Bard AFK Macro Walthrough 1/18/08 (70-75 added)


New member
Jul 19, 2007
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Sub Main  

/call GM
/if (${Target.Level}>##) /tar npc next
/if (${Target.Distance}>220) /target clear 
/if (${Target.ID}==FALSE) /tar NPC radius 220   
/if (${Me.PctHPs}<=45) /potionbelt Activate 1
/if (${Me.PctHPs}<=70) /potionbelt Activate 2
/delay 10  
/goto :loopstart  

 Sub GM  
/if (${Spawn[gm].ID}) {

If you want, add GM checks, player checks, named spawn checks.

Replace the ## sings with the highest level mob you want to target and kill. When in plane of Valor, use 61 as your highest level mob because the Vassal's do not go any higher than that, but the name that summons, does.

I prefer undead zones, or a zone where your camp will always have at least two mobs in it at a time so they do not run.

Good luck following my guide, and good luck with leveling your bard.


If you find or come across any other zones, please let me know.

===================== UPDATES =====================

Added potion belt check to Macro
Added GM Check to Macro

Added 70-75 kiting zone (Instanced)
Added new Hot Zones from October
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This walkthrough is advised to be used with a simple targeting Macro, MQ2MoveUtils, and MQ2Twist.

I recommend using any one of these zones for you level range.

Set up your camp spot, and follow my guide (The lowest level you can use this macro is 12) and I don't recommend going any lower than 12. Use your level 12 Direct Damage song and have this loaded;

1 - Brusco's Boastful Bellow
2 - Selo's Accelerando

Type /twist 1 1 1 2 after activating your target macro and set up your circle.

After you start to get more Direct Damage and Damage Over Time songs, then you can slide those in to create more damage and decrease your killing time.


Things I found useful and needed:

Unfortunately if you go to certain zones you can’t use Selo’s as much as you would like to, but the good news is at 25 you can buy the Indoor Selo’s in the bazaar or if you have a toon or friend with LDoN points, go (or have them go) purchase it from the vendor.

Selo's Songs

Level 5
Selo's Accelerando
Level 25
Selo's Rhythm of Speed Indoor Selo's
Level 49
Selo's Accelerating Chorus
Level 51
Selo's Song of Travel

I prefer to use a Drum Mod that is decent so your Damage Over Time's will hit for more, Selo's will run faster and so on.


Level 1+
Thunderous Drums of Karana
Level 48+
Blackfeather War Drum

Direct Damage Songs

Level 12
Brusco's Boastful Bellow
Level 18
Denon's Disruptive Discord

Damage Over Time Songs

Level 30
Fufil's Curtailing Chant
Level 38
Song: Tuyen's Chant of Flame
Level 42
Tuyen's Chant of Disease
Level 46
Tuyen's Chant of Frost
Level 50
Tuyen's Chant of Poison
Level 61
Tuyen's Chant of the Plague
Level 62
Tuyen's Chant of Venom
Level 62
Tuyen's Chant of Ice
Level 65
Tuyen's Chant of Fire

Hot Spots! (Adventure with Bonus XP!)

As of April 18, 2007 – Hotzones are currently;

As of October 30, 2007, the hot zones are:
* Level 20: Castle of Mistmoore
* Level 25: Permafrost
* Level 30: Trakanon's Teeth
* Level 35: Warsliks Woods
* Level 40: Dawnshroud Peaks
* Level 45: Velketor's Labyrinth
* Level 50: The Deep
* Level 55: Temple of Droga
* Level 60: Nobles' Causeway
* Level 65: Halls of Honor

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Detailed Zone Analysis:

XP: Rate of Experience in general.

Level of Detection: Player detection meter.

Travel: How to get to the zone (starting always from Plane of Knowledge).

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Levels 1-15
Glooming Deep Mines or Starting City(Rec. 1) – Depending on your style you can use either of these magnificent zones. You can explore your starting zone or some buffed up place that gives you easy quests for gear. Your choice really.
Experience: Depending on twinking, and where you hunt in these zones, the experience should fly from 1-4 pretty quick. I would stay until 8 (obviously moving to other higher camps)
Travel: Should be either the first or second zone you have to go to, depending on choice.

Field of Bone, Crushbone, Kurns Tower(Rec. 8) - Basically you can use any secondary starting city branched zone to get your experience here. Just find out where you need to go next or visit some of these friendly zones. You should group or solo here until you reach about 12-15 depending on your playing skill/class/twinking.
Experience: It isn’t what you would consider rocking, but it gets the job done.
Travel: Depending on your starting zone or which zone you pick.

