seen people do is get dotted while in guild hall (their own dots), (or warlords tenacity for warriors) and get the hp drain just right so they can keep bindwound. i imagine you could /duel for dots as well, or have a pet hitting you for semi constant damage amounts. could do a script to back it out if you get below x %.
find really hot effective lava , did that myself yrs ago cant remember what lava spots i used
Get a Berserker friend to help. They can self damage themselves at will.
Thanks for the ideas, I'll have to decide on a good strat for this bind wound thingie.