Levels 15-25
Paludal Caverns (Rec. 15) – Paludal Caverns will be one of your main zones ranging from levels 4-25, or even higher. The bot may not be as effective in here as you wish, but the experience will be well worth it, even in a group.
Experience: Should be very good experience, the zone should be an in and out one.
Travel: Plane of Knowledge > Nexus > Shadow Haven > Paludal Caverns

Netherbian Lair (Rec. 20) – Netherbian Lair is a hotzone right now, so it's increased in experience. Try grabbing a group here or powerleveling your bard up to level.
Experience: Should be very good experience, the zone is considered Hot!
Travel: Plane of Knowledge > Nexus > Netherbian Lair

**I would not recommend kiting in these first few zones until you hit 25. Group or get PowerLeveled.**

Levels 25-35
Crypt of Dalnir (Rec. 25) – Hot Zone! Should be awesome experience and you should be thrilled with the experience bonus you gain. The fun is just beginning in your adventure to get experience and how far you’ll go to get it. Mobs shouldn’t run unless they are the only one left.
Experience: Should be awesome experience as it is a Hot Zone.
Level of Detection: Fairly decent, it seems to be a highly contested zone. You can catch it on it’s down times or monitor it if you wish to use it.
Travel: Plane of Knowledge > Overthere > Warslisk Woods > Crypt of Dalnir

Unrest (Rec. 30) – What better place than good old Unrest? They’re undead so they won’t run at low health. All the mobs are typically social if I recall, and everything has low hit points as it’s from EQ Classic Zone List. Just set up anywhere there is room in the courtyard and things will agro happily.
Experience: Should be pretty awesome experience, you should do Courtyard and mobs should join in pretty regularly.
Level of Detection: Low
Travel: Plane of Knowledge > Butcherblock > Dragnor’s Cauldron > Unrest

Crystal Caverns (Rec. 35) – I personally like the circular room with the Tentacle Terror looking mobs in it. It’s at the end of the hallway. Great experience, no casters.
Experience: Awesome experience, it’s a Hot Zone and you’re hitting it at a prime time.
Level of Detection: Low
Travel: Plane of Knowledge > Great Divide > Eastern Wastes > Crystal Caverns

Levels 35-50
Iceclad Ocean (Rec. 35) – I would personally camp anywhere in the zone that is suitable for your level. Around Tower of Frozen Shadow (Away from Lozidal spawn point obviously) you should set up camp and catch Dervishes and meow cats.
Experience: It’s another Hot Zone; you should get some good experience.
Level of Detection: Medium
Travel: Plane of Knowledge > Great Divide > Eastern Wastes > Iceclad Ocean

Scarlet Desert (Rec. 40) – Anywhere in the zone would be good experience. Lightcrawler’s can be a pain in this zone as they run a bit faster than most other mobs. If you set up near a campsite of a local tribe, they should be good experience along with everything else that adds in. I would not recommend Sun Revenant’s as their DoT can be pretty fatal to most anyone without a healer/cure.
Experience: Another Hot Zone; you should have fun.
Level of Detection: Medium-Low, It’s not that popular of a zone, and it’s huge.
Travel #1: Plane of Knowledge > Nexus > Netherbian Lair > Dawnshroud Peaks > Grieg’s End > The Scarlet Desert
Travel #2: Plane of Knowledge > Nexus > Shadowhaven > Echo Caverns > Fungus Grove > Twilight Sea > The Scarlet Desert

Burning Woods (Rec. 45) – Try Giant Fort, Hornet Nest, I would avoid Nezekena or the Phurzikon spawn point as they do summon and will eat your babies.
Experience: Hot Zone, again! As long as Phurzi or Nezekina don’t find you and gobble you, you should get very good experience.
Level of Detection: Low
Travel: Plane of Knowledge > Overthere > Skyfire > Burning Woods (Unless they moved the Burning Woods)

Levels 50-65
Dranik’s Scar (Rec. 50) – This zone I have not tested yet, but from a friend I heard the experience is good from level 48-53, which is enough to make the zone worth something at least. The problem is the high traffic it experiences.
Experience: Word of Mouth? Good experience, Hot Zone.
Level of Detection: Medium-High
Travel: Plane of Knowledge > Dranik’s Scar (via Priest of Discord)

Acrylia Cavern’s (Rec. 50) – This is a zone that is being camped off the ass, but you could do the one room on the map with the mobs standing by the lava pit. There are enough there to give you tons of experience. Mobs here cast so that can pose a slight problem.
Experience: Hot Zone, but can also pose problems as for a lot of casting NPC’s.
Level of Detection: Low for my camp, Medium for others.

Plane of Nightmare (Rec. 50) – This is an awesome zone that is hardly camped at all. I used this from 50-55 on my bard. I had the whole zone to myself for 95% of the day and the other half was a couple necromancers at the zone in kiting. Camp the Nightstalker’s past the waterfall.
Experience: Decent, slows down a bit through 54.
Level of Detection: Low for Nightstalkers.
Travel: Plane of Knowledge > Plane of Tranquility > Plane of Nightmare

Plane of Valor (Req. 55) – Undead Vassals, do I need to say more? The best camp in the zone because you can get right past the Skelly house that has no walls (just a frame) and /circle 50 and /twist your songs. No one comes near the skelly houses because they see through invisibility and attack in groups. Give it a try, I know you’ll love it.
Editors Note: **I camped here from 55-65, It may get slow a bit, but it’s damn worth the hard work.**
Experience: Decent, keep in mind hell levels. Sony never removed them, you’ll see.
Level of Detection: Low, people avoid this spot.
Travel: Plane of Knowledge > Plane of Tranquility > Plane of Valor

Where to Kite in Valor
Valor 1
Valor 2
Valor 3

Levels 65-70
Ruined City of Dranik (Rec. 65) – There is a room off to the left side of the zone in. Run through the first room, and then take a left down the tunnel. Then it splits off again and you could possibly do either room, but the Golems and Nocs don't summon or cast. The kills are about the same as Plane of Valor but the mobs are higher level. I believe the ones for this zone are 64 in this room.
Experience: Good experience for the level.
Level of Detection: Low, not a room people camp.
Travel: Plane of Knowledge > (via Priest of Discord)Dranik's Scar > Bloodfields > Ruined City of Dranik.

Levels 70-75
Instance: The Hive: The Lost Gnomes (Recommended level 70.) – Best spot I've found so far to kite 70+ is the lost gnomes instance in Drachnid Hive. Use MQ2Map along with some sort of HUD to identify the casters in the instance, aggro everything else you can safely aggro. Drag all the mobs back to the door. Hit your DA song and /circle 55. Start up the targeting macro from page one and you're gtg for a few hours.

Keep in mind that if you get casters in your kite, it's gonna hurt. They're wizzy's or necros and WILL snare you, and put the hurt on with some mean DD spells. Best to fade off the bunch and try to gather a good clump of non casters.
Experience: Great experience
Level of Detection: Instanced, low detection
Travel: Needs updated: Anyone know all the zones?

Special Thanks to Icasa for 70-75
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This is probably old news, but just incase;

Let me tell you something about powerleveling a bard, whether it's with a ranger, druid, cleric, it's easy.

Make a bard and buy Song: Chords of Dissonance
Get some DS potions.
Log in PL toon. (or shroud to Kobold cleric with your highest toon)
Run to start city and get level 2.
Now start pulling as many mobs as you can handle hitting you without needing heals(loss of agro on bard due to heals) and turn on Song,
Once the song hits all mobs click DS potion
Let them die, probably have to root final mob or chase it for the beat down.

Rinse and repeat this technique
If it becomes difficult, let the PL'ing toon pull mobs and have it use DS potions.
You can do this until 50 while using the HotZones, at 50 head to Plane of Nightmare to kite around.

I powerleveled my bard with my druid in 8 hours to 50.
Skilling up!

Oh the joys!

So after leveling almost 70 some levels and never hitting, being hit few times, and many other things, I am sure your skills are feeling it.


Offensive Skilling - Basically just take your every day group and have at those mobs, I recommend skilling up your instruments so you're semi useful to a group.

Defense Skilling - I would recommend going to a zone where the mobs are low, they don't hit hard, and you still get experience from the mobs. Just let them hit you, beat on you, pull some if you want to clear for a named, and just spend some time taking some hits. Defense is the hardest thing to skill up in my opinion.


Safe Fall - Fallen and you can't get up cause you just took 20k damage because of your lack of Safe Fall? I was screwing around on my druid and I had Flight of Eagles on myself and found that if I swam straight at the ground (guessing with a swimming skill of at least 150+) I would take 2-3 damage hitting the ground. I figured that if I had my bard there I could just continually hit the bottom of the water body and skill up quickly.


Swimming - Just go to any low population zone and /circle 10 in the water, you can do that or just find your own way. Make sure you buy an EB item!

Fishbone Earring
Amulet of the Grey
Shissar Eye Earring
Lodizal Shell Shield
Knotted Turtlebone Ring


Brass Instruments - Zone into Netherbian Lair, and run to the corner in the first rocky corridor you are in. Play your fear songs, I personally at 62 used Angstlich's Echo of Terror bought via DoN vendor iirc, and play that in the corner. Nothing should aggro you. At 67 you get Angstlich's Wail of Pain and you can play that in the same spot overnight to get that skilled up.


Percussion Instruments - Should be done already from all of the DoT's and Selo's you have sung over the levels. So this should not be a problem, if it is, then play your highest Selo's song until you get up there.


Wind Instruments - Personally, just go to a zone with non-KoS mobs and low traffic like Twilight Sea and play your mez songs that are Wind Based songs like your 62 song Dreams of Thule , or your 70 song Vulka's Lullabye. If you don't like that idea, you can always wait until 69 and camp out in Guildlobby and play Verse of Vesagran. Oh yes, and there is your level 19 invis song Sharui's Sonorous Clouding which can be used early on, if it matter to you, or your 34 song Lyssa's Solidarity of Vision.


Stringed Instruments - Any of your Regen spells will work to get this up, and I would reccomend using your highest songs for any of these.

If I find any new and exciting ways to skill up skills, I will let you know.


Basically you just load the plugin. For most zones I found an open area without ledges, trees and walls. I would just use /circle 50-60 depending on the mobs melee range and how fast they run.

Running in straight lines?

I use to have a problem with my bard running in a straight line and end up training about 30 mobs across the zone and dying. I found that if you bring up the map and look at the ground, it decreases the chance of you dying from graphical lag.

Still having problems in Valor? Check out these quick fixes.

Are you looking at the ground with the map open?
Are you starting your circle in the spot I was showing you?
Do you have healing potions in your belt?
Do you have Selo's on when you start?
Are you using Selo's Accelerating Chorus?
Are you using IVU potions before you get to the mobs?
Are you running in a straight line?
Are your songs in the right order?
Is MQ2Twist skipping songs?
Did you try /twist 1 5 2 5 3 5 4 5 ?

Let me know if any other problems occur
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This walkthrough is advised to be used with a simple targeting Macro, MQ2MoveUtils, and MQ2Twist.

where can i get a simple targeting macro from? im not sure what to do with the post above or where to add it or anything.
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My first post, the code that is in the code box would be the simple targeting macro.

Just follow these simple directions to make yourself a happy macroer.

1.) Copy what is inside the Code Box.
2.) Open up your MQ2 > Macros Folder.
3.) Right click a blank spot and go to new.
4.) Create New Macpaint Image
5.) Open and paste above code.
6.) Save as whatever you want to call it.
7.) Ingame type /mac *macroname* and have fun and follow the rest of my directions.
Nice write up. Will be watching to see where this goes.
You might want to go into more detail on setting up /circle command lots of people used to have issues with that function.
id like to see the macro myself hehe .. i only see 10 lines of code total on my end

i tried to set up circles but it was pretty dificult i tried /circle on 75 /circle <x> <y> /circle save /circle unpause but was hard to get the mobs in the to follow my path and they kept killing me died 4 times before i gave up on it for the day.
Hah, that is the macro. Everything is done with /twist and /circle on.
The guide is mine, the macro I used is just simple basics, if you want to buff up the code then do that. I am not a macro writer, I just do things so they work.

The best way to set up kiting is to IVU or Invis depending on the mobs, and get to your place and start your /circle. Once you start it, then activate the targeting macro. After all that, then /twist your songs and off you go. I do not recommend starting the Circle with mobs trailing on you, as you need to be at a complete stop.
I'm having some difficulties with my bard... I load up the MQ2Twist, and MQ2Moveutils... start the target macro.. start the /circle on 75 and immediately start running in a straight line like some lunatic with a massive train like I never had since I was a n00b in Karnors!!

What the heck am I doing wrong and how can I fix it?

BTW, I also died 4 times doing this :rolleyes:
Check out the Frequently Asked Questions section.

Marburyisgod said:


Basically you just load the plugin. For most zones I found an open area without ledges, trees and walls. I would just use /circle 50-60 depending on the mobs melee range and how fast they run.

Running in straight lines?

I use to have a problem with my bard running in a straight line and end up training about 30 mobs across the zone and dying. I found that if you bring up the map and look at the ground, it decreases the chance of you dying from graphical lag.
Will you post a screenshot in PoV where to start kiting? i kited a vassal but it only used 2 dots, the 3rd always couldnt see target
You most definately could. What I would recommend even more is the C1 camp, or something like that, where there are more mobs. The tables could obstruct your view. I don't know of a sure spot to kite, I don't have access on my bard so I don't have any experience on that zone.

If you give me feedback, I will surely add it.